女性励志电影之《Under the Tuscan Sun》

  引导语:励志电影一直是女性最钟爱的电影类型,从电影内容到电影台词,都让无数女性在追梦路上找到自己的人生轨迹。以下是YJBYS的小编为大家找到的女性励志电影之《Under the Tuscan Sun》。希望能够帮助到大家!

女性励志电影之《Under the Tuscan Sun》

  影片简介:Frances Mayes (Diane Lane) is a San Francisco writer whose seemingly perfect life has just taken an unexpected detour. She finds out at a party that she's hosting, from a writer to whom she had given a bad review of his book, that her husband has been cheating on her. Her recent divorce has left her depressed and with terminal writer's block, and her best friend Patti (Sandra Oh), a lesbian who is expecting a child, is beginning to think Frances might never recover. Patti convinces her to take an Italian vacation, to Tuscany, but it's on a gay tour (Patti and her partner Grace (Kate Walsh) had booked it for themselves, but changed plans after Patti became pregnant). At first she refuses, but then after being in her new, gloomy apartment, she decides that it is a good idea to get away for a little while after all. In Tuscany, while stopping in a small town she sees a notice about a villa for sale, in Cortona. Then while the passengers are back on the tour bus, the bus has to stop to let a herd of sheep pass, and Frances realizes that they've stopped in front of the very villa that she had seen for sale, something she believes is a sign. She asks the driver to stop and she gets off the bus. In a series of serendipitous events she becomes the owner of a lovely yet dilapidated villa in beautiful Tuscany. From this point her life begins anew with a variety of interesting characters and unusual but gentle souls. She hires a crew of Polish immigrants to renovate the house. Over time, Frances also befriends her Italian neighbors and develops relationships with her Polish workers, the realtor who sold her the villa, and Katherine, an eccentric, aging, British actress. Later, she is visited by the now very pregnant Patti, whose partner Grace has left her. Frances does meet a romantic interest, Marcello, but it does not last, and she is about to give up on happiness when two young lovers come to her for help. Eventually, she finds the fulfillment she was searching for in a wedding at the villa, where she also meets an American writer who is traveling in Tuscany. The movie ends with a new love in her life.

  婚姻失败对于已经三十多岁的女作家法兰西斯(戴安·琳恩 Diane Lane饰)来说,是一个很残酷的打击。幸亏朋友体贴窝心,专程安排她到意大利托斯卡尼去旅行一趟。想不到,托斯卡尼这个美丽得令人窒息的城市,竟然改变了法兰西斯的后半生。


