1、一切成功的背后,是积劳成疾的坚持。 Behind all success is perseverance.
2、一定要了解自己产品的特色,在什么地方。 We must understand the characteristics of their products and where they are.
3、一念苦,一念甜,转个念就是希望。 One thought of bitterness, one thought of sweetness, and another thought was hope.
4、一辈子,总要为自己的梦想拼搏一次。 In my whole life, I will fight for my dream once.
5、不开口,没有人知道你想要什么。 Don't talk. No one knows what you want.
6、不想理咱的人,多寂寞咱都不打扰。 Many people don't want to disturb us.
7、不气馁,人生就是永不放弃。只要朝着目标走,我们就在前进。 Don't be discouraged, life is never giving up. As long as we move towards the goal, we are moving forward.
8、不论昨日怎样困苦,总会看见太阳的升起。 No matter how hard it was yesterday, the sun will always rise.
9、与其指望遇到一个谁,不如指望自己能够吸引那样的人。 It's better to expect yourself to attract people like that than to meet someone.
10、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 There are only people who can't think of it in the world. There is no way out.
11、人生的必修课是接受无常,人生的选修课是放下执着。 The compulsory course of life is to accept impermanence, and the optional course of life is to put down persistence.
12、人生的每一笔经历,都在书写你的简历。 Every experience in your life is writing your resume.
13、什么样的出身不重要,重要的是将来成为什么样的人。 What kind of family background is not important, what is important is what kind of person you will become in the future.
14、今天你不用力走,明天就要用力跑。 If you don't walk hard today, run hard tomorrow.
15、从来不跌倒不算光彩,每次跌倒后能再站起来,才是更大的荣耀。 Never falling is disgraceful. It is a greater honor to be able to stand up again after each fall.
16、从来不跌倒不算光彩,每次跌倒后能再站起来,才是最大的荣耀。 Never falling is disgraceful. It is the greatest glory to be able to stand up again after each fall.
17、你必须特别努力,才能显得毫不费力! You have to work hard to be effortless!
18、你想过的那种生活,得自己去挣。 The kind of life you want to live, you have to earn it yourself.
19、你所有的经历,都会成为你的财富。 All your experiences will become your wealth.
20、你比别人多一点坚持,你就会夺取胜利。 If you persist a little more than others, you will win.
21、你的心灵,你的出路,你的坚强在哪里? Your heart, your way out, where is your strength?
22、做事不需人人都理解,只需尽心尽力。 Do not need everyone to understand, just try your best.
23、做事不需要人人都理解,但你要尽心尽力。 You don't need everyone to understand, but you have to do your best.
24、全员齐动,风起云涌,每日拜访,铭记心中。 The whole staff moved together, and the wind and clouds were surging. They visited every day and kept in mind.
25、再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.
26、别害怕梦想和现实的距离。只有想不到的,没有你做不到。 Don't be afraid of the distance between dream and reality. Only unexpected, without you can't do.
27、努力是一种生活态度,与年龄无关。 Effort is an attitude to life, and it has nothing to do with age.
28、只有尽全力,才能迎来美好的明天! Only do our best to usher in a better tomorrow!
29、增员增贤增人气,经营发展促业绩。 Increase staff, increase talents, increase popularity, and promote performance through business development.
30、天上不会掉馅饼,努力奋斗才能梦想成真! The sky will not drop pie, hard work to make the dream come true!
31、失去产生了痛苦,也铸就了坚强。 Loss produces pain and makes strength.
32、如果你感到迷茫,证明你还有追求。 If you feel confused, prove that you still have pursuit.
33、如果有那么多如果,又哪里来那么多对与错。 If there are so many ifs, where are so many right and wrong.
34、左手握着幸福,右手握着回忆,花开不败。 The left hand holds happiness, the right hand holds the memory, the flowers bloom invincibly.
35、幸运的人很少,努力才是硬道理! Few lucky people, hard work is the hard truth!
36、当你的经济还撑不起你的梦想时,那你就应该踏实的去工作! When your economy can't support your dream, you should work steadfastly!
37、心有阳光满满,自会有一天花儿朵朵。 Heart full of sunshine, will one day flowers bloom.
38、感觉累,也许是因为你正处于人生的上坡路。 Feel tired, perhaps because you are on the uphill road of life.
39、成功就是:相信,行动,坚持,快乐。 Success is: believe, act, persist and be happy.
40、我不害怕明天,因为我经历过昨天,又热爱今天。 I am not afraid of tomorrow because I have experienced yesterday and love today.
41、我不怕千万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。 I'm not afraid of tens of thousands of people standing in my way. I'm afraid I'll surrender. The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying.
42、抱怨事件速处理,客户满意又欢喜。 Complaints are handled quickly, and customers are satisfied and happy.
43、改变不了环境,就必须改变自己。 If you can't change the environment, you have to change yourself.
44、时间是单行道,过去了,回不来。 Time is a one-way street, past, can not return.
45、最宽广的不是大海,是人心;最美好的不是未来,是今天。 The broadest is not the sea, but the heart; the most beautiful is not the future, but today.
46、有了梦想,才有动力,有了动力,才能实现梦想。 With the dream, we can have the power, and with the power, we can realize the dream.
47、服务客户,播种金钱,增加信任,稳定续收。 Service customers, sow money, increase trust, stable income.
48、梦想,努力了才叫梦想,放弃了那只是妄想! Dream, hard to call a dream, give up that is just delusion!
49、永远做正直的人,永远做正确的事。 Always be upright, always do the right thing.
50、永远彼此陪伴,成为对方的阳光。 Always accompany each other and become the sunshine of each other.
51、活在当下,别在怀念过去或者憧憬未来中浪费掉你现在的生活。 Live in the present, and don't waste your present life missing the past or looking forward to the future.
52、活着就有希望,有希望,就有幸福的未来。 Live there is hope, there is hope, there is a happy future.
53、狂风暴雨中,哪怕被吹倒了,人也要敢于在泥泞中匍匐前进。 In the storm, even if it is blown down, people should dare to crawl forward in the mud.
54、理想,难以梦想,放弃那只是一种错觉。 Ideal, hard to dream, to give up is just an illusion.
55、痛苦无法避免,但你却可以选择是否沉沦其中。 Pain cannot be avoided, but you can choose whether to sink into it.
56、组织架构落实好,增员举绩不得了。 The organizational structure has been well implemented, and the number of staff has been greatly improved.
57、给自己一个机会,让自己重新开始! Give yourself a chance to start over!
58、胆量不够大,能力再强都是小人物。 Courage is not big enough, no matter how strong the ability is, they are small people.
59、行销起步,天天访问,事业开展,用心学习。 Marketing start, daily visits, career development, study hard.
60、要用自己的热情去呵护,去浇灌自己的生命! To use their own enthusiasm to care, to water their own life!
61、遇到困难时不要抱怨,既然改变不了过去,那么就努力改变未来。 If you can't change the past, don't complain about the future.