1、A hundred feet tall Wu, hold up a round of the moon; the number of rafters house, locked the five night of reading。百尺高梧,撑得起一轮月色;数椽矮屋,锁不住五夜书声。   高考励志英语短语2   

2、A product kuibu Zhen Cheng, thousands of miles away。积一时之跬步,臻千里之遥程。   

3、As the goal, the night lying at midnight, don't dream of the stars, and God 's, ready to go to all lengths!为目标,晚卧夜半,梦别星辰,敛神养气,以备全力以赴!   

4、At present, the lights dim, what sorrow without a friend; it won the ancient Toad Hall, there must be a gentleman。今朝灯火阑珊处,何忧无友;它年折桂古蟾宫,必定有君。   

5、Be kind to your love, don't let them get out of the way, to make them learn to serve。善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。   

6、Confidence is a prerequisite for success。自信是成功的先决条件。   

7、Confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom。 Plain, is on the success of the inn。自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。   

8、Don't ask the harvest, but the hard work! God helps those who help themselves。不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。   

9、Don't feel inferior, you are not stupid。 Don't be complacent, others are not stupid。不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。   

10、Each title three times。 The first time: evaluation; second times: after a week; third times: before the exam。每道错题做三遍。第一遍:讲评时;第二遍:一周后;第三遍:考试前。   

11、Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。遇到会做的题:仔细;遇到不会做的题:冷静。   

12、Facing the opportunity, do not hesitate; face the choice, do not hesitate; face the decisive battle, not afraid!面对机遇,不犹豫;面对抉择,不彷徨;面对决战,不惧怕!   

13、Fighting force division dragon rock achievement brilliant reproduction of the wind; God helps those who help themselves。闻鸡起舞成就拼搏劲旅师;天道酬勤再现辉煌王者风。   

14、For the ideal, the early night reading, greeting the dawn, guns file sword, fear The enemy approached the walls!为理想,早起三更,读迎晨曦,磨枪锉剑,不惧兵临城下!   

15、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。四分学识智,三心细耐恒,二成应试法,一片平常心。   

16、Get ready, there is always the most difficult time in the examination room。 To see the true colour of a hero。做好准备,考场上总有最艰难的时刻。沉着才见英雄本色。   

17、Little effort often teach hoze Kyushu; water drops of sweat to learn to fight for territory in ancient Central China yong。点点心血勤育英才厚泽九州;滴滴汗水勇赴学海逐鹿中原。   

18、Monthly exam scores ranking is usually not worth bothering about, floating normal。月考分数高低何足挂齿,平时名次浮动纯属正常。   

19、Nervous and orderly, efficiency is the key。紧张而有序,效率是关键。

20、Plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 Plans and goals, action。计划要细,动手要早,落实要准。计划与目标、行动一致。   

21、Practice is the college entrance examination, the college entrance exam is to practice。练习就是高考,高考就是练习。   

22、Science students to Chongwen, liberal arts students to science。 Text to see every day, every day to practice。理科生要重文,文科生要重理。文要天天看,理要天天练。   

23、The body often moves, the heart is often quiet。身体常动,内心常静。   

24、The college entrance exam is a practice for a million people。高考是汇百万人参加的一次练习。   

25、The first cantilever cone piercing, brush, women's book midnight fire, even chicken Qizhi; man, battle pen write hubei。头悬梁,锥刺骨,巾帼挥毫书奇志;三更火,五更鸡,须眉仗笔写华章。   

26、There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。   

27、There is no easy place in the world。天下断无易处之境遇;人间哪有空闲的光阴。   

28、There is no final success without a failure。 It is important to analyze the causes of failure and learn from it。没有平日的失败,就没有最终的成功。重要的是分析失败原因并吸取教训。   

29、Together we lucubrate not afraid of difficulties, with parents expect water seriously set back top。拼十年寒窗挑灯苦读不畏难,携双亲期盼背水勇战定夺魁。   

30、Weak utilitarian, move forward; without pay, not to complete, firm and indomitable。淡薄功利,轻装前进;不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的.,誓不罢休。   

31、高考励志英语短语   英文式的高考励志语录你喜欢吗?喜欢就收藏下来吧。下面是小编给大家整理的英文高考励志语录,供大家参阅!   高考励志英语短语1   
