1、a placid parent makes a placid home. 平和的父母创造温馨的家。   

2、from your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. 你从父母那里学到爱,学到笑,学到怎样走路。   

3、happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love. (francis bacon, british philosopher)幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。(英国哲学家 培根。f.)   

4、i like deep gratitude and travel alone women. know thank parents, but not blindly follow; know thank heaven and earth; but do not narcissism.我喜欢深存感恩之心又独自远行的女人。知道谢父母,却不盲从;知道谢天地;却不自恋;知道谢朋友,却不依赖。   

5、i never get jealous when i see my ex with someone else,because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate. 我从来不会因为看到前任和别人在一起而生气。因为我父母一直教导我要把玩过的玩具给那些不幸的人。   

6、if you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about our mistakes, learn from them.爱心如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。   

7、ignore your parent's advice when it comes to your career. they come from a different generation.当你选择职业的时候,别去听父母的建议,因为你们生活的时代不一样了。   

8、love your parents. we are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.爱你的父母吧,我们忙着长大同时,常会忘记,他们也渐渐老去。   

9、love your parents. we are too busy growing up yet we forget that they are already growing old. ——多关心一下自己的父母吧,我们总忙着自己成长,却忘了他们也在变老。   

10、love your parents. we are too busy growing up yet we forget that they are already growing old——爱多关心一下自己的父母吧,我们总忙着自己成长,却忘了他们也在变老。   

11、obtained from the parents as small as possible to obtain the less the better society; obtained from the book the more the better, wisdom request more the better.向父母索取愈少愈好,向社会索取愈少愈好;向书中索取愈多愈好,向智慧索取愈多愈好。   用英语描写父亲的句子二   

12、respecting and honoring our parents are top priorities.——世界上最不能等的莫过于孝敬父母   

13、respecting and honoring our parents are top priorities.世界上最不能等的莫过于孝敬父母。   

14、things that make life easier: a parent's hug, a lover's kiss, a friend's support.让生活变得轻松的三样东西:父母的拥抱,恋人的亲吻,以及朋友的支持。   

15、who in the world would love us so deeply and relentlessly without asking for any repay? only our parents.爱心还有谁会这样笨拙固执,毫无心机地爱着我们? 只有我们的父母。   


17、一个说她知道如何做一个母亲最正确的方法。   One says she knows the right way to be a mother.   

18、你母亲身体好吗?   How is your mother?   

19、因为,我们有一个共同的母亲——中国!   Because we have a common mother - in China!   

20、她使我想起了我的母亲。   She reminds me of my mother.   

21、她照顾着她母亲。   She takes after her mother.   

22、她的母亲安排她周末去相亲。   Her mother arranged her to this weekend.   

23、我们合起来就像是母亲。   Together we look like our mother.   

24、我们是无父的孤儿。我们的母亲好像寡妇。   We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows.   

25、我母亲是一位退休工人。   My mother is a retired worker.   

26、我父亲喜欢运动而我母亲喜欢音乐。   My father likes sports while my mother likes music.   

27、我的母亲让我做点事情。   My mother made me do something.   

28、我的父亲和母亲是我的双亲。   My father and mother are my parents.   

29、我经常从我母亲那儿得到钱。   I often get money from my mother.   

30、母亲打电报要儿子立刻回来。   Mother cabled her son to come immediately.   

31、母亲是对的,发现这个是在1932年,我刚从大学毕业。   Mother was right,as I discovered after graduating from college in 19

32、母亲是最本能的哲学家.   Mothers are the most instinctive philosophers.   

33、母亲的原型是一个特别好的`例子。   The mother archetype is a particularly good example.   

34、母亲,是我们心灵的港湾。   Mother, the soul of our Harbor.   

35、玛丽依偎著母亲,断断续续地打瞌睡。   Mary nestled up against her mother and dozed fitfully.   

36、用英语描写父亲的句子   Respecting and honoring our parents are top priorities.——世界上最不能等的莫过于孝敬父母下面,yjbys小编为大家精选了一些用英语描写父亲的句子,欢迎大家阅读欣赏。   用英语描写父亲的句子一   

37、祖国——母亲。   Mother - the mother.   

38、给父母们:要让孩子们从他们的父亲和母亲身上学习怎样彼此相爱是非常重要的–不是从学校,不是从老师那儿,而是从你们那里。   To parents: It is very important that children learn from their fathers and mothers how to love one another – not in the school, not from the teacher, but from you.

39、这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。   ” This saying underlines the importance of mothers.   
