1、一别都门三改火,天涯踏尽红尘。 One don't all three change fire, the end of the world treads on the world.

2、一年到头,岁月催人老。 All the year round, years make us old.

3、三年遇寒食,尽在洛阳城。 Three years of cold food, all in Luoyang City.

4、人走茶凉,怀念过去。 People walk in the cool tea and miss the past.

5、今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。 On the first night of this year, the moon and the lamp remain the same.

6、今朝试卷孤篷看,依旧青山绿树多。 Today, there are still many green mountains and trees.

7、催促年光,旧来流水知何处。 Urging the new year, the old water knows where.

8、光阴勿虚度,青春不再来。 Don't waste your time. Youth will never come again.

9、光阴如锉,细磨无声。 Time is like a file, grinding silently.

10、几砚昔年游,于今成十秋。 Several inkstones used to travel in the past, but now they are ten autumn.

11、前年过代北,今岁往辽西。 The year before last, I went to Liaoxi.

12、去岁江南见雪时,月底梅花发。 When I saw snow in the south of the Yangtze River last year, there was plum blossom at the end of the moon.

13、吟怀未许老重阳,霜雪无端入鬓长。 Yin Huai does not allow the old Chongyang, frost and snow into the temples without end.

14、在时间的大钟上,只有两个字现在。 On the clock of time, there are only two words now.

15、夏钓夏钓,夜间比白天好钓。 Fishing in summer is better at night than in daytime.

16、天气乍凉人寂寞,光阴须得酒消磨。 The weather is cold and lonely. Time must be spent by wine.

17、如果时间能回头,你会不会爱上我。 If time can turn back, will you fall in love with me.

18、季节不等人,一刻值千金。 Season waits for no man, a moment is worth a thousand gold.

19、富贵非所愿,与人驻颜光。 Wealth is not what you want, with people in Yan Guang.

20、少不勤苦,老必艰辛。 If you are less diligent, you will be hard.

21、少则志一而难忘,长则神放而易失。 A little will make you unforgettable, a long will make you easy to lose.

22、岁月苍老了容颜,也淡然了心境。 Years old face, but also indifferent mood.

23、岁月轮回,新旧交替,年轮叠加。 The years come back, the old and the new alternate, and the rings overlap.

24、年年送客横塘路,细雨垂杨系画船。 Every year, we see off Hengtang Road, and the fine rain falls on Yang's boat.

25、年时俯仰过,功名宜速崇。 When I was young, I had to admire it quickly.

26、往来千里路长在,聚散十年人不同。 It's a long way to travel, but it's different to gather and disperse people for ten years.

27、忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。 Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossom.

28、怀念过去,却不能停下向前的脚步。 Miss the past, but can't stop moving forward.

29、怨别自惊千里外,论交却忆十年时。 Don't blame yourself, but remember ten years of friendship.

30、时间再短,若是充实,何惧死亡? No matter how short the time is, if it is full, what is the fear of death?

31、时间反复无常,鼓着翅膀飞逝。 Time is fickle and flies with wings.

32、时间是世界上一切成就的土壤。 Time is the soil of all achievements in the world.

33、时间是人类必须珍惜的东西。 Time is something that human beings must cherish.

34、时间是慵懒的,日子是简单的。 Time is lazy, days are simple.

35、时间是衡量事业的标准。 Time is the measure of career.

36、时间,是个宝,永远都嫌少。 Time is a treasure. It's never enough.

37、时间,能改变年龄,让青春不再。 Time, can change age, let youth no longer.

38、明日复明日,明日何其多! Tomorrow is tomorrow, how many tomorrow!

39、昼短苦夜长,何不秉烛游! The day is short and the night is long. Why not swim by candlelight!

40、最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。 It's the best thing in spring. It's better than the emperor's capital.

41、林花谢了春红,太匆匆。 Lin Hua is in a hurry, thanks for spring red.

42、梦里不知身是客,一晌贪欢。 I don't know I'm a guest in my dream. I'm greedy for a moment.

43、此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。 This past year should be a time of good fortune.

44、潮有涨落日,人有盛衰时。 Tide has its ups and downs, people have their ups and downs.

45、珍惜时间可以使生命变得更有价值。 Cherish time can make life more valuable.

46、生命不等于是呼吸,生命是活动。 Life is not breath, life is activity.

47、百年歌自苦,未见有知音。 A hundred years of songs have suffered, but no bosom friend has been found.

48、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。 He who waits for time is a waste of time.

49、红烛背,绣帘垂,梦长君不知。 Red candle back, embroider curtain to hang, dream long gentleman does not know.

50、经过的事,才知道有喜有伤。 After that, I know that there is happiness and hurt.

51、给时间一点时间,一切都会过去。 Give time, everything will pass.

52、能销几度落,已是半生来。 It's half of my life to be able to sell several times.

53、自是人生长恨,水长东。 Since is life long hate, water long East.

54、艳阳时节又蹉跎,迟暮光阴复若何。 When the sun is shining, what time does it take.

55、花开有落时,人生容易老。 When flowers bloom and fall, life is easy to grow old.

56、花有重开的,人无再少年。 Flowers reopen, and no one is young.

57、记得当年草上飞,铁衣著尽著僧衣。 I remember flying on the grass and wearing the monk's clothes in iron.

58、转眼就是一年,转瞬便是一生。 The blink of an eye is a year, the blink of an eye is a life.

59、辛勤的蜜蜂永远没有时间的悲哀。 Hard bees never have time to mourn.

60、锦江春色来天地,玉垒浮云变古今。 Jinjiang spring to heaven and earth, Yu Lei floating clouds change ancient and modern.

61、麻姑垂两鬓,一半已成霜。 Magu's temples are half frosted.