1、Do not remember, because not go back. Loved your tears left tothe people, the smile left to hurt you most of thepeople.   ---- 别回忆,因为回不去。把眼泪留给最疼你的人,把微笑留给伤你最深的人   

2、Dream what you want to dreams, go where you want to go, be whatyou want to be coz you have only one life and one chance to do allthe things you want in life.   梦想你的梦想;到你想到的地方;做你想做的自己吧!因为你只能活一次。   

3、If you asked me how many times you have crossed my mind, I wouldsay once, because you never really left...   ——如果你问我,你有多少次穿越我的心田,我会说一次,因为你从来没有真正离开   

4、If you wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs youdown.   想要飞翔,早就该放弃掉对那些shit的追求,只会增加负重而已   

5、It’s using you knowledge to surpass all the difficulties youencounter in life.   用你的知识去解决生活中遇到的所有困难。   

6、Life is like a multiple choice question. Sometimes, the choicesconfuse you, not the question itself!   人生就像是一道多项选择题,困扰你的往往是众多的选择项,而不是题目本身!   

7、Say not all that you know, believe notall that you hear.   你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信   

8、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams.   未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人   

9、To love someone,it is not because of the convenience he or sheprovides,but the visible growth of yourself in him or her.   喜欢一个人,不是因为他或她能提供哪些方便,而是在他或她身上,可以看见自己的成长

10、We usually add too much to love and give too many definitions toit . We ignore that love is simple and it's real love when youdon't know why you love.   我们总是给爱赋予了太多的东西,给爱下了太多的'定义。我们忘记了简单才是爱,当你不知道为什么爱的时候,那才是真正的爱   

11、Whether in uphill or decline, appropriate must know stop, stopto look is to better repositories.   不管是身处上坡还是下坡,适当的时候一定要懂得让自己停下来,驻足来回望是为了更好的迈入   

12、Yesterday is gone, shake off the dust and move on. Don't let thepast steal your future. Bring your very best today   ——昨天已逝,抖抖身上的尘埃,继续前行。别让过去盗走了将来,今天做最好的自己吧   

13、You've got to get up every morning with determination if you’regoing to go to bed with satisfaction.   ——如果晚上带着满意入睡,早上就会更有决心起床。   

