1、For My Wedding w/strings (Vocal) (3:09) - Larry John McNally - A spiritual wedding prayer.
2、Home (Vocal) (4:15) - Alpha A modern processional &love confessional.
3、I Do (Vocal) (4:42) - Daniel Ho A charming pop ballad of declarative vows.
4、I Miss You (Instrumental) (4:01) - Ali Handal A meditative &sensual groove.
5、Mission (Instrumental) (1:57) - Will Thomas A swaying rhythmic &reflective journey.
6、More Than Love (Vocal) (3:28) - Catherine Porter A passionate song of devotion.
7、Recline (Instrumental) (4:30) - Will Thomas An elegant &transporting swell of emotion.
8、The New Wedding March (Vocal) (2:11) - DC &Co. A simple classic.
9、Unconditionally (Vocal) (4:25) - J'nae A smoldering jazzy R&B torch song.
10、Without You Here (Instrumental) (5:02) - a girl named jaen - Atmospheric ear candy that will move you.
11、个性好听婚礼背景歌曲汇总 婚礼音乐一般是婚庆公司会准备,但很多时候没有放到我们的'心坎里。所以自己找婚礼音乐和婚庆公司或司仪一起商量那是必须的。下面是由yjbys小编为你精心编辑的一份个性好听婚礼背景歌曲汇总,欢迎阅读!