1、不同于他的对待,你给的温柔犹在。   Unlike his treatment, the tenderness you gave in.   

2、不得不从被窝里爬起来上班,说明没有失业。   Had to climb up from the bed to go to work, no unemployment.   

3、不能在一起的日子,我一秒一秒数着过。   I cant be together, I count the seconds.   

4、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。   Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened。   

5、与卿同一身,此生愿足矣。   And the one I want to.   

6、世上总有一颗心在等候、呼叫招呼着另一颗心。   There is always a heart in the world, waiting for the call to greet another heart.   

7、为什么人和人、不能和平相处。   Why people and people can not live in peace.   

8、人不怕死,但是最怕不知道怎么活。   People are not afraid of death, but most do not know how to live.   

9、你不喜欢我,这是种病,得治。   You dont like me, its a disease.   

10、你*我*咱们就能一块了。   You 50 Fen we can piece I five hair.   

11、你和太阳一样,都有着我所不能靠近的温度。   You, like the sun, have a temperature that I cant get close to.   

12、你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。   Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.   

13、你的签名喊着你爱她,而她也在说她爱你。   Your signature calls you love her and she says she loves you.   

14、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。   You give the world, full of love.   

15、你让我越来越看清自己,却越来越看不清你。   You make me more and more to see myself, but I cant see you.

16、其实那些人是没有思想的,执着的想法。   In fact, those people are not thinking, persistent ideas.   

17、华而不实的话语不如一些真实的行动!   As some words flashy without substance real action!   

18、原来一切都会得过去的。   Everything will be the past.   

19、友情,不输给任何一种爱情。   Friendship, do not lose to any kind of love.   

20、口口声声说忘记,可谁又明白心中那份痛楚。   Said forget, who can understand the hearts of the pain.   

21、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。   Love is a touch of love, love is deep love.   

22、在我能写歌时,第一首歌是写给自己的心情。   I can write in, the first song is for their own mood.   

23、多谢你的绝情,让我学会死心。   Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to forget.   

24、女人要自爱这样才有人爱你。   A woman to love yourself so that you are loved.   

25、如果你要考验我的耐心,请先把你的耐心准备好。   If you want to test my patience, please prepare your patience.   

26、如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见。   If you just met, can not stay, not to meet.   

27、如果可以选择的话,不要用恨来结束一段爱。   If you can choose, do not use hate to end a love.   

28、如果是刻意的离开,就请你不要再回来。   If it is deliberately leave, please do not come back.   

29、妻啊,虽然开不了口说爱,但不准比我先死。   Wife, although can not open the mouth to say love, but not die before me.   

30、完美故事,却化眼泪为结局。   Perfect story, but the tears for the end.   

31、尽避还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!   Do not avoid once left, I have you yearn day and night!   

32、当一个女人爱一个男人,她就由女神变成了女仆。   When a woman loves a man, she becomes a maid.   

33、当泪水划过嘴角,才知道那种苦涩的味道。   When the tears across the corners of the mouth, only to know the kind of bitter taste.   

34、心早已千疮百孔,还怕什么。   The heart has long been in a disastrous state, afraid of what.   

35、心痛的滋味我只要尝过一次,不要再让我心痛了。   The taste of heartache as long as I tasted once, do not let me heartache.   

36、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。   Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears.   

37、愿得一人心,白首不分离!   Would like to have a heart, without any separation!   

38、愿有人为你皱眉,为你彻夜不睡,为你一生无悔。   May someone frown for you, do not sleep for you, for your life without regret.   

39、慢慢发现爱一个人就是毁了原来的自己。   Slowly found that love a person is to destroy the original.   

40、成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。   Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.   

41、我以为只要很认真的喜欢,就会打动一个人。   I think as long as very seriously like, will move a person.   

42、我们手拉手,一起闪亮到世界尽头。   We hand in hand, together to the end of the world.   

43、我们走得太远,以至于忘了一开始为什么上路。   We went too far to forget why we started on the road.   

44、我受不了打字时,遇到同音字在首位的是他名字。   I cant stand when typing, encounter a homophone in the first place is his name.   

45、我堵上所有时光只爱你一个人。   I love you all the time.   

46、我就是没有理想。我的理想就是你。   I just dont have an ideal. My ideal is you.   

47、我并不是想回头,只是想继续往前走。   I dont want to go back, just want to move on.   

48、我想有一天,我在做饭,你在捣乱。   I think one day, Im cooking, you are making trouble.   

49、我无法呼吸我忘了自己像是没有灵魂的躯体。   I cant breathe I forget myself like a body without a soul.   

50、我是开水,你是茶叶,准备个杯子,我要泡你!   I am the boiling water, you are the tea, prepare a cup, I want to soak you!   

51、我爱得那个少年有结实的双肩,只允许我依靠。   I love that boy has strong shoulders, only allow me to rely on.   

52、我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远。   I still believe in love, but will not believe that love can forever.   

53、放手不一定都是坏事,也许只是给你更多机会。   Letting go is not necessarily a bad thing, maybe just give you more opportunities.   

54、无力的控诉,你认为我无所谓般的无所谓。   The feeble complaint, you think I dont care about.   

55、是我错的'太离谱,还是现实颠倒了黑白。   I am wrong too outrageous, or the reality reversed the black and white.   

56、最心疼的不是你不爱我,而是我不知道怎么爱你。   Love is not that you do not love me, but I do not know how to love you.   

57、有些痛说不出来只能忍着直到能够慢慢淡忘。   Some pain can not tell until you can slowly forget.   

58、有天如果我不能替你撑伞那我就陪你淋雨。   One day if I cannot take your umbrella that I will accompany you in the rain.   

59、来日方长、终究长不到白发苍苍。   The coming days would be long. after all do not grow, grey-haired.   

60、梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。   The dream is dead, the heart has been broken, leaving only to prepare for departure.   

61、永远在不到饭点的时候说:我饿了!   Never say "Im hungry" when Im not in the kitchen!   

62、爱你爱你全是借口,想你想你全是理由。   Love you love you are all excuses, think you think you are the reason.   

63、爱得痛苦,爱得累,爱是一场空。   Love is painful, love tired, love is nothing.   

64、爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了。   Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.   

65、牵手,生命线就交错。   Hand in hand, life on the staggered.   

66、真正爱你的人其实就是愿意一直忍耐你的人。   The one who truly loves you is the one who is willing to endure you all the time.   

67、真正的爱情,是在无法爱的时候,懂得放手。   True love is when you cant love.   

68、秋一片荒凉,祭奠着我的爱情。   Autumn is a desolate, for my love.   

69、经典浪漫英文爱情语录大全   在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家总少不了接触有名的语录吧,语录是指富有哲理与特殊意义的名人之言、网民言论、社会事件所产生的新词条。那么都有哪些类型的语录呢?以下是小编为大家整理的经典浪漫英文爱情语录大全,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   

70、觉得过不去了,泪水比什么都还重。   I cant get over it, tears are heavier than anything else.   

71、谁能爱你比我深,感情不能两头分。   Who can love you more than I can not love the two points.   

72、过去的不再回来,回来的不再完美。   The past no longer come back, come back no longer perfect.   

73、这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。   This life I only hold your hand, because you have enough in this life.   

74、这个世界不会因为任何人,任何事而坍塌沦陷。   The world will not fall for anyone, anything.   

75、这场爱,我输在不够心狠,她赢在爱不够认真。   This love, I lost in the Xinhen enough, she won in love not serious.   

76、退后一步是孤独,往前一步是幸福。   Step back is lonely, step forward is happiness.   

77、逆着风向吹干眼泪,说不出的痛越藏越多。   Against the wind to dry the tears, unspeakable pain more and more.   

78、那些说着地老天荒的誓言,到底是有多坚定。   Those who say the oath The end of life, exactly is how strong.   

79、那麽感情的事儿,剪不断理还乱。   So the feelings of the matter, cut constantly unreasonable.   

80、隐身不是不想遇见,而是怕你视而不见。   Stealth is not dont want to meet, but afraid you turn a blind eye.   

81、饭在锅里,我在床上。   Rice in the pot, Im on the bed.   
