1、不严格把关,难出优质产品。   No strict checks, no quality products.   

2、与君共创,尚品天下。   Together with the king, we are still in the world.   

3、为推而销,为售而卖。   Sell for promotion and sell for sale.   

4、事成于和睦,力生于团结。   Things come from harmony, and strength comes from unity.   

5、产品严格检验,质量自然更好。   The product is strictly tested and the quality is better.   

6、人之所以能,是相信能。   People can believe that they can.   

7、做人诚实信用,做单精明干练。   To be honest and honest, to be single headed and capable.   

8、做无差错能手,向零缺陷迈进。   Be an error free expert and move towards zero defect.   

9、全力以赴,掌声响起。   All in all, applause broke out.   

10、创新思维,燃烧激情。   Innovative thinking, burning passion.   

11、努力造就实力,态度决定高度。   Efforts to build strength, attitude determines height.   

12、励志团队英语口号   风雨同路,别树一帜,我们携手,别树一帜。下面是关于励志团队英语口号的内容,欢迎阅读!   

13、博观约取,厚积博发。   Bo Guan takes a lot.   

14、同心协力,争创第一。   Make concerted efforts to win the first prize.   

15、因为自信,所以出单。   Because self-confidence, so make a list.   

16、团结一心,其利断金。   Solidarity is the key to success.   

17、团结一条心,石头变成金。   In unity there is strength.   

18、团结一致,再创佳绩。   Solidarity and success.   

19、团结共进,众志成城。   Solidarity and unity, unity of strength.   

20、坚信自我,坚信伙伴。   Believe in yourself and trust your partner.   

21、坚持不懈,直到成功。   Persist until you succeed.   

22、壮志在我胸,凌云亮剑锋。   Lofty ambition in my chest, Ling Yun Liang Jian Feng.   

23、夫妇一条心,泥土变黄金。   A couple of hearts, the soil becomes gold.   

24、强化竞争意识,营造团队精神。   Strengthen the sense of competition and create team spirit.   

25、微笑有亲和力,团结有凝聚力。   Smile has affinity, solidarity and cohesiveness.   

26、心中有情,客户有心。   In the heart, the client has a heart.   

27、快乐奋斗,展示精彩。   Happy struggle, show wonderful.   

28、性格影响心志,心态决定成败。   Character affects mind and mind decides success or failure.   

29、成功决不容易,还加倍努力。   Success is not easy, but it is also redoubled.   

30、成就团队辉煌,助我人生成长。   The achievement of team brilliance helps my life grow.   

31、成就自己,服务世界。   Make yourself and serve the world.   

32、扬理想之风帆,抵成功之彼岸。   Sail the ideal sailing to the shore of success.   

33、挑战每一天,精彩无极限。   Challenge every day. There is no limit to excellence.   

34、挥洒斗志,成就梦想。   Fight your dreams and achieve your dreams.   

35、放飞梦想,造就辉煌人生。   Flying dreams, creating brilliant life.   

36、有一分耕耘,就有一分收获。   If you work hard, you get a harvest.   

37、有梦就追,有路就闯。   When you dream, you chase.   

38、服务只有起点,满意没有终点。   Service is only a starting point, and there is no end to satisfaction.   

39、正因自信,因此成功。   Because of self-confidence, success is achieved.   

40、永不言退,我们是最好团队。   Never say die, we are the best team.   

41、永不言退,我们是最好的团队。   Never say die, we are the best team.   

42、没有任何借口,顽强的执行力。   No excuses, stubborn execution.   

43、激发工作激情,博取人生精彩。   Stimulate passion for work and make life wonderful.   

44、激扬青春,励志图强。   Boost youth, inspiring ambition.   

45、点滴努力,方可见证梦想。   Efforts can be made to witness the dream.   

46、用心才能创新,竞争才能发展。   Only by making efforts to innovate can competition develop.   

47、相信自己,相信伙伴。   Believe in yourself and trust your partner.   

48、签单恒久远,续单永流传。   Sign the bill for a long time.   

49、精彩源于自信,创新永无止境。   Excellence comes from self-confidence and innovation is endless.   

50、精心创造完美,合作实现超越。   Meticulously create perfect, cooperate to achieve transcendence.   

51、精诚团结,服务创新。   Solidarity and service innovation.   

52、自信,诚信,用心,创新。   Self confidence, honesty, diligently, and innovation.   

53、要铺垫未来,先改造自己。   To lay a foundation for the future, transform yourself first.   

54、说到不如做到,要做就做最好。   When it comes to doing better than doing, it is best to do it.

55、追求客户满意,是你我的责任。   It is your duty to pursue customer satisfaction.   

56、追求高效,锁定名校。   Pursue high efficiency and lock in famous schools.   

57、销出奇迹,售尽满意。   Miracles are sold and sold satisfactorily.   

58、销售要冲冠,全靠我来创。   The key to sales is to rely on me to create.   

59、需求万变,努力不变。   Demand keeps changing, and efforts remain unchanged.   
