1、一个人追求的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。 The higher the goal a person pursues, the faster his talent will develop and the more beneficial it will be to the society.

2、一个人,要是不逼自己一把,根本不知道自己有多优秀。 If you don't force yourself, you don't know how good you are.

3、一份耕耘,份收获,努力越大,收获越多,奋斗!奋斗!奋斗! A hard work, a share of harvest, the greater the effort, the more harvest, struggle! struggle! struggle!

4、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 The three armies can capture the commander, but the general can not seize the ambition.

5、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 Don't worry about the vague future, just work hard for the clear present.

6、不经历风雨,长不成大树,不受百炼,难以成钢。 If you don't experience wind and rain, you can't grow into a big tree. If you don't have to be tempered, you can't become steel.

7、不要失去信心,只要坚持不懈,就终会有成果。 Don't lose confidence. As long as you persevere, you will get results.

8、不要抱着过去不放,拒绝新的观念和挑战。 Don't cling to the past and refuse new ideas and challenges.

9、不要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。 Don't waste your life where you will regret it.

10、不要皱眉,即使在伤心的时刻,因为你从不知道有谁会醉心于你的笑容。 Don't frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

11、世上所有美好的感情加在一起,也抵不上一桩高尚的行动。 All the good feelings in the world are not worth a noble action.

12、世间事,凡有一得必有一失,凡有一失必有一得;你若要彩虹,就得学会宽容细雨。 If you want a rainbow, you must learn to tolerate the drizzle.

13、为了明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget the pain of today.

14、人不能只有一双漂亮的眼睛,应当有一双智慧的目光。 People can not only have a pair of beautiful eyes, but also a pair of intelligent eyes.

15、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 People always cherish what they haven't got and forget what they have.

16、人生便是一只风筝,只有努力向上飞的那只,才能成为天之骄子。 Life is a kite. Only those who try to fly upward can be the most favored one.

17、人生就是一场旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的应该是沿途的风景以及看风景的心情。 Life is a journey, do not care about the destination, should care about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.

18、人生的悲哀莫过于:求而不得,舍而不能,得而不惜。 The sorrow of life is nothing more than: to ask but not to give up, to give up but not to hesitate.

19、人生谁无少年时,甜苦酸辛各自知。 Life who has no youth, sweet and bitter bitterness each knows.

20、人生难得几回搏,此时不搏待何时。 Life is rare to fight back, when not fighting at this time.

21、人要像梅花一样,只要凌寒傲霜,积极向上,才能开出美丽而芳香的花。 People like plum blossom, as long as the cold Ao frost, positive, in order to open beautiful and fragrant flowers.

22、人要有着眼点,又要有落脚点,前者是战略,后者是战术。 A man should have both a point of view and a foothold. The former is strategy and the latter is tactics.

23、从外打破是食物,从内打破是生命;人生,从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长。 Breaking from the outside is food, breaking from the inside is life; life, breaking from the outside is pressure, breaking from the inside is growth.

24、以锻炼为本,学会健康;以修进为本,学会求知。 Take exercise as the foundation, learn to be healthy; take practice as the foundation, learn to seek knowledge.

25、伟大的作品,不是靠力量而是靠坚持才完成的。 Great works are accomplished not by strength but by perseverance.

26、你全力以赴了,才有资格说自己运气不好。 If you give your best, you are entitled to say that you are not lucky.

27、你失去了金钱,可以再挣;你失去了一生,便再也不能回头。 If you lose money, you can earn it again; if you lose your life, you can never look back.

28、保护好你的梦想,等到它开花结果的那天,它会让你俯视所有曾经看低你的人。 Protect your dream. When it blooms and bears fruit, it will let you look down on all the people who have looked down on you.

29、做一个决定,并不难,难的是付诸行动,并且坚持到底。 It's not hard to make a decision. It's hard to take action and stick to it.

30、做自己喜欢做的事,你的生活就不再有工作。 Do what you like, and you'll have no work in your life.

31、光是知道要坚持和努力是没有用的,如果没有决心和行动力,最后又会回到原点。 It's no use just knowing to persist and work hard. If you don't have determination and action, you will return to the origin.

32、再牛逼的梦想也抵不过*似的坚持。 No matter how hard you dream, you can't resist the insistence of a fool.

33、再长的路,一步步也能走完;再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step; no matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.

34、努力不一定能实现一切,但它能告诉你,你最远到哪里。 Hard work may not achieve everything, but it can tell you where you go as far as you can.

35、原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。 To forgive others is to leave space in your heart so that you can maneuver.

36、只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会。 Only those who keep looking for opportunities will seize them in time.

37、只要你愿意,到处都会有,属于自己的绝对安静的世界。 As long as you want, there will be an absolutely quiet world of your own.

38、只要心中有希望存在,就有幸福存在。 As long as there is hope in the heart, there is happiness.

39、哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。 Even the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person to insist on doing, in the end, there will be hope.

40、善于把握生命的每一个瞬间,才能感受人生的每一个精彩。 Be good at grasping every moment of life, you can feel every wonderful life.

41、回避现实的人,未来将更不理想。 Those who avoid the reality will be less ideal in the future.

42、在你还没学会低调的时候,请把高调玩的优雅些。 When you haven't learned how to keep a low profile, please make the high-key play more elegant.

43、坚强的女人是会哭,但绝不会认输。 A strong woman will cry, but never give up.

44、如果为了安全而不和大海在一起,船就失去了存在的意义。 If we don't stay with the sea for the sake of safety, the ship will lose its meaning of existence.

45、如果有天我们湮没在人潮中,庸碌一生,那是因为我们没有努力要活的丰盛。 If one day we annihilate in the crowd, mediocre life, it is because we do not strive to live rich.

46、如果要挖井,就要挖到水出为止。 If you want to dig a well, you have to dig until the water comes out.

47、学会承受痛苦。有些事情,只适合烂在心里,适合无声无息的忘记。 Learn to suffer. Some things, only suitable for rotten in the heart, suitable for silent forgetting.

48、对的那条路,往往不是最好走的。 The right way is often not the best way to go.

49、就算路不坦荡也要做自己的太阳。 Even if the road is not smooth, we should be our own sun.

50、开灯虽然能赶走黑暗,但是也会留下阴影。 Turning on the light can drive away the darkness, but it will also leave a shadow.

51、志向要远些,目标要近些,与其躺在原地做梦,不如逐步靠近梦想。 The ambition should be farther away and the goal should be closer. It is better to approach the dream step by step than to lie in the spot and dream.

52、想想光头强,想想灰太狼,你有什么理由不坚强。 Think of bald strong, think of gray wolf, you have no reason not strong.

53、成功不是凭梦想和希望,而是凭努力和实践。 Success depends not on dreams and hopes, but on hard work and practice.

54、成功不是回首,不是寄望,而是把握现在。 Success is not looking back, not hope, but grasping the present.

55、成功是一种观念,成功是一种思想,成功是一种习惯,成功是一种心态。 Success is a concept, success is an idea, success is a habit, success is a mentality.

56、成功是优点的发挥,失败是缺点的累积。 Success is the exertion of advantages, and failure is the accumulation of disadvantages.

57、成功的诀窍在于永不改动既定的方针。 The secret of success is to never change the established policy.

58、成功者学习别人的经验,一般人学习自己的经验。 Successful people learn from other people's experiences, while ordinary people learn from their own.

59、我们总在关注我们得到的东西是否值钱,而往往忽略放弃的东西是否可惜。 We are always concerned about whether the things we get are valuable or not, and often ignore whether the things we give up are a pity.

60、我们看错了这个世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。 We misread the world and say it deceives us.

61、把困难举在头上,它就是灭顶石;把困难踩在脚下,它就是垫脚石。 If you hold up the difficulties on your head, you will be the capstone; if you step on the difficulties, you will be the stepping stone.

62、无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。 No matter what the sky above me, I'm ready for any storm.

63、时间是单行道,过去了,回不来;生活是简单的,你做出选择,然后就不要回头。 Time is a one-way street, in the past, can not return; life is simple, you make a choice, and then don't look back.

64、最困难的时候,也就是我们离成功不远的时候。 The most difficult time is when we are not far from success.

65、有人说你不行然后你信了的时候,你就真的不行了。 Some people say you can't, and when you believe it, you really can't.

66、有人说,抱怨的人不见得不善良,但是往往不受欢迎。 Some people say that people who complain are not necessarily unkind, but they are often unpopular.

67、有朝一日虎归山,我要血染半边天。 One day when the tiger comes back to the mountain, I will dye half the sky with blood.

68、望远镜可以望见远的目标,却不能代替你走半步。 Telescopes can see distant targets, but they can't take your place.

69、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity.

70、永不言败,是成功者的最佳品格。 Never say die is the best character of a successful person.

71、永远对生活充满希望,对于困境与磨难,微笑面对。 Always full of hope for life, for the difficulties and tribulations, smile.

72、没有不会做的事,只有不想做的事。 There is nothing you can't do, only something you don't want to do.

73、没有人可以和生活讨价还价,所以只要活着,就一定要努力。 No one can bargain with life, so as long as you live, you must work hard.

74、滴水穿石,不是因其力量,而是因其坚韧不拔、锲而不舍。 Dripping wears the stone, not because of its strength, but because of its perseverance and perseverance.

75、物理学教给了我们严峻的一课:人的意志是受到某些决定性的限制。 Physics teaches us a grim lesson: human will is subject to certain decisive restrictions.

76、环境永远不会十全十美,消极的人受环境控制,积极的人却控制环境。 The environment will never be perfect. The negative people are controlled by the environment, while the positive people control the environment.

77、现在的努力,是为了小时候吹过的牛逼! Now the efforts, is to brag about when I was a child!

78、生前何必久睡,死后自会长眠。 Why sleep long before you live, you will sleep after death.

79、生命不在于活得长与短,而在于顿悟的早与晚。 Life does not consist in living long and short, but in the early and late epiphany.

80、生活其实很简单,过了今天就是明天。 Life is very simple. Today is tomorrow.

81、生活没有过去,也没有曾经,不管什么事只要过去了,就会慢慢忘掉。 Life has no past, no matter what has happened, as long as the past, will slowly forget.

82、用爱生活,你会使自己幸福!用爱工作,你会使很多人幸福! Live with love, you will make yourself happy! Work with love, you will make many people happy!

83、用笑脸来迎接悲惨的厄运,用百倍的勇气来应付一切的不幸。 With a smile to meet the tragic fate, with a hundred times the courage to deal with all the misfortune.

84、目标再远大,终离不开信念去支撑。 No matter how ambitious the goal is, we can't do without faith.

85、空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。 Fantasy will come up with many wonderful ideas, but nothing can be done.

86、第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个青春是靠自己努力的。 The first youth is given by God; the second youth is made by oneself.

87、第一千次摔倒了,就第一千零一次爬起来。 The 1000th time I fell down, I got up for the 100th time.

88、精神失常的疯子不可怕。可怕的是精神正常的疯子。 Insane people are not terrible. What's terrible is a normal lunatic.

89、能做的只有站在自己的位置,扮演好各自的角色。 What we can do is stand in our own position and play our respective roles.

90、能找到理由难过,就一定能找到理由快乐。 If you can find a reason to be sad, you can certainly find a reason to be happy.

91、能说不能做,不是真智慧。 It is not true wisdom to be able to say but not to do.

92、脚跟立定后,你必须拿你自己的力量和技能奋斗。 When the heel stands, you have to fight with your own strength and skills.

93、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 If you choose your own road, you should finish it on your knees.

94、虽然我没书,没笔记,没上课,没复习,但是我有一颗不想挂科的心。 Although I have no books, no notes, no class, no review, but I do not want to fail.

95、读书会使我们生活中的每一分每一秒都过得很弃实,很愉悦,很有意义。 Reading can make every minute and second of our life very abandoned, very happy and meaningful.

96、谁有历经千辛万苦的意志,谁就能达到任何目的。 Whoever has the will to go through all kinds of hardships can achieve any purpose.

97、这个世界上没有不苦逼的人,真正能治愈自己的,只有你自己。 In this world, there is no one who can cure yourself, only you.

98、这个世界本来就是痛苦的,没有例外的。 The world is painful, no exception.

99、长大后最大的遗憾,莫过于没活成小时候想象的样子! After growing up, the biggest regret is not to live as a child imagined!

100、青椒肉丝和肉丝青椒是同一道菜,关键是谁来炒。 Green pepper and shredded pork and green pepper is the same dish, the key is who to fry.