1、“520”有渴望被表白的嘛? Does "520" have any desire to be confessed?

2、一路上有你,苦一点也愿意。 I'd like to have you all the way.

3、不顾一切,去拥抱A世界。 Desperate to embrace your world.

4、世人如书,我偏爱你这一句。 People are like books. I prefer you.

5、世界的真爱有如流水一般! The true love of the world is like flowing water!

6、亲爱的,别再执迷不悔了。 Honey, don't be stubborn.

7、从此山水不相识,你我不相见。 Since then, I have never met you.

8、但很悲哀的,在现实生活中。 But it's sad, in real life.

9、但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together..

10、你不在对岸,我也不够勇敢。 I'm not brave enough if you're not on the other side.

11、你之所在,便是我心归处。 Where you are, is where my heart is.

12、你手中的油纸伞,你的笑颜。 Oil paper umbrella in your hand, your smile.

13、你抱着别人笑,我抱着自己哭。 You hold others to laugh, I hold myself to cry.

14、倾尽所有,只为你的回眸。 All for you.

15、别跟我虚伪,我懒得敷衍! Don't be hypocritical to me, I don't care!

16、原来幸福的名字,就叫做安心。 The original name of happiness is peace of mind.

17、后来的相遇,没有来得及。 Later encounter, did not have time.

18、哭过之后,把从前一笔消除。 After crying, eliminate the previous one.

19、回忆撕扯着我,挥之不去。 Memories are tearing me up and lingering.

20、天使的爱恋童话,永恒的记忆。 Angel's love fairy tale, eternal memory.

21、失望攒够了,我在原地攒绝望。 Disappointment is enough, I am in place to save despair.

22、如何掉眼泪,自知身份都不对。 How to shed tears, self-knowledge of identity is not right.

23、对我漠不关心又何必在一起。 If you don't care about me, why should we be together.

24、巧克力,还有九十八次想你。 Chocolate, I miss you ninety-eight times.

25、平凡中的陪伴,最温暖。 Ordinary company, the most warm.

26、弹指一挥间,你竟已遥远。 With a flick of your finger, you are far away.

27、心有千千结,只有你能解。 Heart has thousands of knots, only you can solve.

28、情愿离开你,也不让你喊痛。 Willing to leave you, also do not let you cry pain.

29、我们的爱情,已悄悄走远。 Our love has gone away quietly.

30、我心疼为男人伤心流泪的女孩。 I love the girl who tears for the man.

31、我怀念我们一起的小时光。 I miss our little time together.

32、我想你是我最后一个爱人了。 I think you are my last love.

33、我想做个梦,梦里有你,有我。 I want to have a dream with you and me in my dream.

34、我执你之手,与你共白头。 I hold your hand and share my head with you.

35、我拿你当命,你拿我当草。 I take you as my life, you take me as grass.

36、我明白你会来,所以我等。 I understand you'll come, so I'll wait.

37、我此前信爱,今后唯独信你。 I used to believe in love, but I will only trust you in the future.

38、我比你想象中的更爱你。 I love you more than you think.

39、我爱你,三句太长,一生嫌短。 I love you, three too long, too short life.

40、我的爱情,最终只剩你的背影。 My love, finally only your back.

41、我要、花朵似的去呵护你。 I want to take care of you like a flower.

42、我要高冷,然后只暖你一个人。 I want to be cold and warm you alone.

43、日久生情,才是真的缘份。 Love is the real fate.

44、是否勇于接受一生就你和我。 Whether you have the courage to accept the whole life of you and me.

45、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 With you, darkness is no longer darkness.

46、没有可不可以,只有愿不愿意。 There is no choice but to be willing or not.

47、爱人和失去,心情和担当。 Love and loss, mood and responsibility.

48、爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心! Love you, hidden in my heart, warm in your heart!

49、爱情来的太快,就像龙卷风。 Love comes too fast, like a tornado.

50、爱情这只小船,只允二人游。 Love this boat, only allow two people to swim.

51、爱,或者被爱,都不如相爱。 Love, or be loved, is better than love.

52、男神终于愿意屈尊降贵了。 Finally, the God of God is willing to condescend to the throne.

53、疯狂的想念,哪里都是你。 Crazy miss, where are you.

54、相聚爱益切,离别情更深。 The love of reunion is more intense, and the feeling of parting is deeper.

55、繁华往事,续写一别两宽。 Prosperous past, continue to write a different two wide.

56、红尘万丈,只为渡你而来。 The world of mortals is just for you.

57、藏着唯一的错,藏着失去的真。 Hiding the only mistake, hiding the lost truth.

58、记忆,是一个人的感恩。 Memory is a person's gratitude.

59、距离让爱情,成为了一个长跑。 Distance makes love a long run.

60、陪她外出散心,顺便加深感情。 Go out with her to relax and deepen her feelings.