1、一个人容易想太多,想太多容易一个人。 It's easy for a person to think too much, and it's easy to think too much.
2、一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾无人问询。 One flower blooms, one flower falls, and no one inquires from the beginning to the end of these years.
3、习惯了在黑夜中哭泣,学会了坚强,倔强的坚强。 Accustomed to crying in the night, learned to be strong, stubborn strong.
4、人生不过一场戏,慌了人,凉了心。 Life is just a play, panic, cool heart.
5、你做了我的逃兵,却成了她的盖世英雄。 You were my deserter, but you became her hero.
6、你眼里的难过,都快溢出来了。 The sadness in your eyes is almost overflowing.
7、你说你爱他,却从未想过给他一个家。 You say you love him, but you never want to give him a home.
8、你说谎瞒不过我,你诚实我又难过。 You can't keep me from telling lies. I'm sorry you're honest.
9、你走你的,我走我的。 You go your way, I go my way.
10、先说爱的先不爱,后动心的不死心。 First say that those who love don't love first, and then those who are moved will not give up.
11、再也没有一个人,像我爱你爱的那么深那么真。 No one else is as deep and true as I love you.
12、喜欢就是这样,开始脸红,后来眼红。 Like this, began to blush, later blushed.
13、回忆过去,痛苦的相思忘不了。 Recalling the past, the painful Acacia can not be forgotten.
14、失去的多了就成熟了吗,只是麻木了吧。 Lost more mature, just numb it.
15、失恋后的报复就好比刃甲,伤了别人也伤了自己。 Revenge after lovelorn is just like blade armour, which hurt others and yourself.
16、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由爱上你的那一刻开始。 Loneliness is not born, but from the moment I fall in love with you.
17、对在各种孤独中间,人最怕精神上的孤独。 Among all kinds of loneliness, people are most afraid of spiritual loneliness.
18、就怕会更难过,只好装作我比你冷漠。 I'm afraid it will be more sad, so I have to pretend that I'm more indifferent than you.
19、应该是你突然点醒我,而我,还在原地徘徊着。 Should be you suddenly wake me up, and I, still hovering in place.
20、当孤独变成习惯就不在奢求有人陪伴。 When loneliness becomes a habit, we don't want to be accompanied.
21、恋爱是一场高烧,思念是紧跟着好不了的咳嗽。 Love is a high fever, missing is closely followed by a good cough.
22、成长,原来不过是由无数离别构成的相遇。 Growth, it turns out, is just a meeting composed of countless parting.
23、我不后悔爱过你。哪怕你伤的我那么深。 I don't regret loving you. Even if you hurt me so much.
24、我们从未真正坚强,只是在别人面前学会了假装。 We never really are strong, we just learn to pretend in front of others.
25、我只能任凭回忆,嘲笑我自己到底有多孤单。 I can only let the memories, laugh at how lonely I am.
26、我可以装作无所谓,然后到没人的地方再崩溃。 I can pretend it doesn't matter, and then I'll crash where there's no one.
27、我总觉得你会离开我,是好久以前就定好的结果。 I always think that you will leave me, is a long time ago set the result.
28、我还在原地徘徊,等待那早已没有A未来。 I am still hovering, waiting for the future that has not been.
29、我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾来过这里。 I'm still waiting for you, but you've forgotten to be here.
30、最厌烦的不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的感觉。 The most boring is not to become a stranger, but gradually strange feeling.
31、每次创伤都是种成熟,每次失去都是种获得。 Every trauma is a kind of maturity, every loss is a kind of gain.
32、每次心境不好都想出去旅游,我想去大草原! Every time I feel bad, I want to travel. I want to go to the prairie!
33、没有丢过东西的人,永远不会了解失去的感觉。 People who have never lost something will never understand the feeling of loss.
34、爱情像花,消失的像一首诗,但是孤单却都类似。 Love is like a flower, disappearing like a poem, but loneliness is similar.
35、爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 Love makes people mature or degenerates.
36、现在不是因为我爱你,而是因为我只爱你。 Now it's not because I love you, but because I only love you.
37、珍惜自己的小时光,长大了,世界就不会快乐了。 Cherish their own small time, grow up, the world will not be happy.
38、用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a willing attitude, live a happy life.
39、相爱本来就是一场意外,何必说是上天的安排。 Love is originally an accident, why say God's arrangement.
40、认识你不后悔,后悔的一切都是我自己自作多情。 Know you don't regret, regret all is my own amorous.
41、让一个人走进自己的心里,是不知不觉的。 Let a person into their own heart, is imperceptible.
42、过去的事,除了忘记,大概也没有更好的办法了。 In addition to forgetting the past, there is probably no better way.
43、这一刻我完全没了防备、眼泪不止的流下来。 At this moment, I was totally unprepared, and tears began to flow down.
44、这个世界太现实,有太多的东西是我接受不了的。 The world is too realistic. There are too many things I can't accept.
45、这次你是真的失去了我,失去了所有的所有。 This time you really lost me, all you had.
46、那些浮华依旧。我已无力用文字来述说。 The glitz is still there. I can't say it in words.
47、面包是你亲手切的,我爱你是你亲口对我说的。 You cut the bread by yourself, and I love you by your own mouth.
48、风光的年龄,老化的心。 The age of scenery, the heart of aging.