1、一季飘零,一季浅舞。 A season of wandering, a season of shallow dance.
2、三人行必有我妻,选其美者而取之。 My wife will be my wife for three people. Choose the one who is beautiful and take it.
3、不入我心者,我不屑敷衍。 I don't care for those who don't enter my heart.
4、不要拿你的曾经,去评论我的未来。 Don't take your past to comment on my future.
5、为什么不理你,还不是因为没兴趣。 Why ignore you, it's not because you are not interested.
6、习惯了这样的生活,这种零零乱乱的段落。 Used to this kind of life, this kind of messy paragraph.
7、人又不聪明,还学人家秃顶! People are not smart, but also learn from others bald!
8、人海茫茫,岁月尚长。 The sea of people is vast and the years are still long.
9、从此无牵无挂,无情无义。 From then on, there was no concern, no feelings and no sense.
10、你若不说话,就不会暴漏你的低智商。 If you don't talk, you won't leak your low IQ.
11、你若安好,我便备胎到老。 If you're OK, I'll spare the tire till I'm old.
12、你这么爱笑,一定害怕孤独吧。 You love to laugh so much, you must be afraid of loneliness.
13、减少不必要的社交,才是快乐的灵丹妙药。 Reducing unnecessary social interaction is the magic drug of happiness.
14、出门牵了一条狗,看谁不爽咬一口。 I went out and led a dog to see who was upset and took a bite.
15、别和我谈恋爱,虚伪。有本事咱俩结婚。 Don't fall in love with me, hypocrisy. We can get married.
16、别喝陌生人的酒,更别跟他走。 Don't drink from strangers, and don't go with him.
17、去做你害怕的事,害怕自然就会消失。 Do what you are afraid of, and fear will disappear.
18、哥只不过是个局,而你却入了迷。 Brother, it's just a game, and you're obsessed.
19、哪怕你握着一支笔,我都会嫉妒它。 Even if you hold a pen, I will envy it.
20、喜欢一个人,仅凭努力,怎么足够? Like a person, just rely on efforts, how enough?
21、坚持不见得成功,可是放弃却会很轻松。 Persistence is not necessarily successful, but giving up is easy.
22、少而寡欲颜色好,老不求官梦也闲。 Less and less desire, good color, old do not seek official dream also idle.
23、就算无人所爱,我也死性不改。 Even if no one loves me, I will never change.
24、愿我一世猖狂,做个混世魔王! I wish I could be a devil all my life!
25、我不奢望理解,只需要你用心听我的诉说。 I don't expect to understand. I just need you to listen to me carefully.
26、我不懂音乐,所以我不靠谱,也不着调。 I don't know music, so I'm unreliable and out of tune.
27、我不敬人,是我无德。 I'm disrespectful. I have no virtue.
28、我不是随便的人,因为我随便起来不是人。 I'm not a casual person, because I'm not a casual person.
29、我们之间,多了敷衍,少了珍惜。 Between us, more perfunctory, less cherish.
30、我会活的很好,至少比你好。 I will live well, at least better than you.
31、我可以装傻,但不代表我真傻。 I can pretend to be stupid, but it doesn't mean I'm stupid.
32、我的世界很小,你们弯腰都进不来。 My world is so small that you can't even get in.
33、承合的结局,只是唱了出萍水相逢。 Chenghe's ending is just a chance encounter.
34、把你的难过全都给我,我要你快乐。 Give me all your sorrow. I want you to be happy.
35、拿份报纸上厕所,俺是读书人。 Take a newspaper to the toilet. I'm a scholar.
36、日落西山你不陪,东山再起你是谁。 If you don't accompany the sunset, who are you.
37、昨天很爱你、今天不爱了、明天看心情。 I love you yesterday, I don't love you today, and I will see my mood tomorrow.
38、有人想拥有一切,而我只想拥有你。 Some people want to have everything, and I just want to have you.
39、有房的终成眷属,没钱的终成房奴。 Those who have a house get married, those who have no money become house slaves.
40、比起千疮百孔,我还是更喜欢一刀致命。 I prefer a single stab to a stab.
41、没人把你当真,你又何必入戏太深。 No one takes you seriously. Why do you get into the drama too much.
42、浮华落尽,我依旧是骄傲的自己。 I am still proud of myself.
43、爱不一定要宅一起,只要她幸福就好。 Love does not have to stay together, as long as she is happy.
44、爱和不爱,都写在细节里。 Love and not love, are written in the details.
45、玩感情,我会让你哭的很有节奏! Play feelings, I will make you cry very rhythmic!
46、生活就是生的不尽人意,活的惊天动地。 Life is not satisfactory, life is earth shaking.
47、用无所谓的态度,过好随遇而安的生活。 With indifferent attitude, live a good life of ease.
48、真的不在了,再也不爱了,放开手让你走。 Really not in, no longer love, let go of your hand.
49、离别时的我爱你,没有任何意义。 I love you when I leave, there is no meaning.
50、缺席了你的从前,却不想缺席你的未来。 Absent from your past, but do not want to be absent from your future.
51、脂肪啊,你怎样对我总是这么不离不弃呢。 You always do not leave me fat.
52、自嘲才是幽默,嘲笑别人是没教养。 Self mockery is humor, ridicule others is ill bred.
53、荣宠旁边辱等待,贫贱背后福跟随。 Honor and favor wait for disgrace, while happiness follows behind poverty.
54、要把温柔跟可爱藏起来,留给喜欢的人。 Hide tenderness and loveliness for those who like it.
55、该放弃的决不挽留,该珍惜的绝不放手。 What should be given up will never be retained, and what should be cherished will never be let go.
56、谢谢那些把我击倒的人,躺着很舒服。 Thanks to the people who knocked me down. It's comfortable to lie down.
57、都想抓住青春的尾巴,可惜青春是只壁虎。 Want to catch the tail of youth, but youth is a gecko.
58、长痘有什么的辽,那是我可爱得冒泡。 Long pox what Liao, that is my lovely bubble.
59、阳光落在春的枝头,日子便绿了。 The sun falls on the branches of spring, and the day is green.
60、食物有很强大的治愈力量。 Food has a powerful healing power.