1、一万个美丽的未来,抵不过一个温柔的现在。 Ten thousand beautiful future can't equal a gentle present.

2、一次两次是鬼迷心窍,一直是你就在劫难逃。 Once or twice it's obsession. You're doomed all the time.

3、一段时间未见,感觉周围的人长的都像你。 I haven't seen it for a while. I feel that people around me look like you.

4、一碗碗水来一碗碗米,面对面睡觉还想着你。 A bowl of water to a bowl of rice, face-to-face sleep also think of you.

5、不为日子皱眉头,答应我,只为吻我才低头。 Don't frown for the day, promise me, just bow your head to kiss me.

6、与你一起度过的一生,是我最非凡的冒险。 The life I spent with you is my most extraordinary adventure.

7、习惯有你在身边,你在我的整个世界都心安。 Used to have you around, you are at ease in my whole world.

8、什么时候你想嫁人了就告诉我,我来娶你。 Tell me when you want to marry. I'll marry you.

9、从此庸人不再自扰,遇山绕道,遇你就抱。 From then on, mediocre people no longer disturb themselves. When they meet the mountain, they will take a detour and embrace you.

10、从此,枕边有人,心中有爱,人间值得留恋。 Since then, there are people in the pillow, love in the heart, the world is worth nostalgia.

11、你笑我看你风华正茂,你哭我陪你画地为牢。 You laugh, I see you in the prime of life, you cry, I accompany you to draw a *.

12、你跑到我梦里干嘛!有本事,等我醒了来啊。 What are you doing in my dream! I have the ability. When I wake up.

13、你迟到了很多年,但你的到来我依然很开心。 You are many years late, but I am still very happy to have you.

14、做我女朋友吧,行就行,不想我再想想办法。 Be my girlfriend, OK. Don't want me to think of another way.

15、兜兜转转,来来往往,回头你依然在这里。 Around, back and forth, you are still here.

16、别人再好是别人的,我就不一样,我是你的。 No matter how good others are, I will be different. I am yours.

17、半途而废很不好,所以我想,喜欢你到老。 It's not good to give up halfway, so I think I like you to be old.

18、和我在一起吧,你跟别人,我担心你受伤害。 Stay with me. You and others. I'm afraid you'll get hurt.

19、哪里有什么突然好想你,你一直都在我心里。 Where there is something to suddenly miss you, you have always been in my heart.

20、喜欢你就像一封旧情书,感情深,时间长。 Like you like an old love letter, deep feeling, long time.

21、喜欢你,所以我愿意,绕过八条街与你相遇。 Like you, so I would like to, around the eight streets and meet you.

22、在充满黑暗的世界,演绎着充满谎言的爱情。 In the world full of darkness, the interpretation of love is full of lies.

23、夜夜青山入梦来,夜夜是你,青山也是你。 Every night the green hills come to dream. Every night is you, and so is the Castle Peak.

24、女人我和你牵牵手,这辈子我只会爱着你。 Woman I hand in hand with you, this life I will only love you.

25、好好照顾自己,我不想等到下辈子再来爱你! Take good care of yourself, I don't want to wait until the next life to love you again!

26、如果余生是你,那么我希望余生快点开始。 If it's you for the rest of my life, then I hope the rest of my life will start soon.

27、对于我来说,你就是我的今天、明天和未来。 To me, you are my today, tomorrow and future.

28、想你,用阑珊的夜色;吻你,用如水的月光。 Miss you, with the dim night; kiss you, with moonlight like water.

29、我不介意等你,只要最后等到的人是你就好。 I don't mind waiting for you, as long as you are the last one.

30、我不能给你全世界,我的全世界可以给你。 I can't give you the whole world, my whole world can give you.

31、我不过你的红尘陌路,你不过我的笑忘成书。 I'm just your stranger in the world of mortals, you're just my smile forgetting to be a book.

32、我喜欢你,没有什么特别的理由,就是喜欢。 I like you, there is no special reason, just like.

33、我总是想起你的样子,有时想的心里发疼。 I always think of your appearance, sometimes think of the heart ache.

34、我想你,在每一个地方,在每一分钟每一秒。 I miss you, everywhere, every minute, every second.

35、我想你,那种必须要拥抱才能解决的想念。 I miss you, the kind of miss that has to be hugged.

36、我想认真地谈场恋爱,自你而始,自你而终。 I want to have a serious love, starting from you and ending with you.

37、我的世界有你才会完美,所以我不能失去你。 My world will be perfect with you, so I can't lose you.

38、我的女神、不温柔、不淑女、不会离开我。 My goddess, not gentle, not lady, will not leave me.

39、我的眼睛里没有星星,没有闪亮,可是有你。 There are no stars in my eyes, no shining, but you.

40、我能有多特别,除了特别喜欢你,就没了。 How special I can be, except that I like you very much.

41、我要用“您”来称呼你,因为你在我的心上。 I will call you "you" because you are in my heart.

42、我觉得我很花心,你的每个样子我都喜欢。 I think I'm very playful. I like every look of you.

43、我这样不善言辞的人,却总想和你废话连篇。 I'm a poor speaker, but I always want to talk nonsense with you.

44、戴一枚美丽的戒指,让我们永远相依相随。 Wear a beautiful ring, let us always depend on each other.

45、抱住你的时候,就像抱住了我的整个世界。 Holding you is like holding my whole world.

46、推开身边的人,只为深拥一个不可能的你。 Push aside the people around, just to embrace an impossible you.

47、撩的都是不喜欢的,喜欢的都是小心翼翼的。 Lift is not like, like are careful.

48、无论岁月如何变迁,我对你的爱曾从不改变! No matter how time changes, my love for you has never changed!

49、时光温柔,还需你懂生活,可爱也需你宠。 Time is gentle, but also need you to understand life, lovely also need your pet.

50、时光温热,岁月静好,你还不来,我怎敢老? Time is warm and time is quiet. How dare I be old if you don't come?

51、有你的日子,那都不叫日子,叫幸福时光。 Have your day, that is not called day, called happy time.

52、未来的日子很长,我想要找个人好好一起过。 The future is very long. I want to find someone to live with.

53、比喜欢更重要的是爱,比爱更重要的是你。 More important than like is love, more important than love is you.

54、江湖路远,世道险恶。我与你,同去同归。 There is a long way to go in the world. I will go with you.

55、给我温暖予我位置,让我进你心脏读你故事。 Give me warmth, give me my position, let me go into your heart and read your story.

56、茔茔蔓草,岁岁不老。风雨如晦,死生为谁。 The grass in the tomb is not old. If the wind and rain are gloomy, who is the life and death.

57、茫茫人海中,你遇见了谁?谁又遇见了你。 Who did you meet in the vast sea of people? Who met you again.

58、让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。 Let me love you for two days, with you and without you.

59、许你繁华落尽不相离,伴你青灯古佛不言弃! Make you prosperous fall do not leave each other, accompany you green lamp ancient Buddha not to abandon!

60、陪伴是最长情的告白。你的笑容,情比天高。 Accompany is the longest confession of love. Your smile is higher than the sky.