1、一个摄影师的改变,源自于自我的一种积极进取,而不是等待别人帮到你。   The change of a photographer, derived from the ego a positive, rather than waiting for others to help you.   

2、一台相机不在于它的价格是否高昂,而我们只看架着相机的摄影师是否会对焦。   A camera is not in its price is high, but we only see the photographer will focus the camera.   

3、上帝也一定是个摄影爱好者,他在创世的第一天就说:要有光。   God also must be a photographer, he said on the first day of creation: let there be light.   

4、不断反思图片的不足,是让自己获得更好的习惯。但有些人总怕这一点,所以最终成为劣等摄影师。   Constantly reflect on the picture, is to let themselves get better habits. But some people are always afraid of this, so finally become inferior photographer.   

5、人们都说照片不会说谎,可我的照片会。   People say photographs don't lie to my photos.   

6、人像摄影是放大一个人的优点。   Portrait photography is a personal advantages of amplification.   

7、励志摄影英文句子   艺术中的新形式是边缘形式的正典化创造的。下面是小编整理的励志摄影英文句子,欢迎大家阅读参考,希望帮助到大家。   励志摄影英文句子【1】   

8、只有好照片,没有好照片的准则。   Only good photos, no rules for good photographs.   

9、在被拍照的时候,人显得起伏不定,顾此失彼。人物摄影,拍到的无非就是一个人的面具,或者真相。   At the time of being photographed, people seem to be ups and downs, attend. Photographing, photographed is nothing but a mask, or the truth.   

10、好照片是技术和艺术的成功合成。   A good photo is the success of the synthetic technology and art.   

11、好的摄影首先是怎么想,然后才是怎么拍。   Good photography first is how to think, then how to shoot.

12、当你开始学会把说话变成一种推销图片的资本时,你一定能发现其实成功并不像人们所想的那样艰难。   When you begin to learn to speak into a marketing image of capital, you will find in fact, success is not as difficult as people think.   

13、想象力跑焦了,眼力就靠不住了。   The imagination run, and eyesight is unreliable.   


15、我之所以喜欢摄影师,是因为你们不提问。   I was like a photographer, because you don't ask questions.   

16、我从不让一个人看起来不好,他们自己表现自己。照片就是你的镜子,就是你。   I never let a person look bad, they show themselves. Photo is your mirror, is you.   

17、我们一起看电影,一起旅行,哪怕不会摄影,也坚持用相机替代自己的`眼睛给你留下最美好的回忆。   We see a movie together, travel together, even if not photography, also insist on a camera to replace my eyes leave the best memories for you.   

18、我们每个人都像是一部高清超速摄影机,记录着生活,讲述着你我。   We all like a speeding high-definition cameras, recording the life, about you and me.   

19、我喜欢摄影,我活着就是要拍照。在摄影事业上我永远不想退休。   I like photography, I to live is to take pictures. I never want to retire in the photography business.   

20、我喜欢摄影,所有美好的事物都会被定格在相片里。从不改变,也不被遗忘,永远保留着最初的样子。   I like photography, all good things will be fixed in the photo. Never change, also not be forgotten, forever maintains the original appearance.   

21、我拍我不希望画的,画我不能拍的。   Me I don't want to paint, I can't shoot.   

22、我渴望捕捉我眼前所有的美,经过长期的努力,终于如愿以偿。   I am eager to capture the beauty in front of my eyes all, through long-term efforts to finally get it.   

23、我觉得摄影重要的是表达了善与爱的情怀,珍惜并抓住自己爱意闪耀的时刻。   励志摄影英文句子【2】   

24、摄影中,看似无关痛痒的元素,也可作为形式感的补充,让画面添加一份形式感。   Photography, seemingly innocuous element, also can be used to supplement the sense of form, make the picture to add a sense of form.   

25、摄影师总不知道自己也是风景,心理医生总不知道自已也是疯子。   Photographer always don't know oneself also scenery, psychological doctor always don't know what is crazy.   

26、摄影师是美的缔造者,是心灵的艺术家。   A photographer is beautiful, is the artist of the mind.   

27、摄影成功的要诀就如同钥匙开锁的道理一样,如果你不能准确对号,那么一定无法打开成功之门。   The word of the keys to success photography as the key to unlock, if you can't accurately check the number, so must be unable to open the door to success.   

28、摄影技艺的获得是靠花功而不是靠花钱。   Is photography skills acquired by spending power rather than by spending it.   

29、摄影把绘画从忠实表现的苦差中解放出来,使绘画可以追求最高的目标:抽象。   Photography liberated painting from his honest baby, make the painting can pursue the highest goal: abstract.   

30、摄影是一个工具,用来处理大家都知道但视而不见的事物。我的照片是要表现你看不见的事物。   Photography is a tool that is used to deal with things but turn a blind eye is known to all. My picture is to show the things you can't see.   

31、摄影是学习如何观察事物的一种方式,它是强烈的个人视觉感受。   Photography is a way to learn how to observe things, it is a strong personal feeling.   

32、摄影是我们时代的驱邪术。原始社会有它的面具,小资社会有它的镜子,而我们有我们的图片。   Photography is exorcism of our times. Primitive society has its mask, petty bourgeois society with its mirror, and we have our picture.   

33、摄影本来就没有不可打破的法则,你觉得自己应该怎么拍,那就怎么拍。   Photography is not do not break the law, how do you think you should take, then how to shoot.   

34、摄影机拍下的往往都是华丽的外表,人的肉眼看到的却是生活的本质。   In the camera tend to be luxuriant appearance, the human eye to see is the essence of life.   

35、摄影棚里充满了炫人耳目的商品。   Studio is full of cool and fresh goods.   

36、摄影的伟大就是把瞬间定格成了永恒。   Great photography is the instantaneous fixation has become eternal.   

37、摄影除了抓住美之外,还需要打破常规。   In addition to seize the beauty of photography, also need to break the routine.   

38、摄影,只不过是一场记录孤独往事的过程,然而我却乐在其中。   Photography is only a lonely past process, but I enjoy it.   

39、摄影,难的是在风霜雨雪中的坚持。   Photography, the hard part is to adhere to in the weathered rain and snow.   

40、时间的摄影机,扑捉了荒芜,留下了心情的绚烂,少了羞涩,忘了做作,自然和纯真,在合影。   Time camera, capture the ghost, left a mood and less shy, forgot to artificial and natural and pure, in the photo.   

41、曾经我想当个流浪的吟游诗人,刚刚我想当个流浪的摄影者。   Once I want to be a wandering minstrel, just I want to be a wandering the photographer.   

42、最失落的两个职业是牙医和摄影师:牙医想当医生,摄影师想成为画家。   The most lost two career as a dentist and photographer: the dentist want to be a doctor, the photographer wants to become a painter.   

43、有时最简单的照片是最难拍的。   Sometimes the simplest picture are the hardest.   

44、每一位摄影人,都有一颗爱美且善良的心。   Every photographer, have a love of beauty and kind heart.   

45、演摄影师时我的摄影包东西很少,工作人员不太敢把东西放里面,怕我摔了。   My camera bag when I play the photographer things are very few, workers don't dare to put it inside, afraid that I fell.   

46、生命本身不是现实。我们是那些把生命注入石头和鹅卵石的人。   Life itself is not real. We are the people who put life into stones and pebbles.   

47、画家旨在创建;摄影师旨在披露。   The painter aims to create; The photographer to disclosure.   

48、相机是顺畅地邂逅那另一个现实的手段。   Camera is smoothly meet the means of another reality.   

49、真相是最好的照片,最好的宣传。   The truth is the best of the best photos, propaganda.   

50、运气是用心摄影师之最好的老师。   Luck is the attentive photographer's best teacher.   

51、风景摄影是一种跋涉、一种追逐、一种人类独有的迁徙到美的视野的冲动。   Landscape photography is a journey, a kind of pursuit, a uniquely human migration to the impulse of the vision of beauty.   
