1、不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 If you don't know what sadness is, you won't really appreciate happiness.

2、为你哭到没有泪,才明白爱你我触犯了死罪。 Cry for you until there is no tears, then understand that I love you, I committed a capital crime.

3、亲爱的,你慢慢飞,小心摔一跤,我可不负责。 Honey, you fly slowly. I'm not responsible for your fall.

4、以友谊的名义爱着,所以必须学会忍耐。 Love in the name of friendship, so we must learn to be patient.

5、以后,你会牵着谁的手,哼着怎样的歌。 In the future, you will hold whose hand, humming what kind of song.

6、但愿你是我最美的风景,我是你久等的归人。 I hope you are my most beautiful scenery, I am your long waiting for home.

7、你别在我面前说爱我,又在我面前说爱她,好么? Don't say you love me in front of me and say you love her in front of me, OK?

8、你在的时候,你是一切。你不在的时候,一切是你。 When you are here, you are everything. When you're away, it's all about you.

9、你就是我心中的那首忐忑,总是让我惊心动魄。 You are the song in my heart, always let me thrill.

10、你是我爱错的人,因为你微笑的魔力难以抗拒。 You are the one I love wrong, because the magic of your smile is irresistible.

11、你永远不懂我伤悲,好像大奶妹不懂B罩杯。 You will never understand my sadness, as if the big milk sister does not understand the B cup.

12、其实你不比她好多少,只是你善于伪装你腹黑的心。 In fact, you are not much better than her, but you are good at camouflage your heart.

13、别因为知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。 Don't hang me there just because you know I'll wait for you.

14、别把人看的太透伤心,别把事看的太透伤神。 Don't look at people too sad, don't see things too sad.

15、前尘往事兵荒马乱,我背负着爱,踉跄而来。 In the past, the war was in chaos, and I came staggering with love on my back.

16、半夏锦年、流逝青春哀伤,看不见的过眼云烟。 Pinellia brocade year, the passage of youth sadness, invisible clouds.

17、即使重新来过,我还是会选择遇见你。 Even if I start over again, I will choose to meet you.

18、因为你、我相信真爱。因为你、我相信永远。 Because of you, I believe in true love. Because of you, I believe forever.

19、多陪陪女朋友,她没有篮球,没有游戏,只有你。 Accompany your girlfriend more, she has no basketball, no games, only you.

20、天涯以外有人在等待,路途遥远别不回来! There are people waiting outside the horizon, the road is far away, don't come back!

21、如果你会游泳的话,那就可以在我的爱河里畅游了。 If you can swim, you can swim in my love river.

22、如果没有爱情,再好的生活我也不要。 If there is no love, no matter how good life I don't want.

23、如果能爱,就要爱个够,一起爱到世界尽头也不够。 If you can love, you have to love enough. It's not enough to love to the end of the world.

24、孤寂的街道,诉说着我的不甘与寂寞。 The lonely street tells me my unwillingness and loneliness.

25、当我词穷的时候,你的束缚便早已放开,消逝而去。 When I was poor in words, your bondage would have been released and gone.

26、想用尽余生和你一起去看看永远的样子。 Want to spend the rest of my life with you to see forever.

27、感情这回事,不负彼此就好,想要不负此生,太难。 Feelings of this matter, do not live up to each other, want to live up to this life, too difficult.

28、感谢时光,带走了那么多东西,却为我留下了你。 Thanks for the time, took so many things, but left you for me.

29、我们泪流满面,步步回头,可是只能向前走。 We were tearful and turned back step by step, but we could only move forward.

30、我们的回忆没有褶皱,你却用离开烫下句点。 Our memories do not fold, but you use to leave the end.

31、我只需要平平淡淡,繁华只会迷乱我的眼。 I just need plain light, prosperous will only confuse my eyes.

32、我怕记不起后的某天再犯,那会伤的更痛。 I'm afraid I can't remember to make it again one day later. It will hurt more.

33、我想变成一只鸽子,可以简简单单,只会飞翔就好。 I want to become a pigeon, can be simple, only can fly good.

34、我愿以朋友之名,深爱,占有,不分手。 I would like to be a friend, deep love, possession, not break up.

35、我懂了,你是不爱我的,不该再浪费力气了。 I see. You don't love me. You shouldn't waste your energy.

36、我早上醒来的原因有两个,闹钟和你。 There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning, the alarm clock and you.

37、我用我一生来赌,你一定不要让我输。 I'll gamble with my whole life. You must not let me lose.

38、我说过要保护你,要包容你的坏坏脾气。 I said to protect you, to tolerate your bad temper.

39、把别人的签名下来。不是为了抄袭,而是感同身受。 Sign someone else's signature. It's not about plagiarism.

40、把对你的喜欢藏起来,不再招摇过市了。 Hide my love for you and stop showing off.

41、无聊的时候,最喜欢做的事就是发呆。 When bored, the most favorite thing to do is to be in a daze.

42、时间会替你筛选出那些真正属于你身边的人。 Time will screen out those who really belong to you.

43、是你让我痛彻心扉,所以我要让你撕心裂肺。 It's you who make me hurt, so I'm going to let you rip your heart.

44、是要有多傻,多白痴,才能在痛过以后笑着原谅。 Is to have how stupid, how idiotic, in order to laugh after the pain forgive.

45、最失败的听众是,人家随便说,你却当真了。 The most unsuccessful audience is that when people say it casually, you take it seriously.

46、有些淡漠了哀伤,于是疼痛就成了过往。 Some indifference to grief, so the pain has become the past.

47、有些痛,说不出来。只能忍着,直到能够慢慢淡忘。 Some pain, can't say. Can only bear, until can slowly forget.

48、有梦就去追吧,与其不做后悔,不如做了再后悔。 If you have a dream, you'd better regret it if you don't regret it.

49、每次觉得自己很漂亮的时候,就特别想要遇见你。 Every time I feel beautiful, I want to meet you.

50、爱你一生伴你一世,你的心跳只有我听得到。 I love you and accompany you all my life. Only I can hear your heartbeat.

51、爱你就算会经历暴风雨,还是不离不弃陪着你。 Love you even if you will experience the storm, or stay with you.

52、爱情就是这样,先让人红了脸,再让人红了眼。 Love is like this, first let people red face, then let people red eyes.

53、爱情演变的如此失败,只留下那深深的无奈。 Love evolution of such a failure, leaving only that deep helpless.

54、爱情若没有火花,至少了解后懂得放下。 Love if there is no spark, at least know how to put it down after understanding.

55、爱是天时地利的迷信,因为你也在这里。 Love is a superstition at the right time, because you are here.

56、现在所有的不快乐,都将是将来你快乐的源泉。 All the unhappiness now will be the source of your happiness in the future.

57、男人永远拒绝不了新欢,女人永远忘不了旧爱。 Men can never refuse new lovers, women can never forget old love.

58、简简单单的两个字,让人看不透,让人沉沦。 Simple two words, people can not see through, let people sink.

59、要不别开始,要不就别等我爱上你以后才说不合适。 Either don't start, or don't wait for me to fall in love with you.

60、谈恋爱是一件麻烦的事,可我偏偏就喜欢找麻烦。 Falling in love is a troublesome thing, but I like trouble.