1、一个人走,一个人睡,一个人思索,一个人沉醉。 One goes, one sleeps, one thinks, one is intoxicated.

2、习惯了无聊的生活,习惯了一个人的日子,习惯了一个人流泪。 Used to boring life, used to a person's day, used to a person's tears.

3、人在最脆弱的时候,一个画面,一首歌,一句话,都可以哭的彻底。 People in the most vulnerable time, a picture, a song, a word, can cry thoroughly.

4、人生总是不得圆满,有时候尊重爱情,就要背叛现实;成全现实,就要辜负爱情。 Life is always not perfect, sometimes respect for love, it is necessary to betray the reality; to achieve the reality, it is necessary to betray love.

5、从陌生人,到相见,到相识,最终离别,然后忘记,不如从不相见。 From strangers to meet, to meet, to finally leave, and then forget, it's better never to meet.

6、你不会明白那种孤独到嗓子眼,想哭又怕没人安慰,咽下眼泪继续微笑的感觉。 You won't understand the feeling of loneliness to the throat, wanting to cry and being afraid of no one to comfort you, swallowing your tears and smiling.

7、你不是王子,我也不是公主,不会有那么轰轰烈烈的爱情。 You are not a prince, I am not a princess, there will not be so strong love.

8、你从来都没有爱过我,这是我从游戏的一开始就知道了。 You've never loved me. I've known that since the beginning of the game.

9、你在我心里下了一场大雨,冲毁掉我所有说谎的能力。 You have made a heavy rain in my heart, which has destroyed all my ability to lie.

10、你是我的鬼迷心窍,只有我自己知道。 You are my obsession, only I know.

11、你曾用一分钟说完分手宣言,我却要用一辈子去忘记你走时的身影。 You used to say goodbye declaration in one minute, but I will use my whole life to forget the figure when you left.

12、你若一直在,我便一直爱。 If you are always there, I will always love you.

13、其实对你真正好的人,你一辈子,也不会遇到几个。 In fact, you will never meet a few people who are really good to you.

14、只为一人终其一生,天涯海角唯望君安。 Only for one person to end his life, the end of the world only Wang Jun An.

15、喜你为疾,药石无医,如果还能有下辈子再见面,请绕开我吧别再相遇了! I'm glad you're ill. There's no medicine for the medicine stone. If you can meet again in the next life, please bypass me and don't meet again!

16、在你之后来过的每一个人,我都不敢抱太多的期望。这是阴影,也是教训。 I dare not expect too much from everyone who has come after you. It's a shadow and a lesson.

17、多少人为了另一半,由胖变瘦,由爱变恨,由单纯变堕落。 How many people for the other half, from fat to thin, from love to hate, from simple to degenerate.

18、太美的承诺,因为太年轻。 Too beautiful promise, because too young.

19、对自己好点,因为一辈子不长;对身边的人好点,因为下辈子不一定能够遇见! Be nice to yourself, because your life is not long; be nice to the people around you, because you may not meet them in the next life!

20、当我真正明白“岁月安好“这四个字的意义,你却不在了。 When I really understand the meaning of "time is good", you are gone.

21、很讨厌和很喜欢,两样都有就是真正的恋爱。 I hate it and like it very much. Both of them are true love.

22、想念一个人的感觉,就像飞鸟渴望深海里的鱼,近在咫尺,却遥不可及。 Miss a person's feeling, like a bird longing for deep sea fish, close at hand, but far away.

23、我只是个普通人,渴了会喝水,困了会想睡,痛了,也会放手。 I am just an ordinary person, thirsty will drink water, sleepy will want to sleep, pain, will also let go.

24、我总是口是心非,让你看不懂,其实我也并欠好过。 I'm always duplicating, so you can't understand, in fact, I'm not too good.

25、所有的爱情故事里不是分开始就相爱,而我们却什么都不是。 In all love stories, we don't love each other from the beginning, but we are nothing.

26、所谓人生,是一刻也不停地变化着的。就是肉体生命的衰弱和灵魂生命的强大扩大。 The so-called life is constantly changing. It is the decline of physical life and the powerful expansion of soul life.

27、曾经试着,用微笑细数你给的伤,无奈最后,泪却随微笑流出眼眶。 Once tried to use a smile to count the wounds you gave, but finally, tears flowed out of the eyes with a smile.

28、有时候回忆过去,唯有淡然一笑,此生若得幸福安稳,谁愿颠沛流离。 Sometimes when I recall the past, I can only smile with indifference. If I am happy and stable in this life, who is willing to be displaced.

29、没有你的日子,我要努力让自己过得更好。 I will try my best to live better without you.

30、混乱的年代,爱的越深,痛的就越深,心痛是没救的。 In the age of confusion, the deeper the love is, the deeper the pain is. Heartache is hopeless.

31、爱情就是个笑话,笑死了别人,笑疼了自己,呵呵。 Love is a joke, laugh to death, laugh to hurt oneself, ha ha.

32、爱里全是难过,互相放过,得过且过。 Love is all sad, let go of each other, muddle along.

33、真心相信一切都会好的时候,一切就会真的好了。 When I sincerely believe that everything will be good, everything will be really good.

34、离开你,我不会哭,因为你不配。 Leave you, I won't cry, because you don't deserve.

35、记忆里那片永不凋落的树叶,葬在了那个璀璨的夏天。 In my memory, the leaves that never withered were buried in the bright summer.

36、诗人只有在没吻到姑娘的时候歌颂爱情,在得到之后都歌颂*。 The poet only praises love when he doesn't kiss the girl, and freedom when he gets it.

37、话怎么说都矫情,爱怎么谈都虐心。 What you say is hypocritical, and what you love is cruel to your heart.

38、远去的身影,沧桑的凄凉,夜在无言;离逝的梦想,遗失的美好,我在忧伤。 The distant figure, the desolation of the vicissitudes of life, the night is speechless; the departed dream, the lost beauty, I am sad.

39、难过的时候,蹲下来抱抱自己,成全别人,也放开自己。 When you are sad, squat down and hug yourself, complete others and let yourself go.

40、青春总是多了伤感,凉了时光,疼了心脏。 Youth is always more sad, cool time, hurt the heart.

41、风干的岁月,永恒的止殇,孤独的行程,渐行渐远模糊着视线。 Dry years, eternal war, lonely journey, gradually blurred vision.