1、一人我饮酒醉,醉把佳人成双对。 When I'm drunk, I make a couple.

2、一段文字一段伤,一场回忆一场酸。 A paragraph of text, a paragraph of injury, a memory, a sour.

3、上帝创造了爱情,所以世界上有了白痴。 God created love, so there are idiots in the world.

4、不喜欢就拒绝,不要暧昧。 Do not like to refuse, do not ambiguous.

5、不小心,就会遇到你,那是一种折磨。 If you are not careful, you will meet. That is a kind of torture.

6、不想变成你的故事,想变成你的生活。 I don't want to be your story, I want to be your life.

7、不想过早的失去,就不要过早的拥有。 Do not want to lose too early, do not have too early.

8、不是每句,对不起,都能换来没关系。 Not every sentence, sorry, can be exchanged. It doesn't matter.

9、世界上最简单的咒语,三个字对不起。 The simplest incantation in the world, three words sorry.

10、为什么喜欢删动态,大概是讨厌昨天的自己。 Why like to delete dynamic, probably hate yesterday's own.

11、从此他成了我的噩梦,分手渐行渐远。 Since then, he has become my nightmare, breaking up gradually.

12、你应该多吃点,吃饱了才有力气去忏悔。 You should eat more. You have enough to repent.

13、你有你的另一半,我有我的下一站。 You have your partner, I have my next stop.

14、你深拥我之时,我在想你能这样抱多久。 When you hold me deeply, I wonder how long you can hold me like this.

15、你爱他,而他却不爱你,你觉得有用么? Do you think it's useful that you love him and he doesn't love you?

16、你用谎言去验证谎言,得到的一定是谎言。 If you use a lie to test a lie, what you get must be a lie.

17、假若关怀让你感觉被束缚,你又何必说孤独。 If caring makes you feel bound, why do you say lonely.

18、傻过,才知道适时的坚持与放弃。 Silly, just know timely insist and give up.

19、其实我们都明白,只是不愿意去明白。 In fact, we all understand, but we are not willing to understand.

20、卑微到尘埃中,然后开出花来。 Humble to the dust, and then bloom.

21、受伤的时候,偶尔一次让我听听你呼吸。 When I'm injured, let me listen to your breathing once in a while.

22、只能怪你拥抱的梦太过热烈,活该一触就破。 I can only blame you for embracing so ardently that you deserve to break it.

23、呵。从今天开始我的未来就彻底没有你了。 Oh. From today on, my future will be completely without you.

24、喜欢就去表白,大不了连朋友都做不成。 If you like it, you can't even be a friend.

25、够了,你不用再解释你和她的误会了。 Enough, you don't have to explain your misunderstanding with her.

26、失望攒够了,也是时候离开了。 Enough disappointment. It's time to leave.

27、如果生命果真是无常,我愿坦然面对而不慌。 If life is really impermanent, I would like to face it without panic.

28、如若不是为了一个人,谁肯枯守一座城。 If it's not for one person, who will defend a city.

29、对你而言,我的喜欢就这么可笑吗? To you, is my liking so ridiculous?

30、已经路过的风景就不要再打听了。 Don't ask about the scenery that has passed by.

31、带着你对我的好,滚出我的世界。 With your good to me, get out of my world.

32、往往深情留不住,偏偏套路得人心。 Often affectionate can not stay, but the routine is popular.

33、心疼,不是在你离开,而是当你再次出现。 Heartache, not when you leave, but when you appear again.

34、快乐、是掩饰内心的悲伤、对别人微笑吧。 Happiness is to cover up the sadness in your heart and smile at others.

35、怪我于你心浮气躁,赔了自尊也失了心。 Blame me for your impetuousness, losing self-esteem and heart.

36、想回从前的时空,和你相逢在初遇的那街头。 Want to go back to the past time and space, and you meet in the street.

37、懂了,千山万水,互道珍重不如相拥。 Understand, mountains and rivers, mutual treasure is better than embracing.

38、我也有过信仰,可惜后来信仰遗弃了我。 I also had faith, but later faith abandoned me.

39、我以为你是故乡,你却推脱,让我流浪。 I thought you were my hometown, but you shirked and let me wander.

40、我们总是在寻找,却不珍惜当下。 We are always looking for, but we don't cherish the present.

41、我们都很无奈,就如现实反过来就是实现。 We are all helpless, just like the reality, the reverse is the realization.

42、我和他的爱太无奈,总是参杂着伤害。 I and his love is too helpless, always mixed with hurt.

43、我已经清醒了,虽然还是不够透彻。 I'm sober, though not thorough enough.

44、我每天每天都在想你,只是你不知道。 I miss you every day, but you don't know.

45、我的心情,就像刚死过你爹一样沉重。 My heart is as heavy as your father who just died.

46、我记得你爱我,或者我记反了。 I remember you love me, or I remember it backwards.

47、我颠倒了整个世界,只为了摆正你们的倒影。 I reversed the whole world, just to put your reflection right.

48、我颠覆整个世界,只为扶正你的倒影! I subvert the whole world, just to support your reflection!

49、撕心裂肺地挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。 It's just a sign of unwillingness to hold on.

50、放了他吧!不要再扎伤自己了。 Let him go! Don't stab yourself again.

51、昨天是历史,今天是开始,明天谁都不好使! Yesterday is history, today is the beginning, tomorrow is not easy for anyone!

52、是一辈子太长,还是你的承诺我经受不起? Is life too long, or your promise I can't stand?

53、是你,让我在失去中,懂得什么是珍惜。 It's you that let me know what to cherish when I lose.

54、有些话劝得了别人,却劝不了自己。 Some words can persuade others, but they can't persuade themselves.

55、有多少的辛酸曲折,竟会在梦中难以割舍。 How many bitter twists and turns will be difficult to give up in the dream.

56、有没有那么一瞬间,你心疼过我的执着? Is there such a moment, you love my persistence?

57、来,陪我喝一杯吧,别让我一个人醉。 Come on, have a drink with me. Don't let me get drunk alone.

58、求而不得,舍而不能,得而不惜。 We can't ask, we can't give up, we can't give up.

59、泪水终将突破防线,只是风吹痛了双眼。 Tears will eventually break through the defense line, but the wind hurt my eyes.

60、爱如戏,你友情客串,我却倾情演出! Love is like a play, you are a guest star, but I perform with passion!

61、现在的我,一切只求顺其自然。 Now I just want to let it be.

62、用沉默,掩饰心里还爱你的事实。 Use silence to cover up the fact that I still love you in my heart.

63、相遇恨晚,相爱恨短。 Hate late to meet, hate short to love.

64、看上了就爱,处腻了就甩,只有我最摇摆。 I love it when I like it. I throw it when I'm tired of it. I'm the only one who swings.

65、秋天不只有累累的硕果,更有满地的落叶。 Autumn is not only fruitful, but also full of fallen leaves.

66、穷人不说暗话,我没钱! Poor people don't talk in secret, I have no money!

67、等一个发现,等一个感动让爱再沸腾。 Wait for a discovery, wait for a touch, let love boil again.

68、简简单单的一句再见,我们连陌生人都不是。 A simple goodbye, we are not even strangers.

69、终于你,滚出了我的心。 Finally you, get out of my heart.

70、花心本无错,奈何世人太单一。 Flower heart is not wrong, but the world is too single.

71、若不是你很像她,我想我就不会爱上你。 I don't think I would fall in love with you if you didn't look like her very much.

72、被人误会的时候微微一笑,这是一种大度。 It's a kind of generosity to smile when misunderstood.

73、要学会长大,一个人抵过千军万马。 To learn to grow up, one person is worth thousands of troops.

74、要顺应自然规律,就像当时我放开你。 Follow the laws of nature, just like I let you go.

75、该失望的事,从来没有辜负过我。 The disappointment has never failed me.

76、谁像我殷勤写你,将江南都用掉。 Who writes about you like I do, and uses up Jiangnan.

77、谁兜里有棒棒糖,我就跟谁玩。 I play with whoever has a lollipop in his pocket.

78、违心话说多了,我都替你觉得虚伪。 I think it's hypocritical for you to say too much against your will.

79、陪我一起数星星,智商低点就数月亮吧。 Count the stars with me. Count the moon.

80、青春、再怎么挥霍,也躲不过一句世态炎凉。 Youth, no matter how extravagant, but also to avoid a cold world.

81、青春,带着希望而来,失望而归。 Youth comes with hope and returns with disappointment.

82、面色红润万人倒、莫非姑娘用大宝。 The face is ruddy, ten thousand people pour, is it a girl to use big treasure.