1、Brings you seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.   给你提供7种途径去建立能带给你平静与快乐的态度.   

2、Explains a law that will outlaw many of your worries.   说明一个能让你的许多忧虑不成立的规则.   

3、Explains the three magic steps that Willis H. Carrier, founder of the air-conditioning industry, uses   to conquer worry.   解说让空调制造业的创始人Willis H. Carrier对抗焦虑的神奇三步曲.   

4、Gives four working habits that will help prevent fatigue and worry.   告诉你四条能够帮助你避免疲劳与焦虑的工作习惯.   

5、Gives you Alfred Adler's prescription for curing melancholia in fourteen days.   给你Alfred Adler的十四天治疗抑郁症的处方.   

6、Gives you a number of practical, tested formulas for solving worry situations.   给你一些实际的,经过测试的解决焦虑问题的方法.   

7、Gives you details of how many famous men conquered worry-men like Arthur Hays Sulzberger,   publisher of the New York Times; Herbert E. Hawkes, former Dean of Columbia University; Ordway   Tead, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, New York City; Jack Dempsey; Connie Mack;   Roger W. Babson; Admiral Byrd; Henry Ford; Gene Autry; J.C. Penney; and John D. Rockefeller.   告诉你很多知名人士战胜焦虑的详情,如<<纽约时报>>的出版人 Arthur Hays Sulzberger;哥伦比亚大学的前任校长Herbert E. Hawkes;纽约高等教育委员会主席Ordway Tead;以及Jack Dempsey; Connie Mack;   Roger W. Babson; Admiral Byrd; Henry Ford; Gene Autry; J.C. Penney; and John D. Rockefeller.(都是人名)

8、Gives you the 21 words that enabled the world-famous physician, Sir William osier, to banish   worry.   告诉你让世界闻名的医师William Osier消除焦虑的21字箴言.   

9、Gives you the stories of scores of everyday men and women, who tell you in their own words how   they stopped worrying and started living.   书中包含很多日常生活中的人们用他们自己的语言讲述他们停止焦虑并且开始新生活的故事.   

10、Shows how the housewife can avoid fatigue-and keep looking young.   说明家庭主妇如何避免疲劳以及保持看上去年轻的状态.   

11、Shows you how to avoid emotional upsets.   告诉你如何避免情绪上的不适.   

12、Shows you how to eliminate fifty per cent of your business worries immediately.   立刻告诉你如何解决你所面临的50%的生意上的烦恼.   

13、Shows you how to lessen financial worries.   告诉你如何减少金融方面的忧虑.   

14、Shows you how to use what William James called "the sovereign cure for worry".   教你如何使用被William James称为"焦虑的王牌解药"的方法.   

15、Tells you how to add one hour a day to your working life.   告诉你如何在你的工作生活中每天多出一小时.(应该是指让你的工作更有效率,就像八小时可以当九小时用一样)   

16、Tells you how to turn criticism to your advantage.   告诉你如何把批评变为你的`有利条件.   


18、励志,反思,进步.   简介   作者:卡内基   据说,这本书能够帮助一度沉沦的人们摆脱生活的迷惘、戒除多年的网游瘾,重新树立起人生目标,保持积极心态,当然读完本书的英文版本,英语水平会等到一个大的提高。当你茫然无措的时候,这本书无疑就是让你停止焦虑的一根救命草,因为它真的可以帮助我们。   内容   Sixteen Ways in Which This Book Will Help You   这本书会在以下16个方面帮助到你:   

19、励志书籍《如何才能停止焦虑开始新生活》推荐   推荐理由   





