1、一个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。 A person live, why fall in love.

2、不想被抛弃,就要学会先抛弃别人。 Don't want to be abandoned, learn to abandon others first.

3、不是每句对不起,都能换来没关系。 Not every sentence sorry, can change it doesn't matter.

4、不要让我感到你的眼泪,那么便宜。 Don't let me feel your tear, so cheap.

5、乐时我会哭着笑,伤时我会笑着哭。 Music when I cried and laughed, quickly I will cry with a smile.

6、人心始终都是个可疑不可信的东西。 The heart always is a suspicious not credible.

7、人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。 If life only such as first, what the autumn wind sad picture fan.

8、今朝有酒今朝醉,坎坷小路不后退。 Have now if not tomorrow, bumpy road not retreat.

9、以前的海誓山盟,而今的人去强铡 The vows of eternal love before, now empty.

10、任何人都不可能爱别人胜过爱自己! No one can love others more than yourself!

11、你到底是哪里好,让我这般忘不掉。 Where exactly are you well, let me forget.

12、你媳妇真可爱、可爱到让我想变态。 Your wife so lovely and cute to make me want to abnormal condition.

13、你掌心没有痣,所以我不会记得你。 Your hand without nevus, so I won't remember you.

14、你暂时受的苦,会换来更大的幸福。 You suffer for a while, will get more happiness.

15、你的误会,我的沉默,最后的心痛。 You misunderstood, my silence, and finally the heartache.

16、你说的我都懂,可怜我也深陷其中。 I know all you say, poor I also get stuck here.

17、倾听斜雨私密雨,雨中落寞寂寥人。 Listen to the slanting rain intimate rain, rain lonely lonely people.


19、做这么愚蠢的事,这是最后一次了。 Do such a foolish thing, it's the last time.

20、其实就自己一个人,在演戏不是吗。 Is a person, in acting isn't it.

21、冲动是魔鬼,你是一个可怕的恶魔。 Impulse is the devil, you are a terrible evil.

22、单曲循环, Single cycle, actually listen to is oneself mood.

23、原来我只是一个过客,错搭这班车。 Originally I just a traveler, this bus to bus by mistake.

24、叶落风稀枝空摇,如沐残叶还思娇。 Leaves fall wind dilute the empty shakes, awash with the leaf also think Jo.

25、听着,优雅歌曲的悠扬旋律而沉醉。 Listen, melodious elegant song melody and intoxicated.

26、在你之前,我没有一件像样的心事。 Before you, I don't have a decent on her mind.

27、在未来的日子,我希望有你的陪伴。 In the future, I hope to have your company.

28、夜,总是让人感到一种莫名的孤单。 Night, always let a person feel a kind of sense of loneliness.

29、失望是比受伤,更让人痛苦的事情。 Disappointment is better than hurt, painful thing.

30、女人真正的幸福,爱情购物回娘家。 A woman true happiness, love shopping back.

31、她在等天荒地老,他在等拥有天下。 She's waiting for the glebe's old, he is waiting for with the world.

32、好怕失去,拼命握住,却永远流失。 Good afraid of losing, try very hard to hold, is lost forever.

33、好想和你去打炮,打到你我没弹药。 Really want to and you go to dozen cannon, to you I don't have the ammunition.

34、如果丢了你,现在我一定要找回来。 If lost you, I must go back now.

35、如此如此,这般这般的爱情。可笑。 So so, so this love. Ridiculous.

36、少问别人为什么,多问自己凭什么。 Less ask people why, ask yourself why.

37、岁月可以使人成熟也可能使人堕落。 Time can make people mature may corrupt people.

38、年纪越大心事越多,心装的越烦恼。 The older the more heart, the heart of the trouble.

39、强者不是没有眼泪,而是不想流泪。 The strong is not without tears, but didn't want to shed tears.

40、强颜欢笑在人前,谁知我心似刀割。 To smile in front of people, who know my heart is like a knife.

41、当微笑遇见微笑,当拥抱恰逢拥抱。 When meet smile smile, when embrace coincided with a hug.上一页12下一页 Pretend I'm happy, go straight don't turn back.

42、待我他日权在手,杀尽天下装逼狗。 To me one day right in hand, kill all pack to force the dog.

43、很久没人理我,我还以为网络问题。 For a long time nobody reason I, I thought the network problems.

44、我一直在你身后,只差你一个回头。 I always behind you, only poor you a look back.

45、我不能哭,因为我没有悲伤的资格。 I cannot cry, because I have no sadness.

46、我以为我的温柔,能给你整个宇宙。 I thought my gentle, can give you the whole universe.

47、我们总是在敷衍,然后不停说抱歉。 We are always in a perfunctory, then keep said I'm sorry.

48、我们都生活在过去,却忘记了现在。 We all live in the past, but forget now.

49、我又不爱你,你干嘛为我要生要死。 And I do not love you, what are you doing for me to die.

50、我哪是什么男神,我也很容易情深。 I which is what man and god, I am also very easily.

51、我忘记了时间,却忘记不了你的脸。 I forgot about the time, but don't forget your face.

52、我爱你,只是有时候不会表达而已。 I love you, just sometimes does not express.

53、我爱你,就像你不爱我一样的坚决! I love you, like you don't love me firmly!

54、我给你的是快乐,你给的,却是伤。 I give you is happy, what you give, is hurt.

55、承合的结局,只是唱了出萍水相逢。 Bearing or ending, just sing out meet by chance.

56、把伤痛打包带走,把思念留在回忆。 Wrap up the pain away, and left the missing memories.

57、无声无息,你是否消失在我的世界? Silent, do you disappear in my world?

58、早知如此绊人心,何如当初莫相识。 Early know so stumbles over the heart, see at the beginning don't know each other.

59、最卑贱不过感情,最凉不过是人心。 The most humble but feelings, the most cool but is the heart.

60、有了它失去后疼痛。让我无法呼吸。 With it pain after losing. Take my breath away.

61、有些故事过程太完美,结局太悲惨。 Some story process are too perfect, too sad ending.

62、梦里不知身是客,醒来却道如南柯。 I don't know is the guest in the dream, wake up and way, such as south ko.

63、每一步都是悲伤的挣扎,带着牵挂。 Each step is sad struggle, take care.

64、没必要把我当回事,你好好的就好。 There is no need to take me seriously, how are you good.

65、滚了就别再回来,我不是收破烂的。 Roll don't come back, I'm not collecting scrap.

66、爱一个人好难,放弃一个人真简单。 It's really difficult to love a person, give up a person is really simple.

67、爱情永远是一个童话,再加上问号。 Love is always a fairy tale, coupled with a question mark.

68、爱的火花燃烧了那些我美好的回忆。 The spark of love burning for those I fond memories.

69、生命需要有裂缝,阳光才能照进来。 Life needs to have crack, sunshine can according to come in.

70、突然逝去了纯真逝去了所有的一切。 The suddenly lost innocence lost everything.

71、第一次来这里,我想我会喜欢这里。 For the first time to come here, I think I'll like it here.

72、给我一个支点,我便能撬动你的心。 Give me a fulcrum, I can move your heart.

73、给自己时间,最后给的是终身遗憾。 Give yourself time, finally to is a lifelong regret.

74、虾的大红之日,便是它的大悲之时。 Shrimp red date, is the great happiness.

75、让我成为你总是“单曲循环”的歌。 Let me be your always "single cycle" song.

76、谎言去测试谎言,得到的只是谎言。 A lie to test a, is just a lie.

77、还记得那次,你说,别担心,有我。 Do you remember the time, you say, don't worry, have me.

78、这个世界缺什么都行,就是别缺钱。 Lack of anything in this world, is not lack of money.

79、那些甜言蜜语,不过是虚伪的诠释。 Those sweet words, but is false interpretation.

80、都怪我们太年轻,不理解爱的方式。 All blame us too young, don't understand the way of love.

81、镜中惨白的笑容,没人再来安慰我。 Pale smile in the mirror, no one to comfort me.
