1、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。 A true friend holds your hand and touches your heart.
2、上天给予人一分困难时,同时也添给人一分智力。 When God gives a little difficulty, it also adds a little intelligence.
3、世上没有丑女人,只有不会使用美图秀秀的女人! There are no ugly women in the world, only women who can't use beautiful pictures!
4、人生如梦,生命从无到有,又从有走向无。 Life is like a dream. Life goes from nothing to being, and from being to nothing.
5、人生格言个性签名,不宽恕众生,不原谅众生,是苦了你自己。 If you don't forgive others, you will suffer yourself.
6、人生没有什么事放不下去,痛了自然就会放下。 There is nothing in life that can't be put down. If it hurts, it will be put down.
7、人生的奔跑,不在于瞬间的爆发,而在于途中的坚持。 The running of life does not lie in the instant outbreak, but in the persistence on the way.
8、人生的目的不是为了活得长,是为了活得好。 The purpose of life is not to live long, but to live well.
9、你走路带着风,谁也不知道你膝盖上仍有曾摔伤的淤青。 You walk with the wind, and no one knows that you still have bruises on your knee that you've fallen.
10、创业前的准备,创业过程中的坚持都至关重要。 Preparation before starting a business and persistence in the process of starting a business are all very important.
11、别人认识你是你的面容和躯体,人们定义你是你的头脑和心灵。 People know you as your face and body, people define you as your mind and heart.
12、努力过后,才知道许多事情,一个人,拼的就是坚强。 After hard work, only know a lot of things, a person, spell is strong.
13、十年磨一剑,霜寒未曾试。 Ten years of sharpening a sword, frost and cold never tried.
14、升平富足的盛世徒然养成一批懦夫,困苦永远是坚强之母。 In the prosperous age of prosperity and prosperity, a group of cowards were formed in vain. Hardship is always the mother of strength.
15、即使你有一千个理由难过,也要有一千零一个理由欢笑。 Even if you have a thousand reasons to be sad, there must be a thousand and one reasons to laugh.
16、原来我眼里的喜欢,只是你眼中的一个玩笑。 It turns out that the love in my eyes is just a joke in your eyes.
17、只是那张笑脸,从不间断浮现在我眼前。 It's just that smiling face that never stops floating in front of me.
18、只有一条路不能选择,那就是放弃。 There is only one way not to choose, and that is to give up.
19、命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。 Fate, you are cruel to tell my sorrow.
20、地球是运动的,一个人不会永远处在倒霉的位置。 The earth is moving, and a person will not always be in a bad position.
21、大胆点,伟大无比的力量自会来帮助你。 Be bold. Great power will help you.
22、天空收容每一片云彩,不论美丑,故天空广阔无比,做人也一样。 The sky contains every cloud, whether beautiful or ugly, so the sky is vast and incomparable, so it is the same to be a man.
23、如果你的才华能撑得起你的梦想,就不要让它沉寂在淤泥底! If your talent can support your dream, don't let it sink in the mud!
24、如果要后退,上帝就会在我们的后脑长双眼睛了。 If we want to step back, God will have eyes in the back of our head.
25、宁可被人笑一时,不可被人笑一世! It's better to be laughed at for a while than to be laughed at all the time!
26、实践是知识的源泉,知识是生活的明灯。 Practice is the source of knowledge and knowledge is the light of life.
27、幸运并非没有恐惧和烦恼,厄运并非没有安慰与希望。 Luck is not without fear and trouble, and misfortune is not without comfort and hope.
28、强大的信心,能克服来自内心的恶魔,产生无往不胜的勇气。 Strong confidence, can overcome the devil from the heart, produce invincible courage.
29、当所有人都低调的时候,可以高调,但不能跑调。 When everyone is low-key, you can be high-profile, but not out of tune.
30、成功不是得到多少东西,而是看你把身上多余的东西扔掉多少。 Success is not how much you get, but how much you throw away the surplus.
31、我们停下脚步,其实只为走得更远! We stop to go further!
32、我无法左右别人,亦无法改变世界,唯有做好自己。 I can't control others, and I can't change the world.
33、我相信你将成为胸纳百川,恢宏大度的杰出人才。 I believe that you will become an outstanding person with broad mind and magnanimity.
34、戒骄风清日朗,除躁海阔天空。 Guard against arrogant wind, clear day, in addition to impetuous sea and sky.
35、扩大交友圈,主动出击,不要等别人上门找你。 Expand the circle of friends, take the initiative to attack, do not wait for others to come to you.
36、改变求突破,创新助发展。 Change for breakthrough and innovation for development.
37、教育不是注满一桶水,而且点燃一把火。 Education is not about filling a bucket of water and lighting a fire.
38、无知与自信永远是结果论,胜利就是自信,失败就是无知。 Ignorance and self-confidence are always the result theory. Victory is self-confidence and failure is ignorance.
39、无论你觉得自己多么的了不起,也永远有人比你更强。 No matter how great you think you are, there will always be someone better than you.
40、既然没有力气去爱陌生的别人,那么就爱珍贵的自己。 Since there is no strength to love strangers, then love your precious self.
41、明天是世上增值最快的一块土地,因它充溢了但愿。 Tomorrow is the fastest growing piece of land in the world, because it is full of hope.
42、昨日种种譬如昨日死,今日种种譬如今日生。 Yesterday is like yesterday's death, today's is like today's life.
43、最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。 The most important thing is not to look at the distant fuzzy, but to do something clear at hand.
44、有些人炫耀自己的美丽,是想让全世界看到他们的外表。 Some people show off their beauty in order to let the world see their appearance.
45、有些痛苦,只能自己体验。 Some pain can only be experienced by ourselves.
46、水面的涟漪虽然暂时消散了,但是仍会有人记得,风曾经吹过。 Although the ripples on the water surface have dissipated temporarily, some people still remember that the wind once blew.
47、没有人能替你承受痛苦,也没有人能拿走你的坚强。 No one can bear the pain for you, and no one can take away your strength.
48、没有什么能够阻挡,你对*的向往。 Nothing can stop your yearning for freedom.
49、生活中,我们不能富了口袋,穷了脑袋,有了梦想,少了思想。 In life, we can't be rich in pocket, poor in head, with dreams, less thinking.
50、生活,就是生下来,活下去。 To live is to be born and live.
51、由于缺乏一点儿勇气,许多有用的才干都在这世界上消失了。 For lack of courage, many useful talents have disappeared from the world.
52、看淡一件事,你就放下了。 If you look down on one thing, you put it down.
53、真正善良的人是向乞丐的碗里郑重放下一枚硬币的人。 The real good man is the one who puts a coin in the beggar's bowl.
54、给自己一个机会,让自己重新开始! Give yourself a chance to start over!
55、虽然学无止境,但是我们要尽我所能地去学。 Although there is no end to learning, we should try our best to learn.
56、要有自己的原则,并坚持。 We should have our own principles and stick to them.
57、迎着阳光开放的花朵才美丽,伴着革命理想的爱情才甜蜜。 The flowers that open in the sunshine are beautiful, and the love with revolutionary ideals is sweet.
58、选择与放弃,是生活与人生处处需要面对的关口。 Choice and abandonment are the key to life and life.
59、道德常常能填补智慧的缺陷,而智慧却永远填补不了道德的缺陷。 Morality can often fill the defects of wisdom, but wisdom can never fill the defects of morality.
60、那种渺小又微不足道的感受,就算遍体鳞伤也要故作坚强。 That kind of small and insignificant feeling, even if all over the body black and blue also want to pretend to be strong.