1、'Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood: A Novel' by Rebecca Wells   

2、'Midwives' by Chris Bohjalian   

3、'The Blood of Flowers' by Anita Amirrezvani   

4、'The Secret Life of Bees' by Sue Monk Kidd   

5、'The Splendor of Silence' by Indu Sundaresan   

6、'The Time Traveler's Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger   

7、Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons' by Lorna Landvik   

8、They support each other through good and bad, finding a lifeline in their friendships.   该书讲述了1968年至1998年间,美国明尼苏达州一读书俱乐部里五位女性的故事。她们荣辱与共,相互支持,从友谊中汲取生命的力量。

9、《丫丫姐妹会的神圣秘密》瑞贝卡·威尔斯   It is a beautiful story of one woman's quest to reconcile with and understand her mother by delving into the secrets contained in her sisterhood notebook. This Southern story will make you laugh and cry.   这部小说讲述了一个动人故事。女儿试图从姐妹的日记中了解母亲的秘密,以便能缓和与母亲的紧张关系,深入了解母亲。这部南方小说既让人笑又让人哭。   

10、《助产士》克里斯·波杰利安   This Oprah Book Club pick tells about a midwife on trial for manslaughter after a home delivery goes wrong. Told from the viewpoint of the midwife's daughter, this mystery deals with love, family, birth and death as the family works through the consequences of one tragic night.   奥普拉读书俱乐部曾讲述过这个故事,一位助产士因接生失误致人死亡而接受审判。全书以助产士女儿的视角阐述了一部悲剧过后,有关爱情、家庭、生死的.故事。   

11、《愤怒的主妇吃糖糖》洛娜·马克   Angry Housewives Eating Bons Bons by Lorna Landvikis the story of five women in a book club in Minnesota from 1968 to 19

12、《时光旅行者的妻子》奥黛丽·尼芬格   The story of Henry, who involuntarily travels through time, and Clare, the woman who loves him for almost her entire life. This love story will draw you in and make you want to go back and read parts of the novel again and again.   男主亨利自小患慢性时间错位症,但女主克莱尔深爱亨利一生。这部爱情小说引人入胜,令人不禁一遍遍重温。   

13、《花之血》安妮塔·阿米瑞瓦尼   Anita Amirrezvani's debut novel,The Blood of Flowers, tells the story of a young woman in 17th-century Iran with a passion for knotting rugs. Her life is thrown into an uproar when her father dies, and she and her mother must depend on the kindness of wealthy relatives and hope that the young woman finds a wealthy husband. The Blood of Flowers is superbly written and a moving story, sure to entrance readers.   《花之血》是安妮塔·阿米瑞瓦尼的处女作,讲述了一名生活在十七世纪,热衷于织毯的伊朗女孩的故事。父亲意外去世以后,女主人公的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。她和母亲不得不依靠富裕亲戚的接济,因此全家人都希望女主能嫁个有钱人。《花之血》文笔流畅,情感动人,引人入胜。   

14、《蜜蜂的秘密生活》苏·蒙克基德   Set in the South during the 1960s, this coming of age story deals with race, love and Lily Owen's search for a connection with her mother who died when she was young. It's an especially good summer read, when you can imagine sipping Coke on a porch and smelling jasmine.   故事背景设定在20世纪六十年代的罗莱纳州南部小镇,讲述了种族歧视、人间真情以及莉莉·欧文探寻幼时离世的母亲死亡秘密的故事。这是一本极好的夏日读物,可以一边在走廊里阅读,一边啜着可乐、嗅着花香。   

15、《静谧之光》樱杜·桑妲蕾森   Splendor of Silenceis the story of a young woman and the secretive American soldier she meets in India. It is romantic and passionate but doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of life under British rule. The author, Indu Sundaresan, skillfully weaves romance with historical fiction, making for a satisfying, poignant and highly-recommended read.   《静谧之光》全书围绕一位年轻女人与其在印度邂逅的秘密的美国士兵而展开。这部小说浪漫又不失激情。此外,作者并不回避英国统治之下残酷的社会现实。该书作者樱杜·桑妲蕾森以罗曼史笔法写历史绮情,其作品精彩绝伦,鞭辟入里,强烈推荐阅读。   

16、适合女性阅读的7本英文书推荐   导语:随着三八国际妇女节的临近,职场女性如何自我发展并平衡工作与家庭生活成为近期大家讨论的热点之一。小编整理了适合女性阅读的7本英文书推荐,希望大家喜欢。   
