



5、关于爱的唯美句子精选   真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。下面,yjbys小编为大家精选了一些关于爱的唯美句子,欢迎大家阅读欣赏。   关于爱的唯美句子精选一   It's difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun. ---H.W.Longfellow   知道爱情开始是困难的,但知道爱情已经开始则不那么困难了。 ----H。W。朗费罗   If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved. ----Ovid   要得到别人的爱,就必须要有值得爱的地方。 ---奥维德   Love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies. ----Bacon   爱情常是喜剧,偶尔是悲剧。 ----培根   Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. ----George Herbert   爱在茅屋,亦在深宫。 ----乔治。赫伯特   Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection most readily to those who seem least to demand it. ------Bertrand Russell   人的天性就是如此,他最乐意将爱给予那些似乎最不强求爱的人。 -----罗素   Love triumphs over everything. Love has no age, no limit and no death. ----John Galsworthy   爱情战胜一切。爱情没有寿命,没有极限,没有死亡。 ----约翰。高尔斯华   Sweetest joy ,the wildest woe is love.------philip bailey   爱情是最甜蜜的欢乐,最强烈的痛苦。-----菲利浦。贝利   There is hardly any activity,any enterprise ,which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations,and yet which fails so regularly,as love.------erich fromm   几乎没有任何活动、任何事业如同爱情一般;开始时充满着无限的希望与期待;而结束时却毫不例外地落空。-----埃里克。弗洛姆   Man's love is of man's life a thing apart,'Tis woman's whole existence.------byron   爱情是男人生命中的一部分,却是女人生命的全部。------拜伦   Marriage is like life in this --that it is field of battle ,and not a bed of roses.------robert Stevenson   婚姻生活---乃战场而玫瑰花朵。-----罗伯特。史蒂文森   Men are April when they woo,December when they wed;maids are May when they are maids,but the sky changes when they are wives.------Shakespear   男人求婚时像四月天,婚后像十二月天;女人少女时像五月天,为人妻后就变天。-----莎士比亚   Our hours in love have wings; in absence crutches. -----Colley Cibber   爱情的时光长出了翅膀;离别时,它们是我们的精神支柱。 ----科雷。西柏   True love's the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven. ----Sir Walter Scott   真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。 -----沃尔特。司各特   And when love speaks, the voice of all the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. ----Shakespeare   当爱说话时,众神的声音是苍天沉浸在和谐的静寂中。 ----莎士比亚   Love is an endless mystery, fot it has nothing else to explain it. -----Tagore   爱是一个无穷无尽的迷,因为没有任何其他东西能够解释它。 ----泰戈尔   It is hard for the human soul not to love something ,and our mind must of necessity be drawn to some kind of affection. -----Jerome   要使人的灵魂不去爱是很难的,而我们的思想也有必要被某在种爱所吸引。------杰洛姆   One is easily fooled by that which one love. -----Moliere   人容易被所爱的人愚弄。 ----莫里衰   To love and to loved is the greatest happiness of existence.-----Sydney Smith   爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。 -------悉尼。史密斯   All love is sweet, given or returned. Common as light is loved, and its familiar voice wearies not ever. ------Shelley   所有的爱都是甜蜜的,无论是给予还是回报。爱就像阳光一样无所不在,他那熟悉的嗓音永远不会消沉。 ----雪莱   Hatred paralyzes life; love release it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darken life; love illuminates it. -----Martin Luther King   恨使生活瘫痪无力,爱使他重获新生。恨使生活混乱不堪,爱是它变得和谐。恨使什么漆黑一团,爱使它光彩夺目。 --马丁。路德。金   An immature person may achieve great success in a carreer but never in a marriage. -----Benjamin Spock   不成熟的人或许在事业上有很大的成就,在婚姻上则不然。 ----本杰明。史波克   The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. -----George Eliot   最幸福的女人,像最幸福的民族一样,没有历史。 ----乔治。艾略特   When success comes in the door, it seems, love often goes out the window. -----Joyce Brothers   成功来到门前时,爱情往往就走出了窗外。 -----乔伊斯。卜洛泽   Love should be a tree whose roots are deep in the earth, but whose branches extend into heaven. ---Bertrand Russell   爱情之树应该深深扎根在泥土中,而起枝条则要伸展与广阔的天空。 ------罗素   Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most. ---James Thompson   可爱,并不需要外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱。 -----詹姆斯。汤普森   As selfishness and complaint cloud the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision. ------Helen Keller   自私和抱怨是心灵阴暗,愉悦的爱则使视野明朗开阔。 ----海仑。凯勒   Be of love a little more careful than of anything. ----E.E.Cummings   对待爱情应该比对其它任何事都更谨慎。 ---E。E。康明斯   Wives are young men's mistresses; companions for middle ages and old men's nurses. ----Bacon   妻子是年轻人的情妇;中年人的伴侣;老年人的看护。 ----培根   When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called for by the memory of hours when we loved not enough. -----Maurice Maeterlinck   当失去心爱的人时,我们抛洒悲苦的眼泪,那是因为我们想起了过去没有好好的深爱他们。 ----莫里斯。梅特林克   New love is brightest, and long love is greatest; but revived love is the tenderest thing known upon earth. -----Thomas Hardy   新生的爱情殉丽多彩,长久的爱情崇高伟大;但复苏的爱情则是世界上最温柔的事情。 -----托马斯。哈代   One cannot be strong without love. For love is not an irrelevant emotion; it is the blood of life, the power of reunion of the separated. -----Paul Tillich   没有爱,人无法坚强,因为爱不是一种无足轻重的'情感;它是生命的血液,是分离者重新团聚的力量。 ---保罗。蒂里希   Among those whom I like, i can find no common denominator, but among those whom i love, i can: all of them make me laugh. ----W.H.Auden   我无法在我所喜欢的人中间找到共同的特征,但我能在我所爱的人中间找到它:他们都会是我欢笑。 ---W。H。奥登   There's noting half so sweet in life as love's young dream. -----Thomas Moore   生命中没有任何东西能像进入充满活力的爱之梦那样甜美。 ----托马斯。莫尔   Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the gods; desired by those who have no part in him , and precious to those who have the better part in him. ---Plato   爱是美好带来的欢欣,智慧创造的奇观,神仙赋予的惊奇。缺乏爱的人渴望得到它,拥有爱的人又万般珍惜它。 ---柏拉图   There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. ---Rousseau   人世间最大的幸福莫过于既有爱情又爱的纯洁无暇。 ---卢梭   The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. -----Bertrand Russell   美好的生活是一种由爱激励和由知识指导的生活。 ----罗素   The best proof of love is trust. ----Joyce Brothers   爱的最好的证明就是信任。 -----乔治斯。布格泽斯   Love is an active power in man, a power which breaks through the walls which separate man from his fellow men which unites him with others; love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness, yet it ermits to be himself, to retain his integrity. ----Erich Fromm   爱是活跃于人心中的一种力量,它冲破人与人之间的隔阂,是我们紧紧相连;它使我们战胜孤独无助,但仍使我们保持自我个性的独立完整。 ----埃里克。拂洛姆   Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. ---chekhov   爱情,友谊和尊敬都不如对某事物的共同的恨那样能把人们团结起来。 -----契可夫   关于爱的唯美句子精选二   











