1、充当魔鬼的侍者   在这个游戏中,孩子们将扮演魔鬼的侍者。每位孩子将被分发气球和马克笔,孩子们可以在气球上画上骷髅的模样。然后每位孩子用托盘盛放着气球,跟随指令飞速的跑向预设的重点线。在此过程中,如果有气球掉落盘外,孩子们须捡起气球回到起点线重新开始。   

2、冻结舞   在这个游戏中,伴随着“土豆怪兽”音乐,孩子们需要模拟怪兽的动作。当音乐停止时,孩子们必须也随之静止。任何还在移动的孩子就算出局,站到最后的人就是赢家!   有关万圣节的微信推送文章二:万圣节的习俗(英语版)   October 31 each year is Halloween (Halloween), also known as Halloween, Halloween pumpkins on this day every family will be lifted to a child lights and unlimited distribution of sweets, Halloween is the children and therefore their favorite festivals. The origin of Halloween is the five hundred years before Christ, when, living in Ireland, Scotland and other places it is believed that the spirits will be October 31 during the lifetime of the day return to place of residence, and the living creatures who seek to obtain regeneration opportunities. People worry that the ghost to seize their own lives, so when October 31 comes, will all the lights put out, making the ghost could not find the living, people would look like dressed up as ghosts and goblins to scare away the ghosts.   As time goes by, the meaning of Halloween has become contained by means of celebration. So now a symbol of Halloween monsters and pictures, have become a lovely and looks like trivial, such as pumpkin monsters, witches and so on. Americans love their creativity, while doing all it can on this day will be its own kind of ghosts dressed ghost mode, so that Halloween has become more interesting.   Halloween On this day, the United States will host Halloween carnival will be everywhere, and the streets can be seen everywhere exciting live performances, stage magic illusion staged, realistic corpse and the ghost tour, and all kinds of horror films will be shown. In the evening, we rush to rack up spider silk, and then to help the actors responsible for the scary makeup. Haunted house of the content, mostly related to the subject matter of the film, such as: The Mummy, The Chronicles of Riddick, ghost stories ... the arrangement of these scenes, make-up techniques and costumes, like a real situation, a moment's inattention and unquestionably Scream .   With regard to Halloween, people are more or less have a certain amount of emotional awareness: know that Halloween, many public places, and even at home courtyard, will be arranged in many decoration, such as the various types of ghosts ah, pumpkin lights Yeah, there are black as well as the witch's broom and the like; kids wearing different Halloween costumes every year, carrying a basket to put pumpkin lights from house to house to discuss sugar, said to be "trick or treak". In addition, you want to know more about some? Here we briefly outline the origins and customs of Halloween.   有关万圣节的微信推送文章三:万圣节图片素材大全   万圣节图片1   万圣节图片2   万圣节图片3   万圣节图片4   万圣节图片5   万圣节图片6   万圣节图片7  

3、吐射种子   这个游戏最好在室外进行。保存好南瓜种子,把这些种子分发给孩子们。将他们排成一列,每位孩子按照游戏规则吐射南瓜种子,射出最远距离的孩子获胜。你还可以用食用色素为种子上色,然后把在固定时间内吐出种子最多的孩子评选为胜利者!   

4、幽灵汤   将图画用纸剪成多种奇形怪状,如蝙蝠、蜥蜴、魔鬼的手指或者其他一些骇人的'形状。以颜色为标记将图纸形状分成两组,一组为橘色一组为黑色。把孩子们也分成两组,每人给一根吸管,并在桌子上放置一塑料坩埚。每位孩子需在5-10秒钟内用吸管将所有图纸形状吸起来并放入坩埚中,用此种方法将所有图纸放入坩埚的那位就是游戏的胜利者。   

5、成为木乃伊   在这个游戏当中,孩子们要扮演成木乃伊的样子。他们被分成两到三组,每组分发足够的卫生纸。组内成员可通过石头剪刀布或者掷色子的方式决定谁将扮演木乃伊。在预定时间结束前,谁把自己装扮的更像木乃伊,谁就是本次游戏的胜利者。   

6、数糖果游戏   哪个孩子不爱糖果!在这个游戏中,每个罐子都装满了各种糖果,每个孩子把自己的名字和自己猜测的糖果数同时放入一个碗中。在晚上结果将被宣布,胜利者的奖品是糖果和糖果罐!   

7、有关万圣节的微信推送文章   万圣节是一个极具神秘色彩的西方节日,以下是为大家分享的有关万圣节的微信推送文章,供大家参考借鉴,欢迎浏览!   有关万圣节的微信推送文章一:万圣节好玩的游戏大全   一、 彩球派对   万圣节为主题的彩球派对在彩球中装满了糖果和小玩具。参加游戏的孩子们须蒙上双眼并击打彩球。每位孩子可通过摇色子的方式来决定他们拥有多少次击打彩球的机会,在这里,每位孩子都是赢家!   

8、狼人尾随   在这个游戏中,扮演狼人的孩子将被蒙上双眼,带上狼尾、狼耳以及狼爪等仿真道具。狼人的活动区域将被限制在一个圆圈当中,当蒙眼的狼人吼叫时,其他的游戏参与者也应当以狼嚎相呼应。   

9、解剖魔鬼   在孩子们开始之前,先给孩子们讲述游戏的故事背景。在一个疯狂科学家的实验室里藏匿着许多人体器官,他想利用这些人体器官打造成一个魔鬼。孩子们将被带入实验室,触摸魔鬼的器官。你可以利用以下材料制仿制人体器官。   大脑:将花菜炒熟使之变软,或者使用剥皮西红柿来充当。   眼睛:冰冻去皮的葡萄。   心脏:使用一大块未煮过的动物肝脏。   肠: 把面条浸在水中,让它看起来更加的柔软润滑。   头皮:用浸湿的纱线充当。   手: 用塑料手套充当。   鼻子:用泡菜或西梅充当。   耳朵:用杏肉片或者苹果片充当   

10、追捕蜘蛛   在这个游戏中,许多塑料蜘蛛被隐藏在房屋内,每位孩子需要踏上围捕蜘蛛之旅。当然了,你还可以在许多蜘蛛的底部涂抹上胶水,找到这些“特殊蜘蛛”的孩子们可就算是中了大奖啦。时间结束后,拥有最多蜘蛛的孩子获胜!   
