1、一切的一切都是幻影,当幻影过了,一切都没了。 Everything is a mirage, when the phantom has passed, everything is gone.
2、不愿说再见,因为我一直在期待未来还有你在。 Do not want to say goodbye, because I have been looking forward to the future and you.
3、不是不爱了,只是不肯再给自己一个去爱的机会。 It's not that you don't love, but you don't want to give yourself another chance to love.
4、世界上没有真正的傻瓜,只有愿意当傻瓜的人。 There are no real fools in the world, only those who are willing to be fools.
5、也许现在把温柔用尽,离开你的时候才更果断。 Perhaps now the gentle exhaustion, leave you when more decisive.
6、人心是场心的旅行,总是难以找到最后,拥抱。 Heart is the heart of the journey, always difficult to find the last, embrace.
7、你何必着急放手,等失落攒够我就走。 Why do you need to let go in a hurry, and wait for the loss to accumulate enough for me to leave.
8、你再哄我一次就好,我会记住在你怀里我的微笑。 You coax me once more, I will remember my smile in your arms.
9、你只是站在那里,就已经是一处风景。 You just stand there, it's already a landscape.
10、你是我想保护的人,对错我都不想管。 You are the one I want to protect. I don't care whether you are right or wrong.
11、偶尔听到你的消息还是会心颤,虽然与我无关。 Occasionally hear your news or tremble, although it has nothing to do with me.
12、其实夏天挺好,至少有蚊子肯喜欢我。 In fact, summer is very good. At least some mosquitoes like me.
13、其实我很宅,只是宅在谁家里的问题。 In fact, I'm very homesick. It's just a matter of whose family I stay.
14、凭什么我这么委曲求全却只能看你对她笑靥如花。 Why am I so complacent, but can only see you smile at her like flowers.
15、只是过去的甜蜜太过深刻,要多久才能够愈合。 But the sweetness of the past is too deep, how long can it take to heal.
16、哎呀,骗子,牛肉方便面里面根本就没有牛肉。 Oh, liar, there is no beef in beef instant noodles.
17、善意的谎言说的多了,就会变的彼此缺少信任。 White lies said more, will become mutual lack of trust.
18、喷怒不是聪明人的表现,用嘴伤人是最愚蠢的。 Spitting out anger is not a wise man's performance. It is the most stupid to hurt someone with his mouth.
19、回忆扼杀了我对你的思念,原来我还是那么傻。 Memories strangled my missing for you. I was still so stupid.
20、回忆里再热闹,却到底还是一个人空荡荡的坐着。 Memories of the lively, but in the end or a person sitting empty.
21、在任何我难过或者快乐的时候,我只剩下微笑。 Any time I'm sad or happy, I just smile.
22、奈何长久坚强未使柔弱变珍贵,偶尔任性便有罪。 However, being strong for a long time does not make weakness precious, and sometimes willful is guilty.
23、女人用友情来拒绝爱情,男人用友情来换取爱情。 Women use friendship to refuse love, men use friendship to exchange love.
24、她闯入你的世界,你对我说对不起她像个天使。 She broke into your world and you said sorry to me. She was like an angel.
25、如果奇迹没有出现,那就去创造一个。 If a miracle doesn't happen, create one.
26、年少时以为爱是一切,现在发现一切都不是爱。 When I was young, I thought love was everything. Now I find that everything is not love.
27、幸福、祝你幸福,我做旁观者就好了。 Happiness, I wish you happiness, I am a bystander.
28、当你停止尝试时,就是失败的时候。 When you stop trying, it's time to fail.
29、当你暗恋一个人的时候,总感觉那个人也喜欢你。 When you love someone secretly, you always feel that person also likes you.
30、当初的擦肩而过。何必记得那样清晰。 The original brush past. Why remember that clearly.
31、当泪水化作雨水时,那一刻,谁的誓言还能轮回? When tears turn into rain, at that moment, whose oath can be reincarnated?
32、总有那么几首歌听得淋漓尽致,仿佛在诉说自己。 There are always a few songs to listen to incisively and vividly, as if to tell themselves.
33、我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了为什么而出发。 We have gone so far that we forget why we set out.
34、我们能纵情享受的,只是施与的快乐。 All we can indulge in is the joy of giving.
35、我们都是活着的木偶,偶尔,也有自己的思想。 We are all living puppets. Occasionally, we have our own thoughts.
36、我想知道,没有我的以后,你会和谁一起度过。 I want to know who you will spend with without me.
37、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。 I am happy, because I love, because I have love.
38、我曾经太过包容你,以至于演变成现在的情节。 I used to be so tolerant of you that it evolved into the current plot.
39、我流泪满面的时候,身边只有我自己,而你不在。 When I am full of tears, there is only myself around me, and you are not there.
40、我试过偃旗息鼓,最终也无人问及。 I tried to put an end to it, and no one asked.
41、我说过,我会陪你,到你不要我的时候。 I said, I will accompany you, until you don't want me.
42、把心放平,把心放宽,幸福才会常在。 Put the heart flat, relax the heart, happiness will always be.
43、挫折其实就是迈向成功,所应缴的学费。 Frustration is actually the tuition fee for success.
44、教会你最初舞步的人,却未必能陪你走到散场。 The person who taught you the first steps may not be able to accompany you to the end.
45、早安,难得的晴天,享受阳光照进心底的感觉。 Good morning, a rare sunny day, enjoy the sunshine in the bottom of my heart.
46、是什么时候你说你爱我,其实只是敷衍我而已。 When do you say you love me, it's just perfunctory.
47、沉默,是否能沉掉我所有的、寂寞。 Silence, whether can sink all my loneliness.
48、没办法忘掉你的微笑,爱到无可救药。 Can't forget your smile, love to hopeless.
49、热水治不了百病,情话过不了一生。 Hot water can't cure all kinds of diseases, love words can't live a lifetime.
50、爱情像天平,当你跳下去的时候,我会摔的更痛。 Love is like a balance, when you jump down, I will fall more painful.
51、爱,终究是一道殇,与无尽寂寞相随。 Love, after all, is a war, with endless loneliness.
52、看不惯我的你,可以自杀,还可以装瞎。 You can kill yourself and pretend to be blind if you don't like me.
53、真的对不起,每一秒都在悄悄的想你。 I'm really sorry. I miss you every second.
54、睹物思旧人紧蹙一柳眉,问君可知否吾爱深似海。 Seeing things and thinking of the past, people frown and ask if you know my love is like the sea.
55、第三者的介入,才能检验出你的男人可靠不可靠。 The intervention of a third party can test whether your man is reliable or not.
56、让你恐慌的不是变化的世界,而是无从安定的心。 It's not the changing world that scares you, it's the restless heart.
57、记忆的永恒,却扭曲了我的整个世界。 The eternity of memory distorts my whole world.
58、路过的风景,有没有人为你好好收藏。 Passing scenery, there is no man-made collection for you.
59、连爱人都不相信你了,那在一起还有什么意义? Even lovers don't believe you, what's the meaning of being together?
60、那些往事的诉说,不过是红颜祸水的纠缠罢了。 Those past events are just entanglement of beauty and disaster.