1、一个人有无成就,决定于他青年时期是不是有志气。 Whether a person has achieved or not depends on his ambition in his youth.

2、上帝从不抱怨人们的智慧,人们却抱怨上帝的不公道。 God never complains about people's wisdom, but people complain about God's injustice.

3、不管生活给你多少焦虑烦躁,你只需保持自律自信的生活状态。 No matter how much anxiety and irritability life gives you, you just need to maintain a self-discipline and confident life state.

4、不能太贪心,否则你什么也抓不住,过去的就让它过去吧。 Don't be too greedy, otherwise you can't catch anything. Let the past pass.

5、不要在你哭泣的时候,说气话,下决定,你会后悔的。 Don't make angry remarks and make decisions when you are crying. You will regret it.

6、不要试图控制别人,不要要求别人理解你。 Don't try to control others. Don't ask them to understand you.

7、为了成材,松树从不向四季如春的温室外献殷勤。 In order to become useful, the pine never pays attention to the greenhouse where the seasons are like spring.

8、人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。 As long as you don't lose your direction, you won't lose yourself.

9、人生就应如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一向都是光明的。 Life should be like a candle, burning from the top to the end, always bright.

10、人生最大的不幸,就是自己的无能。 The greatest misfortune in life is one's own incompetence.

11、人生没有一劳永逸,想要不被抛弃,必须自己争气。 Life is not once and for all. If you want not to be abandoned, you must strive for success.

12、人生那么短,凭什么让不重要的人影响了自己重要的心情。 Life is so short, why let unimportant people affect their important mood.

13、从错误中比从混乱中易于发现真理。 It is easier to find truth from mistakes than from confusion.

14、你不努力,谁帮你,你不狠点,怎么赢。 If you don't work hard, who will help you? If you don't be cruel, how can you win.

15、你如果想不通那一件事你应该试着转移注意力。 If you can't think of that, you should try to divert your attention.

16、别人可以做的,我可以做的更好! What others can do, I can do better!

17、劳动,我们共创和谐的基本,我们建立友谊的桥梁。 Labor, we create a harmonious foundation, we build a bridge of friendship.

18、只有做一个内心强大的姑娘,才能闪耀出最美的光芒。 Only to be a strong girl in the heart can you shine the most beautiful light.

19、只有自己努力、才有别人想不到的惊喜! Only if you work hard, can you have unexpected surprise!

20、喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单。 Like to fight for, to cherish, miss to forget, life is actually so simple.

21、在自己认为最适合的事情上面去求发展,就自然会有成功的一天。 Go for development on what you think is most suitable for you, and you will naturally have a successful day.

22、在这里节骨眼上,勇于承担责任,就是最大的担当。 At this juncture, it is the greatest responsibility to have the courage to take responsibility.

23、地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。 The earth is moving, and a person will not always be in a bad position.

24、太阳不会因为你的失意,明天不再升起。 The sun will not rise again tomorrow because of your disappointment.

25、如果刀刃怕伤了自我而不与磨刀石接触,就永远不会锋利。 If the blade does not touch the grindstone for fear of hurting itself, it will never be sharp.

26、如果有得选,就选最好的。如果没得选,就尽力做到最好。 If you have a choice, choose the best. If you don't get a choice, do your best.

27、如烟往事俱遗忘,心底无私天地宽。 Like smoke, the past are forgotten, the bottom of my heart is selfless and wide.

28、年的时间努力改变自己,让自己变得更加完美。 Years of time to change themselves, to become more perfect.

29、庸人费心将是消磨时光,能人费尽心计利用时间。 The mediocre will spend his time; the able man will make the best of it.

30、总有一天,把生活淘成我想要的样子。 One day, I will make my life what I want.

31、惟愿无能的人天生知足常乐,而贪婪的人都能有双起家的白手。 Wish that the incompetent are born contented, while the greedy can have a double start.

32、成长是一场冒险勇敢的人先上路代价是错过风景不能回头。 Growth is an adventure, brave people go first, the price is to miss the scenery can not go back.

33、我的梦想,你也许觉得很累,我的选择只能自己体会。 My dream, you may feel very tired, my choice can only experience.

34、改良社会最有效的方式就是提升自己。 The most effective way to improve our society is to improve ourselves.

35、放松心情吧!他会让你握有更大的胜算。 Relax! He'll give you a bigger chance.

36、无从凭借,无立足境,方是孤傲的彰显与极致。 No way to rely on, no foothold, Fang is the manifestation and acme of aloofness.

37、更快、更高、更强。领先就是金牌。 Faster, higher, stronger. Leading is a gold medal.

38、最好的关系,是相互了解,又彼此*。 The best relationship is mutual understanding and freedom.

39、本来,生命只有一次,对于谁都是宝贵的。 Originally, life only once, for everyone is precious.

40、欲正其心者,先诚其意,意诚而后心正。 If you want to correct your mind, you should first be sincere, and then you should be sincere.

41、每一天都要不断地检讨自己的工作和绩效! Review your work and performance every day!

42、每逢善事心先喜,得见奇书手自抄。 Every time a good deed is done, the heart is glad to see the strange book and copy it by hand.

43、汗水和丰收是忠实的伙伴,勤学和知识是一对最美丽的情侣。 Sweat and harvest are loyal partners. Diligence and knowledge are the most beautiful lovers.

44、江水如果离开了堤岸,就会泛滥成灾。 If the river leaves its banks, it will flood.

45、没有家庭显赫的背景,就必须拥有无人可敌的能力。 Without a prominent family background, one must have the ability to be invincible.

46、漫天星光沿途散播,长路的尽处有灯火。 Stars spread all over the road, and there are lights at the end of the long road.

47、生活可能并非我们期待后舞台,但既然来了,我们就要翩翩起舞。 Life may not be what we look forward to, but now that we're here, we have to dance.

48、管理就是预测和计划、组织、指挥、协调以及控制。 Management is forecasting and planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and controlling.

49、组织强壮靠增员,业绩高涨靠拜访。 Strong organization depends on the increase of staff, and the high performance relies on visiting.

50、美德就像燃料,不把它点燃,人生的热气球就无法升空。 Virtue is like fuel. If you don't light it, the balloon of life will not be able to rise.

51、能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;能用众智,则无畏于圣人矣。 If you can use all your strength, you will be invincible in the world; if you can use all your wisdom, you will not be afraid of saints.

52、能陪你走到最后的,一定是你自己那颗坚定的心。 Can accompany you to the end, must be your own that firm heart.

53、脆弱的理由多种多样,坚持的信念一个模样。 There are various reasons for vulnerability, and the belief that we stick to is the same.

54、莪@和曾今f再,未硎禽自己德! I said goodbye to Zeng today, the future is my own virtue!

55、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.

56、越有故事的人越沉静简单,越肤浅单薄的人越浮躁不安。 The more people have stories, the more quiet and simple, the more superficial, the more impetuous.

57、长年累月的坚持,兢兢业业的汗水,才能带你去所向往的远方。 Years of persistence, conscientious sweat, can take you to the distance you yearn for.

58、青霄有路终须到,金榜无名誓不归。 There is a way to Qingxiao, but Jinbang has no name.

59、顺境时显现恶习,逆境时凸现美德。 Good times show vice, adversity show virtue.

60、黑暗将使人更加珍惜光明,寂静将使人更加喜爱声音。 Darkness will make people cherish light more, silence will make people love sound more.