1、一如侯门深似海,从此蟑螂陌路人。 As the Hou gate is as deep as the sea, cockroaches have become strangers since then.
2、一定要爱着点什么,恰似草木对光明的钟情。 Be sure to love something, just like plants love light.
3、三生七世,永坠阎罗,虽死不悔,只为情故。 Three lives and seven lives, fall into hell forever. Although you die without regret, it's only for love.
4、不亦仰望别人,自己亦是风景。 If you don't look up to others, you are also a scenery.
5、不瘦下来怎么让前任后悔让暗恋开口让现任长脸。 If you don't lose weight, how can you make your predecessor regret, make your secret love open your mouth, and make your current face long.
6、不过是恢复原状罢了,我本来就一无所有。 It's just restoration. I have nothing.
7、且看欲尽花经眼,莫厌伤多酒入唇。 And see if you want to spend all your time on your eyes, don't be tired of hurting your lips with more wine.
8、云青青兮欲雨,水澹澹兮生烟。 The clouds are green for rain, and the water is dantan for smoke.
9、人生这么短,凭什么委屈自己给你脸。 Life is so short, why wronged yourself to give you face.
10、今夜送归灯火冷,河塘,堕泪羊公却姓杨。 Tonight, the lights are cold, the pond is full of tears, but Yang Gong's surname is Yang.
11、他本是一世无双,他合眼一世悲伤。 He was unique all his life. He closed his eyes and was sad all his life.
12、以后不确定的事,就不要再闹得沸沸扬扬了。 Don't make a fuss about uncertain things in the future.
13、任何关系都不如自己,自爱独立靠谱。 Any relationship is not as good as yourself. Self love and independence are reliable.
14、你不是我,你没资格替我说话。 You're not me. You're not qualified to speak for me.
15、你只可以推测过去,但不可以估算未来。 You can only speculate about the past, but you can't estimate the future.
16、你并不内向,你只是不擅长对不亲密的人开朗。 You are not introverted. You are just not good at being cheerful to people who are not close.
17、你想做的事,从来都不是大张旗鼓而是不动声色。 What you want to do is never to make a big fuss, but to remain silent.
18、你所有的风情和窃窃私语,都在我眼里。 All your amorous feelings and whispers are in my eyes.
19、你是我皱紧眉头,捂着心脏,说不疼的人。 You are the one who frowns, covers my heart and says it doesn't hurt.
20、你留下的一切,由我独自割舍。 Everything you left behind is left to me alone.
21、你的努力,终将成就无可替代的自己。 Your efforts will eventually become irreplaceable yourself.
22、你给的甜蜜的伤口,陪着我停停又走走。 The sweet wound you gave me kept walking with me.
23、俩人若在长久时,大眼登小眼,也是浪漫事。 If two people have big eyes and small eyes for a long time, it is also romantic.
24、借问酒家何处有,姑苏城外寒山寺。 Excuse me, where is the restaurant? Hanshan Temple outside Suzhou city.
25、倾我一生,许你一座花开不败的城。 Devote my life to make you an invincible city.
26、冬天的离别,在莫斯科的深夜。 Winter parting, late at night in Moscow.
27、初遇时,你一袭红衣截住了我的修行路。 When I first met you, you stopped my path of cultivation in red.
28、只有愚蠢的人,会哭着乞求被信任。 Only stupid people cry and beg to be trusted.
29、君可知,我这满头白发都是应你当年情话。 You know, my white hair is in response to your love words.
30、哥是寂寞,但哥也不用你来施舍哥。 I'm lonely, but I don't need you to give alms.
31、哥虽不能拯救世界,但哥能*苍生。 Although I can't save the world, I can harm people.
32、哪管得了*荣华,放不下美人牵挂,笑靥如花。 Who cares about the prosperity of the country, can't let go of the beauty's concern, and the dimple is like a flower.
33、在人生这条路上,只有奋斗才能带给自己安全感。 On the road of life, only struggle can bring you a sense of security.
34、在往后的日子里,光芒万丈,熠熠生辉。 In the days to come, it will shine brightly.
35、夫死战场子在腹,妾身虽存如昼烛。 Although my husband died and my son was in my belly, my body was like a candle in the day.
36、就把热爱和喜欢永久的留在这一天吧。 Just keep your love and love on this day forever.
37、山盟虽在,锦书难托,莫,莫,莫。 Although the Mountain Alliance exists, the brocade book is difficult to trust. Don't, don't, don't.
38、平章风月有何关,助你看花对盏。 What's the relationship between Pingzhang wind and moon? I can help you see the flowers and *s.
39、幸福是短暂的,痛苦是长久的,哭泣是没用的。 Happiness is short, pain is long, crying is useless.
40、弱柳从风疑举袂,丛兰溢露似沾巾。独坐亦含颦。 Weak willows doubt to raise their clothes from the wind, and conglan overflow dew is like a towel. Sitting alone also contains frowns.
41、彼此空有相怜意,未有相怜计。 There is no plan to pity each other.
42、心是一杆秤,称人先称己。 The heart is a steelyard. You should weigh yourself before you weigh others.
43、思念的海,总是在夜里涨潮。 The sea of missing always rises at night.
44、怪微风太温柔,像老朋友,像旧时候。 Strange breeze is too gentle, like old friends, like old times.
45、想说什么其实也说不清楚人心无底洞。 In fact, I can't tell what I want to say. People have no bottom.
46、愿大家能打败时间和距离,终成眷属。 I hope you can beat time and distance and get married.
47、我不是红酒高跟社会温柔姐,我只是他的女人。 I'm not a red wine high heel social gentle sister, I'm just his woman.
48、我不虚情假意,怎陪你犯贱到底。 I'm not hypocritical. How can I accompany you to the end.
49、我不要天上的星星,我只要尘世的幸福。 I don't want the stars in the sky, I just want the happiness of the earth.
50、我会每天祈祷,希望生活会给我一个微笑。 I will pray every day, hoping that life will give me a smile.
51、我卑微了自己,在心底想念你。 I humble myself and miss you at the bottom of my heart.
52、我只希望,生活圆满,没有遗憾,作乐人间。 I just hope that life is complete, there is no regret, and happy in the world.
53、我希望我的闺蜜能努力赚钱,然后带我去旅游。 I hope my best friend can work hard to make money and take me to travel.
54、我想让你心怀的*,到处都是我的影子。 I want you to have my shadow everywhere.
55、我本将心向明月,无奈明月照沟渠。 I would have turned my heart to the moon, but the moon shines on the ditch.
56、我爸妈说,咱们不适合,还是算了吧。 My parents said, we're not suitable, let's forget it.
57、我看不到我的路,但却一直没认输。 I couldn't see my way, but I didn't admit defeat.
58、我知道我很帅,而且是从小就这么帅。 I know I'm handsome, and I've been so handsome since I was a child.
59、所到之处,所见之事,所向披靡。 Everywhere you go, what you see, invincible.
60、新园锁却愁阴,露黄漫委,寒香半亩。 The new garden locks but worries about the shade, the dew is yellow, and the cold fragrance is half an mu.
61、既然不爱我,能有多有滚多远。 Since you don't love me, you can roll as far as you can.
62、最难的日子都熬过来了,其实一个人挺好的。 The most difficult days have come through. In fact, it's good to be alone.
63、有些人认真的让人心疼,有些人欠扁的让人牙疼。 Some people are serious and distressing, while others are flat and toothache.
64、有些人走远了,却依旧舍不得删掉那些短信。 Some people go far, but still reluctant to delete those messages.
65、有朝一日权在手,杀尽天下负我狗。 One day, I have the right to kill all my dogs.
66、此生愿陪你鲜衣怒马琴剑天涯。 In this life, I would like to accompany you to the end of the world.
67、永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。 Forever young, forever tearful.
68、没有礁石的阻挡,哪有浪花的激越。 Without the barrier of rocks, there can be no surging waves.
69、烟霏霏。雪霏霏。雪向梅花枝上堆。 Smoke is falling. It's snowing. Snow piled on the plum blossom branches.
70、爱是没有时效的,我爱你。 Love is timeless, I love you.
71、离开,不是因为不爱你,而是你不懂珍惜。 Leave, not because you don't love you, but because you don't know how to cherish.
72、繁华落尽一场空,曲终人散皆是梦。 Prosperity is empty, and the end of the song is a dream.
73、绮罗香,眼儿媚,九重春色慢。 Qiluoxiang, beautiful eyes, jiuzhong spring is slow.
74、美丽是危险的,象因牙死,狐因皮亡。 Beauty is dangerous. Elephants die from teeth and foxes die from skin.
75、自己没有展露锋芒,就不要怪别人没有眼光。 If you don't show your edge, don't blame others for their lack of vision.
76、芙蓉花暖醉人心美人容颜倾天下。 Hibiscus flowers are warm and intoxicating, and the beauty looks all over the world.
77、要温柔,也要有屠龙的勇气。 Be gentle and have the courage to kill dragons.
78、谁,可倾我心,寸土恰似虚弥。 Who, can pour my heart, an inch of land is like empty MI.
79、这世界多的是南辕北辙,少的是殊途同归。 Many things in this world are different, and few are the same.
80、这个世界,多的是无法联系的思念。 In this world, there are many thoughts that can't be contacted.
81、错过也罢,这一季十里桃花,换不了你闺中待嫁。 Let's miss it. You can't get married in your boudoir this season.
82、难过的时候吃一颗糖,告诉自己生活是甜的。 When you are sad, eat a sugar and tell yourself that life is sweet.