1、一个有责任的人,是没有死亡的权力的。 A responsible person has no right to die.

2、一定要做梦想板,把梦想板贴在右上方。 Be sure to make a dream board and stick it on the top right.

3、一无所有就是我坚强,拼搏的唯一选择。 Nothing is the only choice for me to be strong and fight hard.

4、一条铁链的坚固程度决定于它最弱的一环。 The strength of a chain depends on its weakest link.

5、不要忘记你的梦想,不去努力怎会发光。 Don't forget your dream. If you don't work hard, you can't shine.

6、不要放弃,最终你会发现一切都是值得的。 Don't give up. In the end, you'll find it's worth it.

7、为了很好地站着,就不要停下你的脚步! In order to stand well, don't stop your step!

8、为了给孩子最好的生活,我必须全力以赴。 In order to give my children the best life, I have to do my best.

9、五彩缤纷的生活世界,来自至高的品质境界。 The colorful life world comes from the highest quality realm.

10、人不能太闲,一闲就胡思乱想,一闲就丧。 Make blind and disorderly conjectures.

11、人生是由很多不确定构成,也是它的精彩所在。 Life is made up of a lot of uncertainty, which is also the highlight of it.

12、人生没有白走的路,每一步都算数。 There is no road in life for nothing. Every step counts.

13、人离开了书,如同离开空气一样不能生活。 People can't live without books as without air.

14、你看得到阳光,整个世界才看得到阳光。 You can see the sun, the whole world can see the sun.

15、你知道人类最大的武器是什么吗?是豁出去的决心。 Do you know what the biggest weapon of mankind is? It's a determination to go all out.

16、做事上多一些责任心,则成功的机会更大。 If you have more responsibility, you will have a better chance of success.

17、决定放弃了的事,就请放弃得干干净净。 If you decide to give up, please give up.

18、努力和收获,都是自己的,与他人无关。 Efforts and gains, are their own, and have nothing to do with others.

19、勇敢的名字,叫攀登。 The brave name is climbing.

20、只要努力不止,进步也会不止。 As long as we work hard, we will make more progress.

21、只要有决心,有毅力,事情终究会成功。 As long as you have determination and perseverance, things will succeed eventually.

22、命运不是等待,而是把握。 Destiny is not waiting, but grasping.

23、命,乃失败者借口;运,乃成功者的谦词。 Life is the excuse of the loser; luck is the humble word of the successful.

24、多考虑应该做什么,少考虑能够做什么。 Think more about what should be done and less about what can be done.

25、奋发图强,梦想飞扬。 Work hard, dream flying.

26、如果发出声音是危险的,那就保持沉默。 If it is dangerous to make a sound, keep silent.

27、实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。 The only obstacle to the realization of tomorrow's ideal is today's doubts.

28、对别人说狠话,不如对自己下狠手。 It is better to be cruel to yourself than to speak hard to others.

29、微笑比皱眉好看,请求比呵斥自然。 Smile is better than frown, request is more natural than scold.

30、心情不好时,闭上眼,告诉自己这是幻觉。 When in a bad mood, close your eyes and tell yourself it's an illusion.

31、志,气之帅也。 Ambition is the commander of Qi.

32、总会有不期而遇的温暖和生生不息的希望。 There will always be unexpected warmth and endless hope.

33、患难困苦,是磨炼人格之最高学校。 Adversity is the highest school to temper personality.

34、成功不是靠奇迹,而是靠耕耘到成熟的轨迹! Success does not depend on miracle, but on the track to maturity!

35、成功是由日复一日的点滴努力汇聚而成的。 Success is the result of daily efforts.

36、我乐意向成功者学习,和从成败中总结经验。 I am willing to learn from successful people and sum up experience from success or failure.

37、我知道你很好,但是我也不差。 I know you're good, but I'm not bad.

38、把努力变成一种习惯,而不是一时热血。 Make effort a habit, not a passion.

39、放下已经走远的人与事,放下早已尘封的是与非。 Put down the people and things that have gone far away, put down the dust laden right and wrong.

40、放眼前方,只要我们继续,收获的季节就在前方! Looking ahead, as long as we continue, the harvest season is ahead!

41、时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。 Time is not to let people forget the pain, but to let people get used to the pain.

42、梦想是一个天真的词,实现梦想是个残酷的词。 Dream is a naive word, realizing dream is a cruel word.

43、梦想是不会发光的,发光的是追梦的你。 Dreams will not shine, but you who pursue dreams will shine.

44、没有人能一路单纯到底,但别忘了最初的自己。 No one can be simple all the way to the end, but don't forget the original self.

45、没有欢笑的一天是白费的一天。笑一个吧。 A day without laughter is a day in vain. Smile.

46、没有激流称不上前进,没有山峰称不上攀登。 No torrent, no mountain, no climb.

47、理想,难以梦想,放弃那只是一种错觉。 Ideal, hard to dream, to give up is just an illusion.

48、生活总是两难,不过是一场随遇而安。 Life is always a dilemma. It's just a let it go.

49、用微笑告诉别人,今天的我,比昨天更强。 Tell others with a smile that today I am stronger than yesterday.

50、目标犹如海上的灯塔,指引前进的方向。 Goals are like lighthouses on the sea, guiding the way forward.

51、眼里长着微笑,笑里全是坦荡。 Eyes long smile, smile is full of magnanimity.

52、能改的,叫做缺点,不能改的,叫做弱点。 What can be changed is called weakness, and what cannot be changed is called weakness.

53、莫放松点,莫轻视微。 Don't relax, don't despise the micro.

54、要胜利登顶,得先奋力攀登。 To get to the top of the mountain successfully, you have to climb hard first.

55、趁自己还年轻,给一个自己牛的机会。 Give yourself a chance to be a cow while you are still young.

56、路还长,你一定要努力,不要辜负了自己。 There is still a long way to go. You must work hard and don't let yourself down.

57、过去的永远不再来,未来的还需要努力。 The past will never come again, and the future still needs efforts.

58、遇到困难时,我们要用自信战胜困难,战胜自己。 When we encounter difficulties, we should overcome them with confidence and overcome ourselves.

59、靠他人,永远害怕风霜。 Rely on others, always afraid of wind and frost.

60、顺意时低头,你会走得更远。 Bow down when you like, you will go further.