1、一定是特别的缘分,才可以一路走来变成了一家人。 It must be a special fate that can make you a family all the way.

2、不要贸然评价我,你只知道我的名字,却不知道我的故事。 Don't judge me rashly. You only know my name, but you don't know my story.

3、世间所有不尽人意之事,全靠硬扛。接受成长,也接受所有的不欢而散。 All the unsatisfactory things in the world depend on hard shoulder. Accept the growth, but also accept all the unhappy parting.

4、人一生至少要有两次冲动,一次奋不顾身的爱情,一次说走就走的旅行。 One should have at least two impulses in one's life, one is desperate love, and the other is a trip to go.

5、从今以后别想在老娘面前蹦Q,就因为老娘不稀罕你给的忽冷忽热。 From now on, don't want to jump in front of my mother, because I don't want you to give me hot and cold.

6、从前喜欢热闹,之后讨厌人群,滥交不如独往。 In the past, I like to be lively, but later I hate the crowd. It's better to go alone than to have promiscuity.

7、你别管最后我成了什么样,反正不会是当初爱你那样。 You don't care what I became in the end, anyway, it won't be the way I love you.

8、你是个好男孩,但是我太美了,你配不上。 You're a good boy, but I'm too beautiful for you.

9、你要学着无视所有嘲笑,要学着骄傲地看着别人微笑。 You have to learn to ignore all ridicule, to look at others with pride and smile.

10、倘若你看不到我的绚烂天空,我又何必解释我的不同。 If you can't see my gorgeous sky, why should I explain my difference.

11、几年后,你依然是你,而我不再是单纯的我了。 A few years later, you are still you, and I am no longer a simple me.

12、刚要想想未来,现实却给我一巴掌。 Just want to think about the future, reality gave me a slap.

13、别在背地里说我坏话,说不定我就站在你身后。 Don't speak ill of me behind my back. Maybe I will stand behind you.

14、别说我高傲,我只是不与禽兽打交道。 Don't say I'm arrogant, I just don't deal with animals.

15、单身挺好,碰到喜欢的人可以名正言顺的心动。 It's very good to be single. You can be right when you meet someone you like.

16、喜欢你是件麻烦事,但我就喜欢找麻烦。 It's troublesome to like you, but I like trouble.

17、回首人生,最痛的,不是失败,而是没有经历自己想要经历的一切。 Looking back on life, the most painful thing is not failure, but not experiencing what you want to experience.

18、天气冷了,连起床都需要莫大的勇气啊。 It's cold. It takes a lot of courage to get up.

19、如果记忆是座方城,那么,为了你,我甘愿画地为牢,将自己困顿其中。 If the memory is a square city, then, for you, I am willing to draw a *, I will be trapped in it.

20、姐的世界,不需要你,毋庸置疑。 Sister's world, do not need you, no doubt.

21、小短腿个子矮不要怕,你除了可爱外,你捡钱的速度要比别人快。 Don't be afraid of small short legs. In addition to being cute, you can pick up money faster than others.

22、常说话的人变的不说话了,要么成熟了,要么心灰意冷了。 People who often talk become silent, either mature or frustrated.

23、当爱情临近尽头的时候,放个屁都能成为分手的理由。 When love comes to an end, farting can be a reason to break up.

24、往后余生,没有你,我还是能活下去。 I can live without you for the rest of my life.

25、我一点也不优雅,快乐,美丽,我不是你的优乐美。 I'm not elegant, happy, beautiful. I'm not your Youlemei.

26、我从来就不爱和别人争东西,你喜欢就拿去,拿得走就拿去。 I never love to argue with others about things. You can take them if you like, or you can take them away.

27、我们的爱,就像来不及许愿的流星,再怎么美丽,也只能是曾经。 Our love, like a meteor without time to make a wish, no matter how beautiful, can only be once.

28、我可以视你为宝,但也可以视你为空气。 I can see you as treasure, but also as air.

29、我嘴上说做人要低调,但心里想的比谁都要高调。 I said to be a low-key person, but in my heart, I want to be high-profile than anyone else.

30、我坚信,是我的不会走,不是我的强求不来。 I firmly believe that it is my will not go, not my compulsion.

31、我曾为了一个人发自内心的笑过,也曾为了一个人撕心裂肺的哭过。 I have for a person from the heart of the smile, but also for a person to tear heart crack lung of the cry.

32、我最羡慕的人是你,因为你得到了我的爱,还可以这样不识好歹。 I envy you the most, because you get my love, you can be so ungrateful.

33、把你加入黑名单之后找你方便多了。别担心。我一样爱你。 It's much easier to find you after you've been blacklisted. don't worry. I love you as much.

34、有人说,不被爱的才是第三者。 Some people say that those who are not loved are the third party.

35、有酒就去喝,有情就去爱,一生那么短,再拘谨几下就真的过去了。 If you have wine, if you love, you will love. If you have a short life, you will really be in the past.

36、有钱才敢做最真实的自己,没钱只能做讨人喜欢的。 Only those who have money dare to be the most real themselves, and those who have no money can only be likable.

37、杯子坏了,水就洒了,我不爱了,你什么都不是了。 If the cup is broken, the water will spill. I don't love it. You are nothing.

38、永远成功的秘密,就是每天淘汰自己! The secret of success forever is to eliminate yourself every day!

39、爱情无需道歉,是爱你的人犯贱。 Love doesn't need to apologize. It's the one who loves you.

40、现实中用真名说假话,网络中用假名说真话。 In reality, people use their real names to tell lies, while in the Internet they use pseudonyms to tell the truth.

41、用玩世不恭的态度,面对复杂的人生。 With a cynical attitude, the face of complex life.

42、留不住的人不要留,因为再好的链子也栓不住想走的狗。 Don't keep those who can't, because no matter how good the chain is, it can't tie the dog who wants to go.

43、等待太久得来的东西,多半已经不是当初自己想要的样子。 Waiting for too long to get things, most of them are not what they wanted to look like.

44、简单的生活,何尝不是一场华丽的冒险。 Simple life is not a gorgeous adventure.

45、若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己;若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。 If it is always ignored, why do you humble yourself; if you don't cherish it, why do you have to work hard to maintain it.

46、谁要是敢伤害我在意的人,我他妈分分钟教你怎么做人。 If anyone dares to hurt the people I care about, I'll teach you how to behave in a minute.

47、跌倒了站起来,换个好看的姿势再倒下去。 Fall down, stand up, change a good posture and fall again.

48、选一种姿态,让自己活得无可替代,没有所谓的运气,只有绝对的努力。 Choose a posture, let oneself live irreplaceable, there is no so-called luck, only absolute efforts.

49、陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。 There are two kinds of strangers: those who don't know and those who pretend they don't know.

50、陪在身边才算拥有,爱到习惯才算长久。 To be with you is to have, to love to be a habit is to be long.