1、不要把每个人想的那么坏,否则只会剩你孤独一个人。 Don't think everyone so bad, or you will be alone.

2、世界上只有两种人,一种是不断的接受,一种是不断的付出。 There are only two kinds of people in the world, one is constant acceptance, the other is constant pay.

3、也许你依旧是我的软肋,却不再是我的盔甲。 Maybe you are still my weakness, but no longer my armor.

4、人总是在得到一些东西时,往往也不懂得珍惜,直至失去才会珍惜! People always get something, often do not know how to cherish, until lost will cherish!

5、什么是勇气?是哭着要你爱我,还是哭着让你离开。 What is courage? Cry to you to love me, or cry to let you leave.

6、他用沉默让你体会了离别,你用回忆蒙蔽故事仍在继续。 He used silence to let you experience the parting, you used the memory to deceive, the story is still going on.

7、你在我心里,所以不会有别离。 You are in my heart, so there will be no parting.

8、你是我捧在手心的倾城月光,却因为太明亮,遮蔽了我的泪光。 You are the moonlight in my hand, but because it is too bright, it covers my tears.

9、你爱我,就要迁就我,所以,不爱我的话,就不要迁就我。 If you love me, you will accommodate me. Therefore, if you don't love me, don't accommodate me.

10、其实那些白天很坚强的人,也许就是晚上哭着哭着睡着的人。 In fact, those who are very strong during the day may be those who cry and fall asleep at night.

11、其实,不是我刻意要忘记,而是当我记起时,你已经把我丢弃。 In fact, it is not that I deliberately want to forget, but when I remember, you have abandoned me.

12、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 In fact, I've been behind you all the time, and I'm short of you.

13、凡事看得开点、这样才能狠下心来去报复。 Everything should be open-minded, so that we can get revenge.

14、切~不要让我看到你们搂搂抱抱,这样只会脏了我的眼睛。 Cut ~ don't let me see you cuddle, it will only dirty my eyes.

15、别告诉别人你今天难受过,什么也别对别人说,因为说了也没有用。 Don't tell others that you have suffered today. Don't say anything to others, because it's useless.

16、别问我有多爱你,那是你想象不到的。 Don't ask me how much I love you. It's beyond your imagination.

17、即使没人注视,也要努力成长。许多眼睛,都藏在你看不见的地方。 Try to grow even if no one is watching. Many eyes are hidden where you can't see.

18、只有天空没人抢得走,只要我能拾起天,它都一直陪着我! Only the sky no one snatched away, as long as I can pick up the sky, it has been with me!

19、回忆是现实的避难所,而现实却带你去往未来。 Memory is the refuge of reality, but reality takes you to the future.

20、太远容易生疏,太近容易情尽。烂掉的关系,还是断了为好。 Too far away is easy to be unfamiliar, too near is easy to be emotional. It's better to break a rotten relationship.

21、如果可以我会爱你到天荒地老。如果不可以我回爱你到地老天荒。 If I can, I will love you to the end of time. If I can't, I love you back to the end of time.

22、寂寞不是最痛苦的,想念才是最痛苦的。 Loneliness is not the most painful, missing is the most painful.

23、小时候哭着哭着就笑了,长大后笑着笑着就哭了。 When I was a child, I cried and laughed, and when I grew up, I cried with a smile.

24、带着感动上路,一路不会寂寞,一路花开满地,绿树成荫。 With a touch on the road, the road will not be lonely, all the way flowers everywhere, green trees shade.

25、忘记一个人,并非不再想起,而是偶尔想起,心中却不再有波澜。 Forget a person, not no longer think of, but occasionally think of, but no longer have waves in the heart.

26、感情不是够努力够付出,就一定留得住幸福。 Love is not enough effort enough to pay, it must be able to stay happy.

27、我不敢挽留任何人,因为我不知道我是什么身份。 I dare not detain anyone, because I don't know what I am.

28、我们在放下,涂白了记忆,以为就能够伪装无邪的美丽。 We are putting down, painting white memory, thinking that we can camouflage the beauty of innocence.

29、我只是一个人走得太久了,久到习惯了一个人。 I just walk alone too long, long enough to get used to a person.

30、我只有笑的很欢,忧伤才不会被看穿。 I only laugh very happy, sadness will not be seen through.

31、我沿着我们的轨迹走了一段,停留了一段,爱剩下一片。 I walked along our track for a while, stayed for a while, love left one piece.

32、我爱你爱到那样撕心裂肺,却抵不过别人的一句我爱你。 I love you so much that I love you, but I can't resist someone else's saying that I love you.

33、我用画笔画出你的样子,却怎么也画不出你的心。 I draw your appearance with a brush, but I can't draw your heart.

34、我输不起,所以才装成永远不怕输的样子。 I couldn't afford to lose, so I pretended to never be afraid of losing.

35、我颠覆了整个世界,只为了摆正你的倒影。 I subverted the whole world, just to straighten out your reflection.

36、整座城市都在看雨,只有我在看你带没带伞。 The whole city is watching the rain, only I am watching if you have an umbrella.

37、新酒依旧用的老配方,就像遇到再多新人却看出故人模样。 New wine still uses the old formula, just like meeting many new people but seeing the old man's appearance.

38、早该没心没肺,不用现在撕心裂肺。 It's time to be heartless. I don't need to tear up my heart and lungs now.

39、最后,我变成你身体中的一个死角,存放着我们无关紧要的感情。 In the end, I become a dead corner in your body, storing our unimportant feelings.

40、没有人能够感同身受,即使你描述的多么动人。 No one can feel it, even if you describe it so moving.

41、看的淡一点,伤的就会少一点。别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心。 If you look a little lighter, you will get less injuries. Don't wait for the wrong person, don't hurt the wrong heart.

42、看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。 Looking at other people's stories, I shed my own tears.

43、真正的毕业不是离开那所学校,而是那群人散了。 The real graduation is not to leave the school, but to disperse the group.

44、突然觉得很寂寞,很想去想一个人,可是无人可想。 Suddenly feel very lonely, very want to think of a person, but no one can think.

45、笑到终于哭出来,哭到终于笑出来。 Laugh until you finally cry, cry until you finally laugh.

46、能够自我反省的人,大多坦诚又谦虚。 Most people who can reflect on themselves are honest and modest.

47、试着放手,走与不走,留与不留,我不想懂? Try to let go, go or not, stay or not, I don't want to understand?

48、谁苍白了谁的等待,谁无悔着谁的执着。 Who is pale, who is waiting, who has no regrets, who is persistent.

49、那阳光洒满了整条街,却照不到我的内心。 The sun covered the whole street, but not my heart.

50、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你多难过。 There is an ear in the partition wall, laughing at how sad you are.