1、一日为师,终身为父。 One day is a teacher and life is a father.
2、不听老师言,知识不周全。 If you don't listen to the teacher, your knowledge is not comprehensive.
3、不经一师,不长一艺。 If you don't have a teacher, you don't grow a skill.
4、为学莫重于尊师。 Don't respect teachers for learning.
5、先当学生,后当先生。 Be a student first, then a teacher.
6、千个师傅千个法。 Thousands of masters, thousands of methods.
7、古之学者必严其师,师严然后道尊。 Ancient scholars must be strict with their teachers, and then be strict with the Tao.
8、天地为大,亲师为尊。 Heaven and earth are great, and teachers are respected.
9、学贵得师,亦贵得友。 Learning is not only a teacher, but also a friend.
10、德无常师,主善为师。 Virtue has no ordinary teacher, but good teacher.
11、教师是人类的灵魂工程师。 Teachers are the soul engineers of human beings.
12、既有八岁的老师,也有八旬的学生。 There are both eight year old teachers and eighty year old students.
13、有眼不识真假是瞎子,有耳不听好坏是聋子。 The blind are the eyes who do not know the true and the false, and the deaf who do not listen to the good or the bad.
14、桃李不言,下自成溪。 Peaches and plums do not speak for themselves.
15、经师易遇,人师难遇。 Teachers of classics are easy to meet, but people are difficult to meet.
16、耳朵同有底,可以早听到晚。 The same ears can be heard early and late.
17、读书全靠自用功,先生不过引路人。 Reading depends on self-study, but Sir is no guide.
18、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 Who said inch grass heart, reported three Chunhui.
19、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 keep loyal and devoted to the last.