


  励志英语作文 篇1

  I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up.

  I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up.

  Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up.

  And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.”

  励志英语作文 篇2

  A young friend of mine asked me in a letter, "What kind of man should I be?" My answer was, "Be a fighter."

  Another friend of mine inquired, "How should I live my life?" Again my answer was, "Be a fighter."

  The author of In Praise of the Fighter says:

  Riding on the ceaseless rushing torrent of life, I should pursue and overtake it so as to create an even greater and deeper torrent of my own.

  If I were a lamp, it would be my duty to light up thick darkness. If I were the sea tide, I would marshal rolling waves to cleanse the beach of all accumulated filth.

  This quotation reflects aptly the state of mind of a lighter.

  Fighters are badly needed in our time. But such fighters do not necessarily go to the battle- field gun in hand. Their weapons are not necessarily bullets. Their weapons may be knowledge, faith and strong will. They can bring the enemy sure death without drawing his blood.

  A fighter is always in pursuit of light. Instead of basking in the sunshine under a clear sky, he holds a burning torch in the darkness of night to illuminate people's way so that they can continue their journey till they see the dawn of a new day. It is the task of a fighter to dispel darkness. Instead of shirking darkness, he braves it and fights the hidden demons and monsters therein. He is determined to wipe them out and win light. He knows no compromise. He will keep on fighting until he wins light.

  A fighter is perennially young. He is never irresolute or inactive. He plunges deep into teeming crowds in search of such vermin as flies and venomous mosquitoes. He will fight them relentlessly and refuse to coexist with them under the same sky. To him, life means nothing but continuous fighting. He either survives by winning light, or perishes with his body covered all over with cuts and bruises. In the course of the struggle, it is the "future" that serves as the beacon light to him; the "future" gives people hope and inspiration. He will never lose his youthful vigour.

  励志英语作文 篇3

  You are well aware that you need to exercise to keep the body fit and, no doubt, accept that a reasonable measure of health is the speed in which your heart and respiratory system recovers after exercise. Likewise the faster you let go of an issue that upsets you, the faster you return to an equilibrium, the healthier you will be. The best example of this behavior is found with professional sportspeople. They know that the faster they can forget an incident or missed opportunity and get on with the game, the better their performance. In fact, most measure the time it takes them to overcome and forget an incident in a game and most reckon a recovery rate of 30 seconds is too long!

  Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage. Your aim is to play your part to the best of your ability. You have been given a script and at the end of each sentence is a ful stop. Each time you get to the end of the sentence you start a new one and although the next sentence is related to the last it is not affected by it. Your job is to deliver each sentence to the best of your ability.

  Dont live your life in the past! Learn to live in the present, to overcome the past. Stop the past from influencing your daily life. Dont allow thoughts of the past to reduce your personal best. Stop the past from interfering with your life. Learn to recover quickly.

  Remember: Rome wasnt built in a day. Reflect on your recovery rate each day. Every day before you go to bed, look at your progress. Dont lie in bed saying to you, I did that wrong. I should have done better there. No. look at your day and note when you made an effort to place a full stop after an incident. This is a success. You are taking control of your life. Remember this is a step by step process. This is not a make-over. You are undertaking real change here. Your aim: reduce the time spent in recovery.

  励志英语作文 篇4

  Success is not final and failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.


  Never cease to outdo yourself. There are no limits to the success you can acquire when you have an duanwenw.com uncontrollable drive to achieve. Any obstacles you encounter along the way are life’s test to establish strength and perseverance. If you continually possess determination and self-confidence throughout any situation, you will prevail.

  超越你自己,永远不要停止。当你拥有无法過制的获胜冲动,你的成功将不可限量。前进路上的任何障碍都是用以确立力量和毅力的人生考验。 倘若你在任何情况下都始终拥有决心和信心,你将会无往不胜。

  励志英语作文 篇5

  To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off When it rains. But actually the umbrella wasn't invented as protection against rain. Its first use was a shade against the sun!

  在我们看来,下雨打伞是很自然的事。 但事实上伞在发明的时候并不是用来防雨的,而是用来遮阳的 。

  Nobody knows who first invented it, hut the umbrella was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the eleventh century BC.

  没有人知道是谁发明了伞,但是伞在很早很早的古代就开始使用了 。可能首先使用伞的人是中国人,这要追溯到公元前11世纪。

  We know the umbrella was used in ancient Egypt and Babylon as a sunshade. And there was duanwenw.com a strange thing connected with its use: it became a symbol of honor and authority. In the Far East in ancient times, the umbrella was allowed to be used only by royalty or by those in high office.

  我们知道,在古埃及和古巴比伦伞是用来遮阳的 。关于这一用途有一点很奇怪:伞成了尊严与权力的象征 。在古代的远东地区,只有皇室和高官才能使用伞 。

  In Europe, the Greeks were the first to use the umbrella as a sunshade. And the umbrella was in common use in ancient Greece. But it is believed that the first persons in Europe to use the umbrella as protection against Romans.

  在欧洲,希腊人是首先把伞用于遮阳的人。 伞的使用在古希腊很普遍.但是据信在欧洲首先使用伞的人是为了防范罗马人 。

  During the middle ages, the use of umbrella practically disappeared Then it appeared again in Italy in the late sixteenth century. And again it was duanwenw.com considered a symbol of power and authority. Byl680, the umbrella appeared in France, and later in England.

  中世纪的时候伞几乎消失, 16世纪后期又在意大利出现,并再一 次成为权力和威严的象征。 到1680年,伞开始在法国出现,之后又出现在英国 。

  By the eighteen century, the umbrella was used against rain throughout most of Europe. Umbrellas have not changed much in style during all this time, though they have become much lighter in weight. It wasn't until the twentieth century that women's umbrellas began to he made, in a whole.

  到18世纪,伞在整个欧洲几乎都用来遮雨了 。 在这期间,伞的样式一直没有发生太大变化,只是重量上轻了许多 。 直到20世纪才出现了各种颜色的女士用伞。

  励志英语作文 篇6

  In the State of Zheng. There was a man who wanted to go into town to buy a pair of new shoes.


  Before leaving home, he measured his foot with a piece of straw for size. After he arrived at the town and entered a shoe shop, he put his hand into his pocket only to find that in his haste he had left the measurement at home. Thereupon, he turned round and started for home. But when he rushed back to the shoeshop with the measurement, the shop had closed. As a result, he had suanwenw.com busied himself for nothing.


  Later, someone asked him:” Were you buying shoes for yourself or for others? ”


  He answered:” For myself.”


  Someone else asked him:” Don’t you have your feet on yourself? You need only to Try on shoes with your feet to get the right size. Why did you go back home to fetch the measurement? “


  The man of Zheng insisted:” I would rather trust the measurement than my own feet.”


  励志英语作文 篇7

  In the 1920s, a man from England had finish climbing the Himalayas which was thought to the most difficult mountain to conquer. People spoke highly of him and asked him how he conquered the mountain. The man said calmly that he conquered nothing but himself. These words seem to be simple, but for me, they are meaningful. When we face the difficulties, we will give up because we think we can’t do it. With that thought, we have given up so many chances to try. Life is a journey, if we stop keeping moving on, how can we see the coming scenery. It is obvious that the problem is ourselves, we are afraid of failure and refuse to try. If we get over this thought and have a try, then we are heading to the road of success. When we conquer ourselves, we are successful.

  在20世纪20年代,一个来自英国的人完成了攀登喜马拉雅山的壮举,而喜马拉雅山被认为是最难攻克的。人们高度赞扬了这个英国人,并且问他是如何征服这座 山的。他平静地说他什么也没有征服,只有征服了自己。这些话看起来很简单,但是对于我来说,确是意义深远。当我们面对困难,就会放弃,因为我们认为自己无 法做到。有了这样的想法,我们就已经放弃了很多机会去尝试。生活就是一场旅行,如果我们停下了,不前进,怎么能够看到接下来的风景呢。很明显,问题在于我 们,我们害怕失败,拒绝去尝试。如果我们克服了这样的想法,并且去尝试,就会通往成功的道路。当我们征服了自己,就是成功了。

  励志英语作文 篇8

  "How do you account for your remarkable accomplishment in life?" Queen Victoria of England asked Helen Keller. "How do you explain the fact that even though you were both blind and deaf, you were able to accomplish so much?"

  Ms. Keller's answer is a tribute to her dedicated teacher. "If it had not been for Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown."

  According to speaker Zig Ziglar, "Little Annie" Sullivan, as she was called when she was young, was no stranger to hardship. She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her by caregivers. She was locked in the basement of a mental institution outside of Boston. On occasion, Little Annie would violently attack anyone who came near. Most of the time she generally ignored everyone in her presence.

  An elderly nurse believed there was hope, however, and she made it her mission to show love to the child. Every day she visited Little Annie. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. The kindly woman left cookies for her and spoke words of love and encouragement. She believed Little Annie could recover, if only she were shown love.

  Eventually, doctors noticed a change in the girl. Where they once witnessed anger and hostility, they now noted an emerging gentleness and love. They moved her upstairs where she continued to improve. Then the day finally came when this seemingly "hopeless" child was released.

  Anne Sullivan grew into a young woman with a desire to help others as she, herself, was helped by the kindly nurse. It was she who saw the great potential in Helen Keller. She loved her, disciplined her, played with her, pushed her and worked with her until the flickering candle that was her life became a beacon of light to the world. Anne Sullivan worked wonders in Helen's life; but it was a loving nurse who first believed in Little Annie and lovingly transformed an uncommunicative child into a compassionate teacher.

  "If it had not been for Anne Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown." But if it had not been for a kind and dedicated nurse, the name of Anne Sullivan would have remained unknown. And so it goes. Just how far back does the chain of redemption extend? And how for forward will it lead?

  Those you have sought to reach, whether they be in your family or elsewhere, are part of a chain of love that can extend through the generations. Your influence on their lives, whether or not you see results, is immeasurable. Your legacy of dedicated kindness and caring can transform lost and hopeless lives for years to come.

  英国维多利女王曾问海伦·凯勒:“ 你一生中获得如此卓越成就的原因是什么?你又聋又盲,你是如何取得如此巨大的成就的?”

  凯勒女士将这一切归功于她那赋予奉献精神的老师。“如果没有安妮·沙利文, 海伦凯勒的名字也许永远不会为人所知。”







  励志英语作文 篇9

  When we see the successful people, it is natural for us to feel jealous. We see their power and fame, wishing we can be one of them. But the fact is that who knows what these successful people have paied for.

  I remember the top swimmer Michael Phillips described his daily life. He said that he had to practise so hard, even on the Christmas Day, when other people were enjoying the family reunion, he was working hard on the swimming pool and making himself stronger. We always see the celebrities’ glory but always ignore their hard-working. They deserve the honor and people’s respect. If we want to be successful, we must work hard.

  励志英语作文 篇10

  “Depend on yourself” is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you. others still can help you. But all these only help you to help yourself


  There have been many men in history. But many of them were very poor in childhood, and no uncles, aunts or friends to help them. Schools were few. They could not depend duanwenw.com upon them for an education. They saw how it was and set to work with all their strength to know something. They worked their own way till they became well-known.


  One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, ”I can not make worthy men of you, but I can duanwenw.com help make men of yourself.”


  Some young men don't try their best to make themselves valuable to human beings. They can never gain achievement unless they see their weak points and change their course. They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.


  励志英语作文 篇11

  When we see the successful people, it is natural for us to feel jealous. We see their power and fame, wishing we can be one of them. But the fact is that who knows what these successful people have paied for. I remember the top swimmer Michael Phillips described his daily life. He said that he had to practise so hard, even on the Christmas Day, when other people were enjoying the family reunion, he was working hard on the swimming pool and making himself stronger. We always see the celebrities’ glory but always ignore their hard-working. They deserve the honor and people’s respect. If we want to be successful, we must work hard.



  励志英语作文 篇12

  We Must Face FailureAs we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means.In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasn't met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of success themselves.My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success.


  励志英语作文 篇13

  youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

  youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years . we grow old by deserting our ideals.

  years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being s heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart theres a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

  when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of

  cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

  thank you!

  励志英语作文 篇14

  As we all know, "Failure is the mother of success." But few people can really understand what the saying means. In the world, I am sure that no one dare say he hasn't met any trouble all his life. So we must face failure. In fact, failure is not fearful, but important thing is how to face it correctly. Facing failure, people will never take their fate lying down.They will try their best to work harder and harder until at last they succeed.

  Not being courageous to face setbacks, people have no chance to enjoy the pleasure of success. So they have nothing to do but feel sad and empty all day and all night. In fact, they lose the chance of succethemselves. My friend, whenever in trouble, please remember, "Failure is the mother of success."

  you can do it !you could be the one!whatever trouble you met how terrible it was,you just think that all will be all right,there is no things is importance in the world.please believe youself.if you often complain of the terrible thigs you suffe in the trouble,so you can not happy and have a new life.so your life's golf will be not clearly.your life won't become meaningfully.you must have the surely mind,and do it by the plan .nobody dont like confident people,the most importance point is confident.when you have it ,everything you do it will be succeful!

  励志英语作文 篇15

  Some people in the fierce competition of the rough waves swept away, has never recovered. Some people are against the tuyere, set foot on top, on the shore, they succeeded. Because they have much a stick to it. Forefront for them is not a stumbling block, but padding their own foundation.

  Born easy, live easy, life is not easy. Life is a process of life. No wind, no rain? It is because of the baptism of wind and rain to see the colorful rainbow; With the pain of failure will taste the joy of success. Turgenev in the rudin, said: "although our life short and small, but great everything is caused by the hand of the people; a life, realize the lofty mission, that is their supreme happiness in life." We are to create this society, inevitably some injury, through the tears.

  Time, fast turn, across one dream magic song.

  Life, be about to rush out a way to! In order to cause, in order to struggle in life, despite losing a lot of, but is there will be! And are often more important than lost, it is the value and meaning of life.

  Life is long, the years.

  How can we predict the future? But only clear conscience my heart! Life, because there is competition, people have power; Life, because of the struggle, the people to the pursuit of excellence.

  Smoke in life, like a cloud, the wind. Transient. "Only the people and the backing car, there is no reverse time and road", since we came to today, and possession of today's social status and responsibility, only forward, forward, forward again! Don't retreat. Young people, more important is to see tomorrow, seize today, forge ahead in the quiet, perhaps before the sun mountain tomorrow, you created a miracle again!

  励志英语作文 篇16

  Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems.....

  everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have

  experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

  having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later

  generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

  the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.

  励志英语作文 篇17

  I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up.

  I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up.

  Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up.

  And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.”

  励志英语作文 篇18

  Self-confidence, as is approved by research and practice, has an amazingly powerful influence on the output of people’s activities. Patients who believe that they’ll recover soon generally cures faster than those who think they won’t. Students with optimistic characters usually provide better performance, even if they work the same hard as others. Although someone may regard such conclusion as superstitious, it does take place everyday and everywhere. Neural scientists have discovered that, when a man feels confident, his brain will secrete some kinds of hormone that boost brain activity and improve the efficiency of his immune system. In contrast, a melancholic brain is suppressed by other chemicals and cannot fully exhibit its potential.

  To help building up self-confidence, you can take the following two steps. First, identify your merits and value them. If you constantly compare your weakness to others’ advantages, you’d only gain frustration rather than confidence. Second, track every little progress you’ve made and review them frequently. You may not possibly become perfectly successful in one day, but if only you can see yourself growing gradually, surely you’re on the right way. There’re also other methods making you more confident that depend on yourself to find out, and they’re all necessary elements to make you more competitive in your area.

  励志英语作文 篇19

  everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may paby without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

  having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquencyanjianggao/e ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

  the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time paby ,leaving nothing of significance.

  励志英语作文 篇20

  Everyday of your life,it is important to take the timeto“smelltheroses”—to appreciate the experiences that lead to happiness.This is part of being truly happy.

  Happiness is a state of mind.It starts with accepting where you are,knowing where you are going and planning to enjoy every moment a long the way.You know how to be happy,and feel that you have enough time or money or love or what every you need to achieve your goals.Andj ust feeling that

  you have enough of everything means that you doing deed have enough.

  You have to choose to be happy,and focus upon being happy,inorder to be happy.If you instead focus upon knowing that you will be happy if you achieve something,you will never be happy,as you have notl earned to“smelltheroses”.Their on yis that when you are happy,you are inevitably more productive,and far more likely to achieve what everything-seekers are seeking.




  励志英语作文 篇21

  You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your acceptance gives you to move forward.


  This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedom of not having to fight against it.


  There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and feel the energy that will enable you to rise above them.


  Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing judgements on it, see the real, positive value that’s already yours. You cannot change where your past priorities* and choices have brought you. Yet you can make use of the wisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasured dreams.


  Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been, what you’ve done, what you have and where you are. For you can now transform it all into what you most wish to be.


  励志英语作文 篇22

  Life is not about just getting by. Life is about reaching ever higher, building one achievement on top of another, and creating real, meaningful value in each moment.


  A common stone on the ground does a great job of just getting by. You, on the other hand, are destined1 for much more spectacular things. Yes, indeed, you will certainly meet a number of challenges when you make the effort to raise your world even a little bit higher. The good thing is, you are superbly equipped to thrive on those challenges.


  If life seems unsuccessful, it’s not because of the challenges or limitations that stand in your way. It’s because you refuse to see the exceptional opportunities that those challenges represent.


  This is your precious and unique life, and it is absolutely worth all the trouble and effort you must go through to make it great. Within you at this moment are beautiful dreams, and you can begin to live in the direction of those dreams whenever you choose.


  Let go of the false security of just getting by, and get yourself into focus on a purpose that will bring your life gloriously to life. Your very own pathway to success is just one quick step away.


  励志英语作文 篇23

  After the rain, a difficult spider to the wall has been fragmented network, due to damp walls, it must climb the height, it will fall, which one to climb, repeatedly falling and… No. a person to see, and he sighed to himself:

  "my life as this spider is not it? busy and no income."

  Thus, he increasingly depressed. See the second person, he said:

  this spider really stupid, why do not dry place from the next to climb up to look around? I'll be as stupid as it can not. Thus, he becomes wise up. See the third person, he immediately spiders keep the spirit of war touched. So he has become strong.







  励志英语作文 篇24

  Everyone in the process of growth will meet many troubles and setbacks, those all need people and social understanding and tolerance. Our children are more hope that teachers and parents to care for and tolerance we a lot.

  In the process of growth, we could not make mistakes, can't be plain sailing. For example, we study in the school study, I believe that each student's mood is the same want to test a full marks, happily papers to mom and dad will be praised, but often it is not good, why didn't satisfied with the school the teacher will criticize, students will click, home, bowed their heads and not language been disgraced. So the pressure is more and more big, even to the point of unwilling to learn, I hope the teacher and parents don't blame children for grades at that time is not ideal, hope for children to have a tolerant heart. Always encouraged, with the mood to counselling, let your child under the sunshine, slowly grow up, don't worry, knowledge over its reverse.

  I remember when I was a child learned many, have so a words: ", at the beginning of the people, goodness... teach similar sex, your reputation... child does not learn, broken machine express... teach child, the young, keep not to teach, the father of ". Can be seen from the above parents godson method and the truth, why don't we parents can go to the school to visit! Parents don't to hurt their children's self-esteem, every child has his great ideal, but needs to be long care at home, discover, cultivate, tolerance to achieve growth.

  励志英语作文 篇25

  God gives us the same precious life, but give us different life attitudes and strange life forms. High overhead, someone domination; Someone beneath humble, yes. Some clever perspicacity, fame; Someone intelligent, life doing nothing. The world because of the variety show is rich, because different society and with the color.

  Maybe your mind isn't agile, talent is inferior to others; Maybe your clothes, simple than others luxurious riches and honor; Maybe you are born in poverty, compared with others is famous for the door... If you're just being a member of the ordinary, in everything that makes you almost did not dare to face, then you are in the strong tall in the shadow of pain, since unwilling to mediocrity, or out of the darkness, looking for a piece of sunshine for yourself? Pain is the shadow of the pessimist, kind-hearted optimists will deliberately turned, look for to belong to own a piece of bright sunshine. As Chekhov said, the dog will shout loudly!

  Our life is very ordinary, ordinary like a stone, not smooth on the surface of the mei-yu, cannot reflect the crystal brilliant charming luster. But we should not also can't so deny yourself, because we all have god to mankind, have innate tenacity and penetrate into the bone marrow of tough, how can because the mei-yu, the existence of the crystal and feel inferior? We must live for themselves. Live out their own color, not because the light of others masked humbled himself.

  励志英语作文 篇26

  Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

  Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages.

  Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.

  励志英语作文 篇27

  As a Senior Grade Three students, I am very busy in preparing for the college entrance examination. I have seven classes a day, and two self-study classes at night. And only a day left for the weekend. So, most of the time I have to spend on the study, after all the college entrance examination is very important for almost all of us. Aside of study, I would play football with my friends after school and the weekend. I like playing football very much. When I run on the football field, I can put the examination thing off my mind for a while, only sweat and laugh left. It is a good exercise for health and a good way to relax from the busy study too. This is my high school life, busy and fulfilling.

  励志英语作文 篇28

  In China, there is no doubt that English is very important, because it has been the indispensable subject for students to learn since they go to school.

  As our economy develops so fast and our country plays the more and more important role in the world, a lot of foreigners have started to learn mandarin. There is even a big TV show for foreigners to compete to be the one who speaks mandarin best. I have watched the show, I am so impressed that the foreigners can speak mandarin so well, for mandarin is such difficult to learn. My foreign teachers told me that so many people in their countries wanted to know more about China and they were interested in our culture.

  The popularity of mandarin shows that our country has become stronger. We should be proud of that.

  励志英语作文 篇29

  We followed in the footsteps of time, day by day grow up, has evolved from a cute girl, growing into a beautiful girl.

  Vaguely remember childhood, remember that time my innocence, I always want to grow up quickly, childhood also has sorrow and distress, so children always want to grow up soon.

  Childhood is always spent in laughter. Eyes closed slowly, see picture in the brain, father, mother and four years old I see the photos together, a family full of happy smile on her face, then suddenly I found that only a few pictures of me in the picture, the in the mind think like this. Inadvertently found that there is a camera on the table, I suddenly stood up, took the camera to the desk, suddenly fell to the ground, said: "don't let your camera!" Mother's smile, dad's helpless, don't understand at that time. Children, always such a simple thought that the question, ask the reason, only know the result.

  Eyes slowly opened and looked in the mirror, is a vibrant and energetic girl, think the past memories, or when a child is better. A little sour, a little sweet girl, can let we know our friends, parents, teachers, painstaking could take our time to study, parents always said in the future, the teacher always said in the future, sometimes we really tired, want to a person be quiet. Now I understand why the study well, because if you give up learning today, tomorrow there will be a good company and you said goodbye, so for the sake of your future, efforts to do every thing.

  励志英语作文 篇30

  In fact, others will think you is what kind of person is not important, important is whether you sure myself. Others will think you is what kind of person is not important, important is whether you before someone else beat you, just lost to yourself!

  No matter at what time, everyone must value yourself, before people sure you, you have to be sure of yourself!

  Life is the most powerful enemy is yourself, the biggest challenge is to challenge ourselves.

  Sure myself, is a triumph of the will.

  To conquer yourself, is a kind of soul.

  Control yourself, it is a kind of reason of success.

  Create yourself, is a kind of psychological state of sublimation.

  Beyond themselves, it is a kind of mature in life.

  Who can sure, conquer yourself, control yourself, beyond themselves, have enough power to overcome all the difficult in career and life, all the setbacks, all misfortune.

  Of course, we have to admit that is a weakness of human nature, in one's life to the most is overcome others, beyond the others, all things are to be better than others.

  励志英语作文 篇31

  Sometimes we thought was cornered encountered crisis makes us, but the turning point in later found that this is life. Beautiful life is updated, and is willing to work hard. Pupa to butterfly, can make life look brand-new. Also need to change one's life to grow. Every change back to take you into the new field, new life, give you a new feeling, new surprises.

  Health, we must learn to tolerate their shortcomings and defects. As the saying goes, no one is perfect. Because of this, we should constantly learning, constantly improve themselves. Under the premise of how the shortcomings and defects in the face, take positive action to make up the shortfall, to overcome the disadvantages? On the one hand, to compare with others, and right to realize oneself in what position in the group, after looking for direction; On the other hand to correct view of oneself. Don't just parity yourself from different aspects, but not their own advantages, always feel "xyz learning is better than me, handwriting is better than me, good at playing the piano than I am," and in fact everyone has their own bright spots: learning good may sports than you, good calligraphy may learn as you, don't blindly to find fault. Both to see, also can see the shortcomings, understanding of their comprehensive, to better complement each other.

  励志英语作文 篇32

  Even without such small ants in the face of setbacks, we should dare to face setbacks, I again remind of: Edison's lab was bombed, in the face of such setbacks, Edison did not lose heart, and in just three weeks, it successfully invented the phonograph; Ears deaf, Beethoven for a musician this is undoubtedly the biggest setback, and Beethoven did not flinch in the face of setbacks it, he said: "I want to take the fate of the throat." In this way Beethoven created the world-famous "fate" symphony.

  There is wind have rain on the journey of life is full of thorns, only we to strive, to struggle, will have the flowers and applause is waiting for us. Celebrity said, the setback for incompetent people is an abyss, and for those who dare to face setbacks, it is a successful step stool.

  I once again open your books, then in the morning the first ray of sunshine shoot indoors, where to fall, get up on that. I smiled, setbacks, I challenge you, life more wonderful by setbacks.

  I later as now rising, I thank the sleepless in the night I taste the frustration, read the letter inside, I thank the setback!