


  1, people can at least go to school from a tree to three virtues: look up and look up at the sky and clouds; learn to know how silent stood.

  2, life is good, but also short-lived. Some people are lonely and some are colorful. Different people have different kinds of life pursuit. It is a one-way street with no return. Everyone uses all his time to advance.

  3, this is a person who deliberately do not have one; the world is the world, not carefully to get.

  4, because time is fleeting, can not be redeemed, so it is the world's most valuable wealth, abuse of time is undoubtedly one of the most meaningless way to kill people.

  5, do not think that time is still enough, and time is still very long, and sometimes a turn around, can not see you for life.

  6, to reduce their desires to the lowest point, to raise their own rationality to the highest point, that is, saints.

  7, I do not know what kind of life I am going to live in, but I always know what life I don't want to live. Secular life that was predictable, weighed and calculated was no attraction to me. What I want is not success, but the miracle of life.

  8 、 your tears fell in the earth, flowers came out, and my tears fell in the soil, but it was buried

  9, love is empathy with another person, body and soul resonance, and can only resonate with him or her.

  10, life can not go back to the past, the only can go back, is in the heart of memory. So don't dwell on the past, fail, let us learn the experience, success let us restore confidence. As long as you go forward, you will reap the full.

  11, love is like coarse cloth, although not beautiful, but it can block the wind and cold. Love is like fashion. It feels good, but it can't be worn out.

  12, love people will grow in the twists and turns in love, and love people will not end because of a break, but not because of a mistake and really do a hundred times not allowed to cheat. All the way down, love more and more deep, will only be deeply in love with each other, know how to withdraw from the network, each other's good, will not be separated. Simple is not always the best, but the best must be simple.

  13, healthy is beautiful, suitable is the best, often new is charming, ordinary is great, tough is long, the real is eternal.

  14, life like flowers, brilliant purples and reds life such as song; beautiful; life is like wine, aromatic; life such as poetry, artistic conception, bright and colorful.

  15, when a woman loves a man, she wants to hear a lie; when a woman hates a man, she wants to hear the truth.

  16, touched often occur in a moment: a look may make you think of life; a funding may let you move a life; a blessing may keep you warm life; a little tolerance may make you appreciate life.

  17, if confession is a kind of hurt, I choose lie. If the lie is also hurt, I choose silence.

  18, people will encounter unpleasant things in life, will encounter unpleasant people, if you do not learn to forgive, you will live pain, live tired. Forgive is a kind of grace, is a kind of mood, it is like an umbrella, to help you in the rainy season road. Learn to forgive, to be happy.

  19, let us stand and the mire of opinion, prejudice, gossip, deceit and illusion with our feet, and these shocks that cover the earth's surface until they reach the bottom of the hard rock. In this regard, we call it reality.

  20, the courage to accept other people's criticism, just correct their shortcomings.

  21, have a clear mind than a clever mind is more important; there is a good habit than a skill more practical; there is a youthful vitality than with a sound more powerful arms; have a courage and insight than an intellectual stronger.

  22, don't wait until you stop trying to give up the man who doesn't fit you. Time is a woman's most precious wealth, and when you turn around, you must turn away, even if you want a good period of sad days. You know, it's a mistake, and it doesn't take time to prove it.

  23, a lot of things have been done, it is already the end, and regret or say sorry is too late

  24, the society is just like ponds, though Nishajuxia, to really is a pool of water is also a bit scary. A family is like a fish tank. It needs washing. It needs breathing. It needs careful care, or it won't survive.

  25, for all the people honest, with the majority of people live together in peace together, and a few frequently, only with a close.

  26, too much care has become a kind of fetters, lost for too long, it has become a pain. Too much care will reduce the pleasure of life, dim all the more relieved of life.

  27, family is like an old coat, is a prickly heat, still need to cover your. Friends are like raincoats, they are worn when they are needed and are put aside after use.

  28, darling, you don't have to change for who, if you want to be a better person, please for yourself. The one who truly loves you will always love you, no matter what you are.

  29, envy of others, hatred of dissidents, is tantamount to giving life to others.

  30. Yesterday was an invalid check. Tomorrow is an outstanding deposit. Only today is the cash you can manage.

  31, if you from the heart cry twenty-one times 37 "I don't need to worry about this matter, you will find that you have an unbelievable strength, the heart will suddenly be strong.

  32, I decided to like you for a lifetime, not your life, is my life, as long as I'm alive, will always like it.

  33, life needs, insist on a low-key, do need to be adjusted, at a healthy pace, humming a happy tune, happiness blessing the most high-profile style, happy is not out of tune!

  34, the beauty of life, never to show it ahead; as beautiful trees, always show a negative trend in its vitality to the touch the sky; as beautiful eagle, flying always shown in its fight wind storm hit as in the heaven of the soul; like the beautiful rivers, always show in the torrent of it when the roaring waves.

  35, the life of the elderly is a wise, life is a learned teacher, it often salutary influence of education, silent to guide us, give us inspiration in life.

  36, if the camera aimed at a person, videotaping all his words and deeds, and then according to their own wishes to edit, any one can become good or bad.

  37, a poor man, when he sees the rich, thinks they have everything. It's really enviable. When a rich man saw a poor man, he thought he had nothing, but he was so happy. In fact, we are the poor or rich people who are always dissatisfied with their own lives.

  38, life is a book. Some well written, some mediocre written; some write honest, some write frivolous; some grand and written, some written stingy; some write smoothly, some write twists; some glorious, some regrets; some think, some only blank!

  39, although we cannot decide the length of life, but can expand its width; although we can not change the appearance, but can show a smile; although we can't control others, but you can control yourself; although we cannot predict tomorrow, but can hold today; although you can not do everything well, but you can try your best.

  40, do not easily rely on a person, it will become your habit, when the arrival of each other, you lost not someone, but your spiritual pillar. Independence will make you more calm.

  41. Man should learn from animals: sleep well, sleep like sleep, eat a temperate diet, eat when hungry; exercise every day; never worry about yesterday, nor worry about tomorrow.

  42, sometimes need to make detours, don't want to embarrass myself; sometimes need to go straight to his powerful. Or straight or bent, is to treat yourself!

  43, life is like a bouquet of flowers, carefully watch to see the beauty of it; life is like a cup of tea, savor, to taste the goods.

  44, stay, only in preparation for departure, and each leave is looking for the next stay, or in the pursuit of belonging?...

  45, sometimes a little less restraint on their own, a little temper; a little tolerance to others, take a step as boundless as the sea and sky. The world around us is often more intelligent and tolerant than we think.

  46, all things in the world are traceable, and can follow this rule to complete it better, but love is not, find the law in love, can only make love become vulgar.

  47, I owe you my last life, this life I have come back, in this life you owe me, next life to me.

  48. The only thing that really lasts is to accept everything. Accept all disappointment, all failures, all betrayals, and even accept such a cruel truth: in the end, the deepest desires are simply companions.

  49, don't live too tired, do not get too tired; don't want to wear too expensive, don't waste; upset to find friends, sleepy and fell asleep. Peace of mind is the most beautiful, happy every day, that's right.

  50, a lot of times, some things have come out, it has become a fact.

  51. A beautiful woman is like a handicraft in a showcase. There are many people who appreciate it, but the person who buys it is only one person.