1、一个人苍老,回首人生。 A person is old, looking back on life.

2、一直还想着他,折磨自己对吗? Thinking about him all the time, torturing yourself, right?

3、与你共渡山河,岁月淡如云烟。 Crossing mountains and rivers with you, the years are light as clouds.

4、人生太多苦痛,美好却如初见。 Life is too painful, but beautiful as the first sight.

5、人间枝头,各自乘流。 Branches of the world, each riding the stream.

6、从青春到苍老,我会一直爱你! From youth to old age, I will always love you!

7、会陷入温柔暮色里,会陷入你。 Will fall into the gentle twilight, will fall into you.

8、你是生活本色,是我心悦之人。 You are the nature of life and the one I love.

9、你是首选,也是唯一。 You are the first choice and the only one.

10、你的美丽,总有诗篇回忆。 Your beauty, there are always poetic memories.

11、借我一生,还你一世。 Lend me my life and give you back.

12、凄凄复凄凄,嫁娶不须啼。 When you marry, you don't have to cry.

13、别这样啦,人家是个女孩子嘛! Come on, she's a girl!

14、只对你一个人好。 It's only good for you.

15、只是因为有你,忘了海角天边。 Just because of you, forget the Cape horizon.

16、各自努力,最高处见。 Try your best to see you at the top.

17、因为你是唯一,所以拿命珍惜。 Because you are the only one, so cherish your life.

18、坎坎坷坷,我们一起走。 Bumpy, let's go together.

19、外面风大,有什么事被窝里说。 It's windy outside. What's the matter.

20、天涯路漫漫,天高爱久远。 The end of the world is long, the sky is high, love is long.

21、对你的喜欢,是心尖尖的喜欢。 Like you, is the heart sharp like.

22、寻访你的留影,憧憬与你合影。 Looking for your photos, looking forward to taking photos with you.

23、当你孤单,你会想起谁。 When you are alone, who do you think of.

24、待我富贵荣华,许你十里桃花。 I promise you ten li peach blossom.

25、想你,夜晚是忧郁。 Miss you, night is melancholy.

26、想和你幸福,直到世界的永远。 Want to be happy with you, until the world forever.

27、愿你最爱的人,也最爱你。 May the people you love most love you the most.

28、愿我许你一生青涩年华。 May I promise you a green life.

29、我也要抱抱睡觉。 I'm going to sleep in my arms, too.

30、我就是喜欢你,没有别的意思。 I just like you, no other meaning.

31、我爱你,没有技巧,真诚野蛮。 I love you, unskilled, sincere and savage.

32、抱抱我的他,从此忘了吧。 He hugged me, forget it from now on.

33、按规则去爱,就得不到爱。 Love according to the rules, you can't get love.

34、握住你的脚,一生不放手。 Hold your feet and never let go.

35、最初的伤害,唯一的错觉。 The first hurt, the only illusion.

36、有一个你,有一个我相遇此地! I have a meeting here!

37、有一段情,为你留。 There is a period of love for you.

38、温柔,只给意中人。 Gentle, only for the right person.

39、滴滴的甜蜜,只为你酝酿。 Drops of sweet, only for you brewing.

40、爱人不必太完美,是你便足以! Love does not have to be perfect, you are enough!

41、爱你在心,今生不移! Love you in the heart, this life does not move!

42、爱情无药可医,唯有爱得更深。 There is no medicine for love, only love is deeper.

43、爱或不爱,原来不是我说了算。 Love or not, it was not my has the final say.

44、老公,我要吃烤肠! Husband, I want to eat sausage!

45、至死靡它,至死不逾。 Until death, it will not exceed.

46、花开两朵,天各一方。 Two flowers bloom, one in each.

47、蓄谋已久的事,不期而来的你。 What you have planned for a long time, you are not expected to come.

48、被爱的感觉像轻风拂面。 Being loved feels like a breeze.

49、见你,是一种享受。 It's a pleasure to see you.

50、让我迷上你,迷上你的笑。 Let me fall in love with you and your smile.

51、请尽情吩咐妲己,主人。 Please tell Daji, master.

52、贩卖可爱,一克一百块。 Selling cute, 100 yuan a gram.

53、这个夏天,雨女有瓜。 This summer, rain girl has melons.

54、这辈子,我错过你。 In my life, I miss you.

55、都是你,害我食之无味。 It's all you who make my food tasteless.

56、长乐未央,长毋相忘。 Never forget for a long time.

57、陪伴,是两情相悦的最深习惯。 Company is the deepest habit of mutual affection.

58、陪你闹啊,才是最开心的。 Accompany you to make trouble, is the most happy.

59、陪你,在喧闹宁静。 Accompany you, in the noisy quiet.

60、静水流深,沧笙踏歌。 Still water flows deep, cangsheng step song.