1、万般皆是命,半点不由人。 All things are fate, not the least.

2、不是很喜欢今天的你了,昨天很喜欢,明天看心情。 I don't like you very much today. I like you very much yesterday. I'll see my mood tomorrow.

3、不用太多言语,无需太多温暖,一个人,我也会好好的。 Not too many words, not too much warmth, a person, I will be good.

4、世界不会温柔待你,上帝不会特殊照顾你,可我会。 The world will not treat you gently, God will not take special care of you, but I will.

5、人不怕走在黑夜里,就怕心中没有光。 People are not afraid to walk in the dark, they are afraid that there is no light in their heart.

6、人生像攀登一座山,而找寻出路,却是一种学习的过程。 Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a process of learning.

7、人生无非受苦二字,而那些欢悦,不过是苦中作乐。 Life is nothing more than suffering, and those who are happy are just making fun of it.

8、他对你视而不见,你何必苦苦相念。 He turns a blind eye to you, so why do you think about it.

9、他来时躲不掉,他走时静悄悄。 He can't hide when he comes, he leaves quietly.

10、余生很贵,好好爱自己。 The rest of your life is expensive. Love yourself.

11、你从来不知道我有多爱你,否则你不会伤我伤的如此深。 You never know how much I love you, otherwise you won't hurt me so deeply.

12、你是个好男孩,可是我太漂亮了,你配不上。 You are a good boy, but I am too beautiful for you.

13、你的人生就像个衣架子,上面挂满了绿帽子。 Your life is like a clothes rack, covered with green hats.

14、内心的快乐是真正的快乐,精神的享受是最大的享受。 Inner happiness is real happiness, and spiritual enjoyment is the greatest enjoyment.

15、再美的烟花,也只不过几秒钟的美丽的而已。 No matter how beautiful the fireworks are, they are only beautiful for a few seconds.

16、别在原地等了,换个方向前行或许更好。 Don't wait in the same place. It might be better to move in another direction.

17、即使想你想到哭,我也不打扰你,这是我的原则。 Even if I miss you and want to cry, I will not disturb you. This is my principle.

18、坚强的人,并不是能应对一切,而是能忽视所有的伤害。 A strong person is not able to deal with everything, but can ignore all the harm.

19、夏天要是能把我融化成水,流进你口渴的嘴里就好了。 If only summer could melt me into water and flow into your thirsty mouth.

20、多情的女人,注定受伤害。 Sentimental women are doomed to be hurt.

21、夜夜看到你思念,究竟谁让你有那么忧虑的脸。 Seeing you miss every night, who makes you have such a worried face.

22、如果一切可以重来,我绝不会苍白了你的等待。 If all can come again, I will never pale your waiting.

23、小时候枕头都是口水,长大后枕头都是泪水。 When I was a child, my pillow was full of saliva. When I grow up, my pillow is full of tears.

24、感情就像头发,长了就会分岔。 Emotion is like hair, long will bifurcation.

25、我亲自删掉你的那一刻,便决定好了要开始新的自己。 The moment I deleted you myself, I decided to start a new self.

26、我们男人可以累,也可以哭,但却一定不可以怂! We men can be tired, can also cry, but must not counsellor!

27、我没有办法边走边爱,你一个人就挡住了人山人海。 I have no way to love while walking. You stand in the way of a sea of people.

28、我的世界,轮不到你来指手画脚。 My world, it's not your turn to tell.

29、我的委曲求全,却换来你的不屑一顾。 My compromise, but in exchange for your disdain.

30、我的笑容,可以给任何人,但我的心,只能给一个人。 My smile can be given to anyone, but my heart can only be given to one person.

31、我还是很喜欢你,像水里鱼儿滑落的泪滴,悄无声息。 I still like you very much, like the tears of fish in the water, quietly.

32、我,想你没睡,我想,你没睡,我想你,没睡。 I think you didn't sleep. I think you didn't sleep. I think you didn't sleep.

33、所有不能说出口的深情,都藏在每一天的晚安里。 All unspeakable affections are hidden in every good night.

34、无意义的理想,迟早会在现实面前崩溃。 Meaningless ideals will collapse in the face of reality sooner or later.

35、既然翻不过那一页,为何不换一本书。 If you can't turn that page, why don't you change a book.

36、既然选择坚强就一直微笑吧。就算伤痕累累又如何。 Since you choose to be strong, smile all the time. Even if it's scarred.

37、有些路,不走下去,你就不会知道那边的风景有多美。 Some roads, do not go down, you will not know how beautiful the scenery there.

38、没了你也就没了方向,漫无目的的闯荡。 Without you, there will be no direction, aimless wandering.

39、看够了熙熙攘攘复杂的世界和人心,所以会觉得累。 After seeing enough of the hustle and bustle of the world and people, I feel tired.

40、真正认识你的人,除了你的朋友,就是你的对手。 The person who really knows you, in addition to your friends, is your opponent.

41、笑脸给的太多了,别人都会以为你是个没有脾气的*。 Smile to too much, others will think you are a fool without temper.

42、若能表达,爱也好,恨也好,都是一件多么快乐的事。 If you can express, love or hate, it is a happy thing.

43、要为天下奇男子,须历人间万里程。 If you want to be a wonderful man in the world, you have to travel thousands of miles.

44、让坚持成为一种信仰。 Let persistence be a faith.

45、让我再在你怀里多停留一会儿,哪怕代价是失去全世界。 Let me stay in your arms a little longer, even if the cost is to lose the whole world.

46、证明给自己看就好,不用给谁看。 Just show it to yourself, not to anyone.

47、贪图省力的船夫,目标永远下游。 The boatman who is eager to save effort will always be downstream.

48、身后万盏千灯,皆不是归处。 All the thousands of lights behind are not home.

49、这样下去我们都累!长痛不如短痛分手吧。 We are all tired after this! Long pain is better than short pain.

50、那些烦躁的心情,其实都是青春的成人礼。 Those restless mood, in fact, are the adult ceremony of youth.