1、一份耕耘一份收获,未必;九份耕耘一份收获,一定。   One plough and one harvest, not necessarily; nine ploughs and one harvest, certainly.   

2、不要为它的结束而哭,应当为它的开始而笑。   Dont cry for its end, smile for its beginning.   

3、不要追求什么结果,每个人结果都一样,就是死亡。   Do not pursue any result, everyones result is the same, that is, death.   

4、世间有为法,如梦幻泡影,如露亦如电,应作如是观。   There are ways in the world, such as dreams and illusions, dew and electricity. We should do this.   

5、为你落下一滴泪,故事到最后总会落幕,我真心的付出却不是你要的幸福。   Drop a tear for you, the story will come to an end at the end of the day, but my sincere effort is not the happiness you want.   

6、人生下来不是为了拖着锁链,而是为了展开双翼。   Born not to drag the chain, but to expand the wings.   

7、人生最大的缺点是什么都想获得,生活最大的遗憾是不能十全十美。   The biggest drawback of life is to want everything, and the biggest regret of life is not perfect.   

8、人生最幸福的:并不是终于得到了一束花,而是永远被花包围着。   The happiest thing in life is not to finally get a bunch of flowers, but to be surrounded by them forever.   

9、今生今世,但愿岁月静好,现世安稳,每天都能看见他的笑颜。   In this life, I hope the years are quiet and the world is safe. I can see his smile every day.   

10、伤感一类的情绪,是对短暂的生命的浪费,实在没必要。   Sadness is a waste of short life. Its really unnecessary.   

11、你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。   You can get the world with love, you can also lose the world with hate.   

12、你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的差距就是,你做了什么。   The difference between who you are and what you want to be is what you do.   

13、做事不必与俗同,亦不宜与俗异。做事不必令人喜,亦不可令人憎。   You dont have to be the same or different from the common. It doesnt have to be pleasant or detestable to do things.   

14、做好人,靠的是一颗善良的心;做老好人,靠的是一张善变的'脸。   To be a good man depends on a kind heart; to be an old man depends on a changeable face.   

15、别小看任何人,越不起眼的人。往往会做些让人想不到的事。   Dont look down on anyone, the less impressive they are. Often do something unexpected.   

16、即使行动导致错误,却也带来了学习与成长;不行动则是停滞与萎缩。   Even if actions lead to mistakes, they also bring learning and growth; inaction is stagnation and atrophy.   

17、只有相信自已,才能赢得别人的信任和肯定,为走向成功缩短距离。   Only by believing in ourselves can we win the trust and affirmation of others and shorten the distance to success.   

18、命运是掌握在自己手里的,强者创造命运;智者改变命运,弱者屈服命运。   Fate is in their own hands, the strong create fate; the wise change fate, the weak succumb to fate.   

19、命运眷顾有志者,虐待软弱者,抛弃无志者。   Fate favors those who have a will, abuses those who are weak, and abandons those who have no will.   

20、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。   The future will be even less ideal for those who avoid reality.   

21、天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。   No matter how high the sky is, tiptoe will be closer to the sun.   

22、失败并不意味你浪费了时间和生命,失败表明你有理由重新开始。   Failure doesnt mean youve wasted your time and life. Failure means you have a reason to start again.   

23、如果你改变不了沙漠,又没本事离开沙漠,那你只能把自己变成仙人掌。   If you cant change the desert and cant leave it, you can only turn yourself into a cactus.   

24、对啊,我要坚强,我不能让别人看到我的脆弱,我可以的。   Yes, I want to be strong. I cant let others see my weakness. I can.   

25、带着感恩的心启程,学会爱,爱父母,爱自己,爱朋友,爱他人。   Start with a grateful heart, learn to love, love parents, love yourself, love friends, love others.   

26、平凡之人追求非凡,往往是痛苦的;非凡之人甘于平凡,往往是幸福的。   Ordinary people pursue extraordinary, often painful; extraordinary people are willing to ordinary, often happy.   

27、当你停下来休息的时候,别忘了别人还在奔跑!   When you stop to have a rest, dont forget that others are still running!   

28、当你觉得自已充满斗志,充满信心,别人就会觉得你就是值得相信的你。   When you feel that you are full of fighting spirit and confidence, others will think that you are worthy of trust.   

29、我们总是太在意别人眼中的自己,后来终于忘了自己的模样。   We always care too much about ourselves in other peoples eyes, and finally forget our own appearance.   

30、我们都太专注于自己的伤口,忘了要去握住别人伸出的手。   We are all too focused on our wounds and forget to hold others outstretched hands.   

31、智者顺时而谋,愚者逆时而动。   Wise men plan according to time, but fools move against time.   

32、曾经拥有的不要忘记,已经得到的要珍惜,属于自已的不要放弃。   Dont forget what you have, cherish what you have, and dont give up what belongs to you.   

33、月儿把她的光明遍照在天上,却留着她的黑斑给它自己。   The moon shines her light all over the sky, but leaves her black spot for itself.   

34、有些问题永远不会有答案,可是拼搏过了,就不会有遗憾。   Some questions will never have an answer, but after hard work, there will be no regret.   

35、有所作为的人生不会完结,像火炬一样一代接着一代地燃烧,永远照亮人间。   The life that has made a difference will not end. It will burn like a torch from generation to generation, lighting up the world forever.   

36、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有悲伤,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。   Everyone will be tired. No one can bear all the sorrow for you. People will learn to grow up for a while.   

37、永远热情,永远快乐。你要的生活,只能自己给自己。   Always warm, always happy. You can only give yourself the life you want.   

38、生命不是一场赛跑,而是一次旅行。比赛在乎终点,而旅行在乎沿途风景。   Life is not a race, but a journey. Competition is about the end, while travel is about the scenery along the way.   

39、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。   Life is beautiful for some people, who are striving for a certain goal in their life.   

40、生活好比旅行,理想是旅行的路线,失去了路线,只好停止前进。   Life is like travel. The ideal is the route of travel. If you lose the route, you have to stop.   

41、生活里不要让微小的苦恼,影响了自己看天空的笑容。   Dont let small troubles in life affect your smile when you look at the sky.   

42、疲倦的生活里,总要有些温柔的梦想。   In the tired life, always want some gentle dream.

43、眼睛的鲜活便滋润了奋斗的鲜活,拼搏的鲜活,智慧的鲜活,成功的鲜活。   The freshness of eyes moistens the freshness of struggle, struggle, wisdom and success.   

44、花开再谢、人来又走。假若注定是过客,起初又何必招惹。   Flowers bloom and thank again, people come and go. If it is destined to be a passer-by, why bother at first.   

45、英文短语翻译的座右铭(精选50句)   所谓的“座右铭”,本指古人写出来放在座位右边用来约束自己行为的警句,后来泛指人们激励、警醒自己,作为行动指南的格言。历史上,许多中外名人都有自己的“座右铭”。下面是小编收集的英文短语翻译的座右铭(精选50句),希望对大家有所帮助。   

46、该乐观起来,这世界有四季与远方,还有火锅与理想。   Its time to be optimistic. The world has four seasons and far away, as well as hotpot and ideal.   

47、谁不用脑子去思考,谁将一事无成;谁背离实际去思考,同样也会碰壁。   Whoever does not use his brain to think will accomplish nothing; whoever deviates from reality to think will also encounter a wall.   

48、踏平坎坷成大道,推倒障碍成浮桥,熬过黑暗是黎明。   Its dawn to step on the rough road, push down the obstacles and become a floating bridge.   

49、过顺其自然的生活,做随遇而安的自己。   Live a natural life and be yourself.   

50、遇到困难时不要抱怨,既然改变不了过去,那么就努力改变未来。   Dont complain when you meet difficulties. Since you cant change the past, try to change the future.   

51、遍行天下路,广知天下事,吃尽天下苦,造福天下人。   Travel all over the world, know all the things in the world, suffer all the hardships in the world, and benefit all the people in the world.   
