1、一切我都看在眼里,不过是没说出口罢了。 All I see in the eye, but that's just didn't say.

2、不要以为你脸皮厚,就以为刀都砍不进了。 Don't think you have a thick hide, think dao are cut into.

3、不要太自作多情了,受伤的是自己。 Don't flatter yourself, the injured is yourself.

4、也许是我们懦弱,经不起命运的颠簸。 Maybe we cowardly, can not stand the fate of turbulence.

5、你们一次次的离开让我害怕离开。 Your leave let me afraid of again and again.

6、你们相爱,我和悲伤共生共存。 You love each other, I and sadness symbiosis.

7、你可以不在乎我,那你能不能不阻止我在乎你。 You can don't care, I care about you that you can not stop me.

8、你所谓的不适合,不过是想要丢下我的借口。 The so-called doesn't fit, you just want to leave me.

9、你用冰冷的指尖,在我的手心里轻轻写下依赖。 You use cold fingertips, gently write rely on in my hand heart.

10、你的明天有多快乐都不是我能给的。 Your tomorrow is not how happy Ican give.

11、你说过五一陪我去海边的难道你忘了吗? You said you May 1 don't you forget to accompany me to go to the beach?

12、你随便一说,我却认真难过。 You say casually, but I seriously sad.

13、做自己就可以了,何必在乎别人的看法。 It is ok to be yourself, why care about other people think.

14、分手后的思念,注定就是犯贱。 After break up thoughts, destined to finance.

15、别勉强在一起,我可以爱你也可以忘记你。 Don't force together, I can love you can forget you.

16、医生叫我进行光合作用,不要熬夜了。 The doctor told me to photosynthesis, don't stay up late.

17、即使你用一大笔财富,也换不回爱。 Even if you use a lot of wealth, also change not to return love.

18、原来微笑也是一种嘲笑自己德方式。 The original smile is also a kind of laugh at your own way.

19、原来结局早已注定,再挣扎也是徒劳。 The original ending already doomed, then struggle is useless.

20、只要他确定你永远不会伤害你,我就可以放手。 As long as he is sure that you will never hurt you, I can let go.

21、可不可以把梦想放进冰箱,长大了再拿出来? Can you put the dream into the fridge, grow up again?

22、喜欢童话,是因为把它当成了童年。 Like a fairy tale, because regard it as a boy.

23、因为爱你,所以害怕失去你。 Because love you, so afraid to lose you.

24、在你的面前,我对你的爱是那样的苍白无力的。 In front of you, my love for you is so pale.

25、天长地久有多久?永远到底有多远? How long is forever? How far is it forever?

26、失去你后我宁愿被你误会,也不愿向你解释。 After losing you, I would rather be misunderstanding, you don't want to explain to you.

27、失恋了就去买瓶雪碧,因为它是透心凉。 Brokenhearted went to buy a bottle of Sprite, cold as it is.

28、好吧,我放开你,虽然你从不知道我在抓着你。 Ok, I let you go, though you never know what I'm holding you.

29、好想跟你讲话,但又很怕你嫌我烦。 Really want to talk to you, but again very afraid you think I'm boring.

30、如果我说对不起,你会原谅我吗? If I said I'm sorry, would you forgive me?

31、学最好的别人,做最好的自己。 Learn the best and be the best you can be.

32、寂寞只是一场华丽的虚张声势。 Loneliness is a gorgeous bluff.

33、岁留不住年少的迷茫,年华带不走曾经的轻狂。 Confusion, do not leave young age of time take not to go once the frivolous.

34、幸福不是终点,而是旅程的途中。 Happiness is not an end, but a journey on the way.

35、心里一直有你,可是你却不知道。 Have you in my heart, but you don't know.

36、想念不停挥霍,曾经那份承诺已不属于我。 Miss profligacy, once the commitment is not belong to me.

37、我中了爱情的毒,却一直不肯吃解药。 My love ispoison, but has been refused to eat.

38、我为什么放弃治疗,只为给你腾出床位。 Why do I give up, just to give you make beds.

39、我们的爱里掺杂着太多的伤害。 We love mixed with too much damage.

40、我们都擅长口是心非,却又很希望对方知道。 We are good at heart, but very hope to know each other.

41、我再怎么牵强的笑,也掩饰不了我心里的痛。 I again how far-fetched smile, also can't hide my heart pain.

42、我只是和星星一起闪亮和黑夜一起寂寞的孩子。 I just and the stars shine together and the night together lonely child.

43、我在等一个人,一个可以陪我很久很久的人。 I am waiting for a person, a person can accompany me for a long, long time.

44、我在等一个人,一个可以陪我走很久很久的人。 I'm waiting for a person, a can accompany me to walk a long time.上一页12下一页

45、我想变的强大,尽管去践踏最脆弱的生命。 I want to be strong, although to trample on the most fragile life.

46、我想我爱上了一种青春的疼痛。 I think I fell in love with a youth of the pain.

47、我想要拥有全世界,只是因为世界里有你。 I want to have the whole world, just because you're in the world.

48、我知道你已经不属于我,但我不相信。 I know you already do not belong to me, but I don't believe it.

49、我要把你捧在手心,细细的呵护着。 I am going to put you held in the palm, thin caress.

50、我还是依旧删了进你空间的记录。 I am still delete the record into your space.

51、捧着战败的骨灰,洒落出我的悲伤。 Holding the ashes of defeat and falls out of my sadness.

52、擦干泪对自己说这点痛算什么,过去只是浮云。 Dry the tears said to himself that pain is nothing, the past is just floating clouds.

53、既然回不到过去,又为何在原地停留不肯向前。 Since back to less than in the past, why to stay in place will not forward.

54、时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。 Time not only let you see through others, also let you know yourself.

55、明白的人懂得放弃,真情的人懂得牺牲。 Understand people understand abandon, love the people understand the sacrifice.

56、是你不能坚持了,还是我的任性推开了你。 Is it you can't insist on, or my wayward away you.

57、是我亲手将你推开,我有什么资格难过。 Is my hand will be you away, what qualifications I have to sad.

58、曾经拥有的,现在成了一片空白。 Once owned of, now became a blank.

59、最心疼的心疼,是连呼吸都那么疼。 Is the most love dearly love dearly, even breathing is pain.

60、有些事已经注定,就算在怎么不舍,又能如何。 Some things have been doomed, even if in how to don't give up, how can.

61、有些伤痕像场大火,把心炒焦难以复活。 Fried coke hurts like a fire, the heart is difficult to rise again.

62、有没有一个地方,让我可以不惧悲伤的躲藏。 Is there a place, let I can not afraid sad hiding.

63、每个不完美的爱情,都只是时光的搁浅。 Each not perfect love, only time.

64、没有你我的心情写给谁看我的签名为谁而换。 No who you my mood to see my signature for who the change.

65、没有快乐,微笑还在。没有童话,童年还在。 Still not happy, smile. Is not a fairy tale, childhood.

66、爱忘记的越狠,却陷的越深。 The malicious love to forget, but the deeper trap.

67、爱情会让人们流泪,友情却是帮别人擦眼泪。 Love makes people shedtears, friendship is to help people to wipe tears.

68、用沉默,掩饰心里还爱你的事实。 In silence, hide in the mind still love you.

69、相爱时,生死不离。分手后,我不认识你。 While love each other, life and death. After break up, I don't know you.

70、红如火的枫叶,诉说着秋天的凄美。 Red maple leaf, recounting the autumn beautiful.

71、结局已经写好,我们拿什么改变。 The outcome is already written, we take what to change.

72、继续做一个单身贵族,继续我高傲的青春。 Continue to do a lone noble, continue my pride of youth.

73、翻开后我们各归其位,回到了曾经的那份纯真。 Each to its place, open after we returned to the pure once.

74、能不能爱我一次 Can you love me once, can you let me again willful indulgence.

75、若此为你愿,我便如你所愿。 If this is your wish, I will as you wish.

76、谢谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心。 Thank you for your rude, let I learned to be dead.

77、谢谢你给的你拿走的一切。 Thank you for you take away everything.

78、走过青春的夏天,谁还记得曾是哪年。 Summer passed youth, who remember which was once a year.

79、越是熟悉你的人,越知道捅哪里会让你痛! Where are the more familiar with you, the more know tong will let you pain!

80、过去的都已过去,该走的?都不曾停留。 The past has in the past, the walk? Never stop.

81、陪了你这么多年,你还是不知道因为我爱你。 With you for so many years, you still don't know because I love you.

82、隔着眼泪看世界,整个世界都在哭。 Across the tears to see the world, the whole world is crying.

83、雨下过后的晴天,光线做成了桥梁。 The sunshine after the rain, the light is made into a bridge.

84、青春还未开始,苍老早已来临。 The youth has yet to start, old already.

85、鸟儿美在羽毛,人们美在勤劳。 Birds beauty in feathers, people in the industry.

86、黑色是收敛的,沉郁的,难以琢磨的。 Black is one of the convergence, depressed, elusive.
