1、上晚自习玩手机最怕的就是全校停电,然后从你那发出一道白光。 Last night I learned to play mobile phone, the most afraid is that the whole school power failure, and then send a white light from you.

2、不和我聊天,是怕我偷你表情包么? Don't chat with me, is afraid I steal your expression bag?

3、不想这样熬夜失眠的想你,只想跟你一起睡觉。 Don't want to stay up late like this, I just want to sleep with you.

4、不管什么天气,记得随时带上自己的阳光。不管什么遭遇,记得内心装满开心的童话。 No matter what weather, remember to bring your own sunshine. No matter what happens, remember the happy fairy tales in your heart.

5、不要凡事都为自己找借口,别一便秘就怪地心没引力。 Don't make excuses for yourself in everything. Don't blame gravity for constipation.

6、不要挑战姐得脾气,姐得黑名单里比你好友还多。 Don't challenge your sister's temper. She has more friends in the blacklist than you.

7、人们喜欢春风,厌恶寒风,其实寒风是无辜的,是温度在使坏! People like the spring wind and hate the cold wind. In fact, the cold wind is innocent. It is the temperature that makes it bad!

8、人常说不要让青春留白,所以我把它抹黑了! People often say don't leave youth blank, so I blacked it!

9、人间太大了,探头看了一下还是乖乖缩回你心间好了。 The world is too big, probe to see or obediently retract your heart.

10、众里寻她千百度,踏平脚下路,蓦然回首细环顾,大婶大娘无数。 Many people look for her, step on the road, suddenly look back, aunt countless.

11、低头看看自己的肉,真是甩也甩不掉的温柔。 Look down at your own meat, it's really gentle.

12、你前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。 You didn't have me for the first half of your life, so let me accompany you for the second half.

13、你喜欢的人我都讨厌,你讨厌的人我都杀掉。 I hate all the people you like. I kill all the people you hate.

14、你头发还有很多,可以继续学理科。 You still have a lot of hair. You can go on with science.

15、你才二十岁,没遇到喜欢的人很正常,越往后你会发现,大概是遇不到了。 You're only 20 years old. It's normal that you don't meet someone you like. The later you find out, maybe you can't meet them.

16、你是最好的,如果真有人比你好,我就装作没看见。 You are the best. If someone is better than you, I pretend not to see.

17、入秋了,打开衣柜一看,我该逛街了,打开钱包一看,我还年轻,不冷。 It's autumn. When I open the wardrobe, it's time for me to go shopping. When I open my wallet, I'm still young and not cold.

18、全世界都在忙着谈恋爱,只有我在忙着写作业。 The whole world is busy with dating, only I am busy with my homework.

19、公布成绩的那一刻,最容易得心脏病。 At the moment when the results are announced, you are most likely to have a heart attack.

20、别人同学的照片都能当壁纸,而我同学的照片只能当表情包。 Other students' photos can be wallpaper, while my classmates' photos can only be expression packs.

21、别人都是笑起来很好看,而你是看起来很好笑。 Everyone else laughs pretty, and you look funny.

22、别拿青春赌明天,输了就没有明天了。 Don't bet your youth on tomorrow. If you lose, there will be no tomorrow.

23、太阳下去明天依旧爬上来,老子考砸明天还是一样的嗨。 If the sun goes down, I will still climb up tomorrow. If I fail in the exam, I will still be as hi as tomorrow.

24、如果你吃了亏,千万不要喝水,不然你会变污的。 If you eat a loss, do not drink water, or you will become dirty.

25、如果我想你,那么一阵风也是你,一棵树也是你,一朵云也是你。 If I miss you, then a gust of wind is you, a tree is you, a cloud is you.

26、如果我能原谅你的庸俗,那么你能原谅我的装逼么? If I can forgive your vulgarity, can you forgive my pretense?

27、如果有人问起,你怎么变胖了,你就说忘了。不要解释,越解释越悲伤。 If someone asks how you get fat, you say you forget. Don't explain. The more you explain, the sadder you will be.

28、小哥哥我给你卖个萌,你给我一个小爱心好不好。 I'll sell you a cute little brother. How about you give me a little love.

29、小时候常常尿湿被子,长大后常常哭湿枕头。 When I was a child, I used to wet the quilt, and when I grew up, I used to cry and wet the pillow.

30、希望今天的梦里有,酸奶薯条蛋糕草莓,还有你。 I hope today's dream includes yogurt, chips, cake, strawberries, and you.

31、建议你喜欢我,我回消息贼快。 I suggest you like me. I'll get back to you soon.

32、当你生活不顺心的时候,不要慌。看看你的钱包和存款,哭出来就好了。 Don't panic when you're having a bad life. Just look at your wallet and savings and cry.

33、想跟你朝朝暮暮,嗯嗯啊啊。 I want to be with you day and night, Mm-hmm.

34、我以为我喜欢好看的人,后来才知道只是我喜欢的人都很好看。 I thought I like good-looking people, but later I knew that only the people I like are very good-looking.

35、我伸出手你不会跟我走,于是我伸出了脚把你绊倒,你果然追我了。 I stretched out my hand and you would not follow me, so I stretched out my foot and tripped you. You really chased me.

36、我其实是个天使,之所以留在人间,是因为体重的关系。 I am actually an angel. The reason why I stay in the world is because of my weight.

37、我承认我脾气不好,可是我很好哄啊。 I admit I have a bad temper, but I'm easy to coax.

38、我是一个很有原则的人。我的原则是,好吃的在哪里,我就在哪里! I am a very principled person. My principle is that where the delicious food is, I will be there!

39、我曾经也是学霸,只是好奇学渣的世界,进去看看,结果就迷路了。 I used to be a student bully, just curious about the world of learning scum. When I went in, I lost my way.

40、我的男朋友很会为我考虑,为了不打扰我,十多年一直没来找我,这很暖心。 My boyfriend is very considerate for me. In order not to disturb me, he hasn't come to me for more than ten years, which is very warm.

41、我能想到最浪漫的事,就是我吃东西你付钱。 The most romantic thing I can think of is that you pay for my food.

42、打雷的时候,站在大树底下,对老天爷说,我也要穿越! When thundering, stand under the big tree and say to the God, I will cross too!

43、放在心上的男孩,以后也要放在床上。 The boy in the heart will be put on the bed in the future.

44、昨天捡了一块鼠标垫,想配台电脑,大家说还缺些啥呢? Yesterday, I picked up a mouse pad and wanted to match it with a computer. What are you missing?

45、每天都处在心有余而睡眠不足,心有余而智商不足,心有余而余额不足的状态。 Every day, we are in a state of surplus heart and insufficient sleep, surplus heart and insufficient IQ, surplus heart and insufficient balance.

46、爱上一个人是没有理由的,爱上了之后,她的一切就成了理由。 There is no reason to fall in love with a person. After falling in love, everything becomes a reason.

47、现在的小朋友一个比一个甜,我是不是也得甜一些呢。 Now the children are sweeter than each other. Do I have to be sweeter, too.

48、生命里最重要的三件事,想你睡你想睡你。 The three most important things in life, I want you to sleep, I want you to sleep.

49、生活好难啊,随时随地都想躺地上撒娇。 Life is so hard. I want to lie on the ground and play coquettish anytime and anywhere.

50、离开的人越来越多,留下的人越来越重要。 More and more people leave, and the people who stay are more and more important.

51、考试就像大姨妈,有时候会推迟两天,但肯定会来。 The exam is like a great aunt. Sometimes it will be postponed for two days, but it will definitely come.

52、要不是打不过你,早就和你翻脸了。 If I hadn't been able to beat you, I would have turned against you.

53、论喜欢你,我可是天下第一。 As for liking you, I am the best in the world.

54、谁说你没有毅力的,单身这事你不就坚持了好几十年吗? Who says you don't have perseverance? You've been single for decades?

55、贫穷是一袭薄薄的门帘,我在这头,头等舱在那头。 Poverty is a thin curtain, I'm here, first class is there.

56、跟我在一起,咱俩手牵在一起肯定特好看。 It must be very nice to be with me and hold hands together.

57、这天真的是太热了,想找个人冷战几天。 It's too hot this day. I want to find someone to fight for a few days.

58、这辈子太痴情了,下辈子有机会脚踩八条船。 This life is too infatuated, the next life has the opportunity to step on eight boats.

59、追星你又得不到他,不如追我,我三两下就到手了。 If you can't get him, you'd better chase me. I'll get it in three or two.

60、长得丑怎么了啊?只要不照镜子,恶心的又不是我自己。 What's wrong with being ugly? As long as I don't look in the mirror, it's not me that's disgusting.

61、长肉这事有种冲胸来,别老冲肚子。 There's a rush to the chest when it comes to growing meat. Don't rush to the stomach all the time.