1、一个幸福的晚年的秘诀不是别的,而是与孤寂签订一个体面的协定。 The secret of a happy old age is nothing else but a decent agreement with loneliness.

2、一如既往坚定忠诚,当初怎样为胜利而战,如今便怎样为失败而战。 As always, we should be firm and loyal. How we fought for victory, now we will fight for defeat.

3、不要恳求任何人,不要在别人面前卑躬屈节。你就当别人早就把我枪毙了。 Don't beg anyone. Don't kowtow in front of others. You just think that someone else shot me.

4、乌尔苏拉这时才明白他生活在一个比自己眼前更幽深的黑暗世界,和他曾祖父的世界一样牢不可破,孤寂无伴。 Ursula realized that he lived in a dark world deeper than his own eyes, as unbreakable and lonely as his great grandfather's.

5、事实上,死亡跟他没什么关系,生命才对他有意义。 In fact, death has nothing to do with him. Life is what makes sense to him.

6、从前上帝不骗人的时候,一切都是不同的。现在呢,不仅孩子们长的很快,甚至人的感觉也不象以前那样了。 Once upon a time when God didn't cheat, everything was different. Now, not only do children grow up very fast, but also people's feeling is not like before.

7、他们只会把时间用来欣赏自己肮脏的肚脐眼,然后恬不知耻地要求别人把百灵鸟的心肝给他们送上桌子。 They just spend their time admiring their dirty navels, and then shamelessly ask others to give them the lark's heart on the table.

8、他们或因饥饿而死,或怀着一腔怒火苟活或在精致的荣誉粪堆中衰老腐烂。 They die of starvation, they live with anger, they age and rot in the dunghill of fine honor.

9、他渴望孤独,对整个世界的怨恨咬噬着他的心。 He longed for solitude, and his resentment of the whole world gnawed at his heart.

10、你想做什么蠢事就做吧,而我想说什么蠢话就说吧。 Do whatever you want to be stupid, and I'll say what I want to say.

11、像梦游人一般穿过阴惨的世界,肺叶间满溢令人窒息的鲜血的味道。 Like a dreamer through the gloomy world, the lungs are filled with the smell of suffocating blood.

12、其实他在意的不是死亡而是生命,因此听到死刑判决时,他心中没有恐惧只有留恋。 In fact, what he cared about was not death but life, so when he heard the death sentence, he had no fear but nostalgia.

13、只是觉得人的内心苦楚无法言说,人的很多举措无可奈何,百年一参透,百年一孤寂。 I just feel that people's inner pain can't be expressed, and many of people's actions can't be done. One hundred years of understanding, one hundred years of loneliness.

14、在这潮湿寂静、远在原罪之先就已存在的天堂里,远征队的人们被最古老的回忆压得喘不过气来。 In this moist, silent paradise that existed long before sin, the expeditionary men were overwhelmed by the oldest memories.

15、地球是圆的,就像橙子一样! The earth is round, like an orange!

16、多年以后,奥雷连诺上校站在行刑队面前,准会想起父亲带他去参观冰块的那个遥远的下午。 Many years later, when Colonel oreliano stood in front of the firing squad, he would remember the distant afternoon when his father took him to visit the ice.

17、她辛苦多年忍受折磨好不容易赢得的孤独特权,绝不肯用来换取一个被虚假迷人的怜悯打扰的晚年。 The privilege of loneliness, which she had worked so hard to win, would never be used for an old age disturbed by false and charming pity.

18、当初如何为失败而战,如今便如何为胜利而战。 How to fight for defeat at the beginning, how to fight for victory now.

19、总之,一切,上帝以无边美意所创造,又被魔鬼所败坏的一切,都是他恐惧的对象。 In a word, everything that God created with boundless beauty and destroyed by the devil is the object of his fear.

20、我们打了这么多年仗,一切只不过是为了别把我们的房子涂成蓝色。 We've been fighting for so many years, it's just to stop painting our house blue.

21、我确实一度死去,但难以忍受孤独又重返人世。 I did die for a time, but I couldn't bear to be alone again.

22、战争已经被扔进了存放悲惨记忆的高阁,它仅仅在开启香槟酒的砰砰爆气里被偶尔提到。 War has been thrown into the attic of tragic memories, only occasionally mentioned in the pop of champagne.

23、无法忍受恐惧和迷乱的渴望,渴望逃走,又渴望永远留在这恼人的静寂和可怖的孤独中。 Unable to bear the fear and confusion of the desire to escape, but also the desire to stay forever in this annoying silence and terrible loneliness.

24、无论他们到什么地方去,都应该记住回忆是一条不归路。一切以往的春天已不复返!那狂乱而又坚韧的爱情不过是瞬间即逝的现实罢了。 No matter where they go, they should remember that memory is a way of no return. All the past spring is gone! The wild and tough love is just a fleeting reality.

25、既然除了看雨无事可做,那么将时光分为年月,将日子分为终点都终归是徒劳。 Since there is nothing to do but watch the rain, it is futile to divide time into years and days into ends.

26、时间在自己的运动中也会碰到挫折,遇到障碍,所以某一段时间也会滞留在哪一个房间里。 Time in their own movement will also encounter setbacks, obstacles, so a certain period of time will be stranded in which room.

27、时间过得很快,话是没错,可也没那么快。 Time flies, yes, but not so fast.

28、有的人想睡觉,但不是因为困倦,而是出于对睡觉的怀念。 Some people want to sleep, but not because of sleepiness, but out of the nostalgia for sleep.

29、死亡是一面镜子,反射出生命在它面前做的各种徒劳的姿态。 Death is a mirror, reflecting the futility of life in front of it.

30、死亡跟他没有什么关系,而生命对他才有意义。 Death has nothing to do with him, but life means something to him.

31、死神一直追随他的脚步,嗅闻他的行踪,但尚未下定决心,给他最后一击。 Death has been following his footsteps, sniffing his tracks, but not yet determined to give him a final blow.

32、没关系,最要紧的是不要迷失方向。 It doesn't matter. The most important thing is not to get lost.

33、生命中所有的灿烂,终要寂寞偿还。 All the splendor in life must be paid back by loneliness.

34、生命中曾经有过的所有喧嚣,都将用寂寞来偿还。 All the noise in life will be paid back with loneliness.

35、谎言说得越来越真诚,最后连她自己也从中得到了安慰。 The lie became more and more sincere, and finally even she got comfort from it.

36、轻轻一推,铰链发出一阵忧伤的,断断续续的呻吟,这响声在他心中引起了冰冷的回响。 With a slight push, the hinge let out a sad, intermittent groan, which caused a cold echo in his heart.

37、过去都是假的,回忆没有归路,春天总是一去不返,最疯狂执着的爱情也终究是过眼云烟。 The past is false, memories have no way back, spring is always gone, the most crazy persistent love is also gone.

38、远征者们在船内仔细探查,却发现里面空无一物,只见一座鲜花丛林密密层层地盛开。 The explorers explored the ship carefully, but found that there was nothing inside, only a forest of flowers in full bloom.

39、预感总是倏然来临,灵光一现,好像一种确凿无疑的信念在瞬间萌生却无从捕捉。 Premonition always comes in a flash. It is like a certain belief that can't be captured in an instant.