


  影片简介: In 2002, Julie Powell (Amy Adams) is a young writer trapped in a rather unpleasant job at the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation's call center, where she answers telephone calls from victims of the September 11 attacks, as well as members of the general public calling to complain about the LMDC's controversial plans for rebuilding the World Trade Center. To enliven her dreary life, she attempts to cook every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, which was published in 1961, and writes a blog to document her progress.

  Women into her story is the story of Julia Child's time in Paris, in the 1950s, in which she learns about French cooking. The plot structure carefully highlights similarities in the challenges encountered by both Julie and Julia. Both women get much support from their husbands, although at one point Powell's husband is fed up with her excessive devotion to her hobby and leaves her briefly for a few days.

  Eventually, Julie's blog is highlighted in a story published in the New York Times, after which her project finally begins to receive the attention of journalists, literary agents, and publishers, as well as a dismissive response from Child herself. After Julia's book is initially rejected by Houghton Mifflin, it is eventually accepted and published by Alfred A. Knopf. The last scene shows Julia Child receiving a first print of her cookbook and celebrating the event with her husband.

  对工作感到灰心沮丧的曼哈顿下城发展公司员工茱莉•鲍威尔(艾美·亚当斯Amy Adams 饰)决定用一年时间实践美国最受欢迎的电视名厨茱莉亚•切尔德(梅丽尔•斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)第一本食谱《精通法国烹饪的.艺术》中的全部524道菜,并写博客记录每日进展。与此同时,电影平行穿插茱莉亚•切尔德随美国新闻署任职的丈夫保罗•切尔德(斯坦利•塔奇 Stanley Tucci 饰)于1948年来到法国巴黎居住,学习烹饪,并历经十年艰辛出版厚达七百多页的《精通法国烹饪的艺术》过程。茱莉•鲍威尔在模仿茱莉亚•切尔德的历程中终于找到了自我,而随着博客浏览量的增加,就连茱莉亚本人也得知了茱莉的存在,但结果却在茱莉意料之外。