1、Being successful is often equal parts luck and hard work.   成功来源于运气和努力。   

2、Everything that we create will disappear one day.   我们所创造的一切都终将消亡。

3、Humans are no more special or more important than any other species on Earth. 人类和地球上其它物种一样,一点也不重要,一点也不特殊。   

4、I have the same number of Oscars as Leonardo DiCaprio.   我和莱奥纳多·迪卡普里奥拥有的.奥斯卡小金人一样多。   

5、If you have someone in your life that lies,cheats manipulates etc. others You are not unique to them and no matter your relationship to this person they will do the same things to you.   如果你认识的人中有人撒谎成性、欺上瞒下、算计他人,别以为你自己就是例外,无论你和他/她关系有多好,他/她怎么对别人,就会怎么对你。   

6、If you're unique, you WILL feel lonely.   如果你与众不同,你肯定会感觉孤独。   

7、Life has no absolute meaning, there is no such thing as objective justice, or luck, most of your perceptions of life ( fun, tasty, nice, beautiful, etc) are subjective.   生命根本没有绝对意义,也没有客观的公正性,也不存在运气这种说法,你对生命的大多数看法(有趣、好吃、好看、好用等等)都是主观的。   

8、Looks matter.   长相很重要。   

9、Nobody cares unless you are pretty, popular, powerful, or dying.   除非你长得漂亮、受人欢迎、强大或者死了,否则没人在乎你。   

10、People don't want to believe they are animals. They think that humans are different and more advanced than the other living beings.   人们不愿意相信自己是动物。他们认为人与其他生物不同,人类更高级。   

11、People wanna see you doing well, but not better than them.   大家都希望你过得好,但不希望比他们自己过得更好。   

12、That We all are ignorant in some ways.   从某种角度说,我们都很自大。   

13、That birds are the only surviving members of the dinosaur clade… 鸟类是恐龙这条进化分支上唯一仍然存活的动物。   

14、That competition is the state of nature.   大自然处于竞争之中。   

15、That history repeats itself because all the people throughout history were people just the same as people today.   历史不断重演,因为整个历史上都是和今天一样的人。   

16、That it's time to get out of bed.   是时候该起床了。   

17、That many fashion trends such as fake nails, make up and bald vaginas originated, mostly, from the sex industry.   很多现在流行的时尚,比如假指甲、化妆品和阴部刮毛几乎都来自性产业。   

18、That most of us actually don't know what to do with our lives.   大多数不知道如何度过自己的一生。   

19、That no shampoo can actually nourish your hair.   没有一种洗发水能滋养你的头发。   

20、That the world is more prosperous, peaceful, and free of violence than in all of human history.   从人类历史整体看来,现在的世界更繁荣,更和平,暴力情况也更少。   

21、That we believe in using dish washer liquid made from real lemons and eat artificially flavored lemon cakes .   很多人以为柠檬味洗洁精真的是柠檬做的,以为柠檬味蛋糕也是用柠檬做的。   

22、That you are stupider than you think Dunning–Kruger effect.   你觉得达克效应很蠢,其实你更蠢。(达克效应:一知半解的人比较容易有优越感,能力强了反而自信心不足)   

23、The number of people in this world who actually care about you is smaller than you think it is.   真正关心你的人要比你想象中的还要少。   

24、There is not so much wrong with Mondays as probably with your own life. 那么多问题的原因不在星期一,很可能是你自己有问题。   

25、We always determine our self-worth by "comparing our behind-the-scenes bloopers to someone else's highlight reel."   我们总是将自己不为人知的挫折和其他人光鲜亮丽的生活部分进行比较来确定自己的自我价值。   

26、We are all evolving–and some not so quickly!   每个人都在进化,有些人进化得不够快。   

27、We are all self centric. It's just the radius that varies.   人都是以自我为中心的,差别只是半径不同。   

28、We blame society but forget that we're a part of it.   我们抱怨这个社会,别忘了自己也是社会的一部分。   

29、We don't listen to understand. We listen to reply.   倾听不是为了理解,倾听是为了回答。   

30、We may die any day, any instant, life is pretty short.   我们随时都可能死亡,生命及极其短暂。   

31、We will be forgotten after we die, just a matter of time.   死后早晚会被人忘记,这只是个时间问题。   

32、We, almost all of us, are faking at "being adults."   几乎所有成年人都在假装自己是成年人。   

33、You have to make decisions all the time. Even postponing a decision is your decision.   你无时不刻都在做决定,推迟做决定也是做决定。   

