


  责任英语作文 篇1

  Nowadays,it is very popular to talk about responsibility,but talk is cheap.What exactly are we going to do? How shall we establish our steady correct spirit?

  First,knowledge is very important; also that’s what we emergently need.It is universally known that student have to study hard and ply with many rules.As we all know,every breakthrough in human history is due to the extensive application of certain knowledge.“Knowledge Is Power”.

  Nowadays,the petition is fierce in every field of the society.The age of knowledge has e.As far as we college students are concerned the most important thing we should do now is to exert all our efforts to master knowledge as much as we can.Only by doing so can we have the power to handle whatever problems we encounter,only by doing so can we have the power to make ourselves more prosperous; only by doing so can we have the power to implement duty.

  Next,we should learn from another example,Yang Huaibao,a man who bears the weight of his whole family.Here a problem aroused that how we will make use of the amount of spare time on campus.Just walk around again and again,sleep a long time everyday? Everybody knows that students can not learn books only; everybody prefers to put into practice,rather than know papers only.For my part,devoting me to experience social practice would be my positive idea.Only after you suffer a lot can you feel the happiness of success,and we can also lighten burden of our parents a little,by the way.

  The society is rapidly marching on,we are hastened to catch up with its pace.At different points,someone would casually say:“It’s just none of my business how the earth rotates.” As policy makers of the new century,we can not fail to see our responsibility to those who share the earth with us.I will never forget one ancient poet named of “Fan Zhongyan”.

  责任英语作文 篇2

  Many young people trend to keep Pets,who can treat the pet as their friends and don’t feel lonely.Pets are lovely and loyal to their masters.Many touching stories have been happening between animals and human being.When we keep pets,we have the duty to take care of them.


  When we are watching touching stories among human being and animals in the screen,while cruel incidents are happening in the real life.It had been reported that some pets were abandoned by their owners because they did not want to raise these creatures anymore,so the fastest way to get rid of the pets was to leave them directly.The abandon behavior was criticized by the public,they felt sorry for these lovely animals and at the same time,they blamed the cold-blooded and irresponsible pet owners.


  When we keep pets,we need to keep our responsility.Pets’ lives are as precious as our human being,so if we don’t want to keep them,at least we need to find someone to look after them instead of abandoning them.


  责任英语作文 篇3

  one of the wonderful things about being a foreign educator in china,is that chinese students are so eager to learn from you.they have been trained from an early age to be knowledge sponges,looking to soak up as much new information from their teachers as they can.secondly,confucian education demands a high degree of respect for teachers.

  the title "lao shi" is one of reverence in chinese society,though teachers tend to be poorly paid.even greater is the respect in china for foreign teachers or "foreign experts" as they are called.despite the fact that most foreign experts in china have no previous expertise as teachers of english as a foreign language but are employed as such,the * weles their contribution by bestowing a respectful title upon them.thus,chinese students hold their foreign teachers especially in high regard,which is perhaps why so many people who e to china to teach end up staying here longer.

  it would be hard to find this level of appreciation for teachers among american students.young people in the u.s.have a somewhat different attitude toward educators; they are taught to question,not simply absorb,so they decide for themselves if a teacher is credible.american students may reject their teachers,

  confronting them and even publicly disagreeing with them as part of the learning process.american young people are less accepting of information at face value,preferring to evaluate for themselves as to whether or not what the teacher says is true or useful.the status of the teacher in eastern and western education has a major impact on the way students take responsibility for their learning.chinese students bee heavily reliant on their teachers to give them the "right" information and can easily blame the teacher if they do not do well in the class by saying,"the teacher didn't teach me enough."

  american students tend to be more independent as learners,and teachers encourage them to do research on their own,form study groups and seek answers from outside sources.this gives american students more flexibility in gathering information,and also encourages them to be responsible for their learning.responsibility in this context does not simply mean memorizing the "correct" answers to pass an exam,it refers to the sense of ownership that makes learning meaningful.

  in chinese,people express modesty by saying that they gave all their knowledge back to the teacher.this implies that the person never really owned the knowledge in the first place,but simply borrowed it from the teacher to pass the exam.but it also implies that the person never cherished this knowledge,

  because he or she never owned it,and so they neglected it and eventually forgot it.it's just like the difference between living in a dormitory and living in your own house.

  no one who lives in a dorm takes very good care of it,especially the public areas.but once you own a home,you make it beautiful and keep it clean because it has greater value to you.this is pride of ownership,and what is owned is cherished.what is cherished endures.

  as much as chinese students appreciate their foreign teachers,

  they should not forget that responsibility for learning es from within,not from without.the teacher cannot "give" someone english.no one can "get" english from a teacher or from a book like one can get a cold.responsibility for learning can only e from the learner,when he or she freely chooses to own the quality of his or her learning experience,versus relying on borrowed knowledge from experts.

  责任英语作文 篇4

  Ernest boyer is correct to point out the problems that happened on students especially the college students nowadays.The undergraduate students have ambiguous feelings about their futher and other issues which concerns self-interests.They have to struggling to establish themselves just for pete in fast developing societies.But young people also admitted to confusion the matters of they pursuit for and meaning.As we recognized that economics and internet makes us more interconnected and closer,human munities shapes our thought have to share information for each other and burden the responsibilities that others suffered around.For example climate change or economic opportunity or the spread of nuclear weapons etc.These are shared challenges.And no one country or person can confront them alone.the fact is that man’s petence already being banded mitment closely in groups they live in.

  Therfore,these stereotype and narrow perspective obviously no longer adapted to the reality in such changing world.It is necessary to adjudge the views we hold in traditional thought,in the end the quality of college education asks their mitment for the people beyond himself.Now petence are mainly means willing to contribute to mankind as you can as possible.Based on the faction above,we believe that liberal education is the way to resolve this kinds of problems from petence to mitment.Because the value of humanistic care required to cultivate a larger vision that transcend himself to serve others even sacrifice.Only by finding a center beyond himself to fufill the obligations he was given.Because petence can not be understood without mitment,petence exist in responsibilities.On the other hand,if a good petence used to do bad things,not obey a correct side,it will be easy to fall in evil.So the mitment helps the man’s petence effectively avoids getting badly and used it for these righteousness things.

  责任英语作文 篇5

  Everyone has the responsibility of our responsibilities is to do their own work for their own class to make its due contribution.Phenomena are noisy all the time in class, everyone so, I believe this class group of classes where the wind will not be good to go.

  Class, some students are foul—mouthed, not at his class honor, let alone contribute to the class.What is more, not only do not learn, but also disturb others.With such people learn to live in has been, how would their moral character be improved? Remember those red nearly lost the company he keeps the truth!

  Maybe they will say that the increase in themselves the responsibility is too heavy, their uncivilized phenomenon only occurs only occasionally, swearing they export only their own feelings of anger, catharsis, perhaps.but their responsibilities, especially a man's responsibility is to should not have any of the conditions is that they must perform.

  One of our responsibility to life, people have done, but also to do a competent, able to fulfill their responsibility to students? We have many responsibilities, such as not stole, do not waste, and so on.These students can not do, how to go for the community, the class to contribute to it?

  Yes, life among the many responsibilities, and we each had to perform my son.

  Responsibility, for each people, are not new, because of the responsibility, we each of us will work hard; have the responsibility, the state can continue to grow and develop; because of the responsibility, society can progress.Yes, the responsibilities of a country, a nation's development.Therefore, great responsibility.

  Is the responsibility of parents to develop their own talent adult woman.Training because their parents, we were able to grow up healthy and happy; because of parental responsibilities, we can almost happy music every day to school, get down to go home and rest.Therefore, great responsibility.

  Is the responsibility of theschool we have an ambition to learn, the teacher's responsibility is to impart knowledge to us.As the saying goes, "Spring Silkworms to death silk square to make the candle dry ash tears start." This means that the teachers how much for the sacrifices we have made.It is because of the responsibility that we can every day, access to new knowledge; because of the responsibility, we can build for the road to the future on a bridge.

  The responsibility of ordinary farmers what is it? Their responsibility is to cultivate the crops growing well.Them back into the air every day of labor toward the loess, they never had any complaints.When various food mature, hanging in their faces the sweat and smile, because of the responsibility, we can eat every day, white rice and bread.Because the responsibility, we can have a healthy body, work hard for their future.Therefore, great responsibility.

  Everyone has a responsibility, and is the responsibility of our students learn in the future be able to offer a source of strength for the country.Even a modest line also ah! As long as we all pay a little bit, it will also be gathered into a powerful force.Now, we have to do is only to study diligently, to pave the way their own way after.Only then will we be worthy of struggling to raise our parents, our teachers was worthy of all the efforts made, there is the food produced by farmers hard.Therefore, great responsibility!

  To strive, to the title of this responsibility, we should also learn hard, because people paid too much for us, we only use their own action to return them.So, I give thanks to our responsibility to use their responsibility to us!

  Yes, I always bearing in mind these words: responsibility, no matter of what people.

  责任英语作文 篇6

  Good evening,dear teachers and classmates.Today my topic is social mitment.With the development of the society,people’s minds change a lot.Much of this change is good,but it is not all good.As for a graduate student with mature thought and independent thinking,it is necessary and our obligation to think about the serious topic social mitment.The reason why I call serious is that lots of us don’t have the consciousness.When we talked about our ideals,have we ever thought about our return to societyWhen we drew up the personal development plan,have we ever wanted to make contributions to the societyEven in our daily life,do not we identify with“thing is none of himself,and then high hang up”The reason of the popularity of“support body”on the internet,isn't it the reflection of lack of social responsibilityWe grow up in social context and now bee full-fledged,can soar,shouldn't we contribute little to the development of our societyAs the proverb said,“A drop of water in need,shall be returned with a spring in deed”!

  social mitment is not going to bee the resistance of our development,instead,it and our personal value realization will plement each other.It is difficult to imagine a person only focus on himself and regardless of other people’s feeling could make a great achievement.But,if we do things with grateful and bined our ideals and social responsibility appropriately,we even can make greater achievements.Because each person's own value realization can’t exist without social context and any result we obtained attached to it.Therefore,I think social mitment is not a kind of responsibility,however a kind of honor,with which we will be able to improve ourselves better and bee a mature man!

  Friends,let us trace the roots of the fine tradition of Chinese nation,let us e into action with our grateful to our society,let us believe with our efforts,the society will be more beautiful tomorrow!

  责任英语作文 篇7

  by sense of responsibihty,we mean the realization of one's task,duty or obligation.as a teacher,one should he reslonsible to the students.as a student,one should recognize his or her duty and should be blamed if one fails to carry out one's duty.

  duty calls for the students to study hard.it is no easy task.i have to plnck up my courage,face the difficulties and accept thechallenge.i must be responsible re myself for everything i do.

  now my heart isheavy with the burden of senseof responsibility.the pressure lends to my care and worry,but i should be thankful for it.this sense of responsibility spurs me to go on.i must make steady progress in study,my ability and attitude toward life and study concerns not only the school,but also my own future.to have a good position in society,to repay my parents,teachers and the school leaders for their kindness,i must study hard.relying on my own efforts i want to be my best self.

  from now on,i will read books that i do not like to read,and do things that i do not like to do.in fact,there is no absolute like or dislike.the more you read,the more you are interested in reading.i have had such personal experience.therefore,i can carry on to the end,doing things in which i am uninterested to the end.it concerns my future.

  责任英语作文 篇8

  Admittedly it is true that forces play a vital role in determining peoples behavior,but one should not go too far to deny the equal importance of individual responsibility.In many cases,it is individual responsibility that is at stake,far over the use of forces.

  In the first place,forces are not omnipotent and there are many occasions on which forces fail to take effect and therefore must resort to individual responsibility to regulate peoples behavior.Take marital infidelity for example.Undoubtedly,this behavior is immoral and should be condemned because it severely harms the stability of family and thus impacts negative effects on the development of children.However,hardly can the use of compulsory forces such as laws take effect in preventing the occurrence of this disloyal behavior.The reason for impotency of forces on this occasion is that any attempt to prevent marital infidelity has a great possibility to unduly interfere with individual affairs and seriously violate individual freedom.Therefore,the society has no choice but to turn to individual responsibility for marital loyalty and stability of family.

  责任英语作文 篇9

  Should the Bloggers Shoulder Their Responsibilities?

  The Internet has created a new space for human activities including writing.A growing number of people tend to record their thoughts and feelings in the blogs.However,some people would submit abusive posters and spread rumors on their blogs,which has caused a series of negative consequences.So far as I am concerned,the bloggers should shoulder their responsibilities when writing blogs.


  The awareness of responsibility is quit essential in the blog writing.On the one hand,the blog online has provided for us a good way to express our opinions.We are enjoying so much freedom and convenience.In the meantime,we can make friends and communicate with other people.Our vision will probably be broadened and our life will be greatly enriched.On the other hand,the bloggers should be responsible for what they've said in the blogs since the inappropriate remarks may hurt other people's feelings or even produce other serious results.Therefore,it's necessary for us to think twice before writing.Only in this way can our life be better and the Internet will be clean and healthy.


  In conclusion,the bloggers should take their responsibilities while enjoying the freedom of writing in the blogs.


  责任英语作文 篇10

  Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility.The sense of social responsibility is very important to us.If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility,we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

  How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with,children should be taught about good moral outlook,so that when they grow up,they become law-abiding and responsible citizens.Furthermore,the humanistic education is vital,especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country.Last but no least,it is necessary to encourage people to care for others,help others through all kinds of propaganda.

  If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility,it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future.Therefore,let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.




  责任英语作文 篇11

  Strengthening the Sense of Social Responsibility

  Each individual is closely related to and bears obligations to others - that is what we call social responsibility.The sense of social responsibility is very important to us.If everyone has a good sense of social responsibility,we can build a better social and a more prosperous country.

  How can sense of social responsibilty be strengthened? To start with,children should be taught about good moral outlook,so that when they grow up,they become law-abiding and responsible citizens.Furthermore,the humanistic education is vital,especially for university students because they are the future pillars of our country.Last but no least,it is necessary to encourage people to care for others,help others through all kinds of propaganda.

  If all the citizens have a sound sense of social responsibility,it is hopeful that the world will enjoy a better future.Therefore,let's take our social responsibility and contribute to our society.





  责任英语作文 篇12

  We Chinese place a high value on responsibility.It is traditional deal for us Chinese to take care of our parents.We owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing up.It is right,then,when they are getting older with each passing day,we help them and see that they are well cared for.In this way,we give back some of the love and care they have given to us.

  As loyal Chinese citizens,we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country.I t is our duty to keep China strong in the eyes of the world.Therefore,we should study and work hard for China's strongness which also depends on the advanced science and technology.We must be willing to join the Army and defend our country,would we be threatened by an invader.In short,to be a responsible citizen ,we must put our country's welfare above our own needs.

  Finally,we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live in.It is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.If we carry out these responsibilities,we will be respected citizens of our country.





  责任英语作文 篇13

  by sense of responsibihty, we mean the realization of one's task, duty or obligation.as a teacher, one should he reslonsible to the students.as a student, one should recognize his or her duty and should be blamed if one fails to carry out one's duty.

  duty calls for the students to study hard.it is no easy task.i have to plnck up my courage, face the difficulties and accept thechallenge.i must be responsible re myself for everything i do.now my heart is heavy with the burden of sense of responsibility.the pressure lends to my care and worry, but i should be thankful for it.this sense of responsibility spurs me to go on.i must make steady progress in study, my ability and attitude toward life and study concerns not only the school, but also my own future.to have a good position in society, to repay my parents, teachers and the school leaders for their kindness, i must study hard.relying on my own efforts i want to be my best self.

  from now on, i will read books that i do not like to read, and do things that i do not like to do.in fact, there is no absolute like or dislike.the more you read, the more you are interested in reading.i have had such personal experience.therefore, i can carry on to the end, doing things in which i am uninterested to the end.it concerns my future.

  责任英语作文 篇14

  Last night,I saw the news that a bus driver died of heart disease when he was doing his job,there were many passengers in the car,the driver stopped the car in the sidewalk and then died.

  It is so moving,compared to the drivers who drive in high speed,this driver is full responsibility,he considered the passengers’ safe in the first place,he deserves to be highly praised.

  In today,people are losing the sense of responsibility,they don’t care many things,which makes them a heartless people.Like when my mother asks me to finish the house work,I have to finish it before I go out to play.

  If I give up,in the future,I will take things not serous and be a responsible guy.

  If the driver just died without stopping the car,then the passengers would die,what a terrible thing.So we need to be responsible.




  责任英语作文 篇15

  When I was very small,I always wanted to grow up soon,so that I can make money and make my own decision.My parents were in charge of my everything,so I thought the only way to get out of their supervision is to become an adult soon.But I was wrong.The sign of growing up is to take the responsibility of what you do instead of aging.Nowadays,many adults have been called Big Baby,which means they are old enough as an adult,but they can’t take charge of their life.Especially for the person who counts on parents so much.So I need to learn to be independent and solve the problem by myself.When my parents see my ability,they will be happy to let me go.I believe that every parent wants their kids to be strong.


  责任英语作文 篇16

  One of the wonderful things about being a foreign educator in china,is that chinese students are so eager to learn from you.they have been trained from an early age to be knowledge sponges,looking to soak up as much new information from their teachers as they can.secondly,confucian education demands a high degree of respect for teachers.the title lao shi is one of reverence in chinese society,though teachers tend to be poorly paid.even greater is the respect in china for foreign teachers or foreign eperts as they are called.despite the fact that most foreign eperts in china have no previous epertise as teachers of english as a foreign language but are employed as such,the * welcomes their contribution by bestowing a respectful title upon them.thus,chinese students hold their foreign teachers especially in high regard,which is perhaps why so many people who come to china to teach end up staying here longer.

  It would be hard to find this level of appreciation for teachers among american students.young people in the u.s.have a somewhat different attitude toward educators; they are taught to question,not simply absorb,so they decide for themselves if a teacher is credible.american students may reject their teachers,confronting them and even publicly disagreeing with them as part of the learning process.american young people are less accepting of information at face value,preferring to evaluate for themselves as to whether or not what the teacher says is true or useful.

  The status of the teacher in eastern and western education has a major impact on the way students take responsibility for their learning.chinese students become heavily reliant on their teachers to give them the right information and can easily blame the teacher if they do not do well in the class by saying,the teacher didnt teach me enough.american students tend to be more independent as learners,and teachers encourage them to do research on their own,form study groups and seek answers from outside sources.this gives american students more fleibility in gathering information,and also encourages them to be responsible for their learning.responsibility in this contet does not simply mean memorizing the correct answers to pass an eam,it refers to the sense of ownership that makes learning meaningful.

  In chinese,people epress modesty by saying that they gave all their knowledge back to the teacher.this implies that the person never really owned the knowledge in the first place,but simply borrowed it from the teacher to pass the eam.but it also implies that the person never cherished this knowledge,because he or she never owned it,and so they neglected it and eventually forgot it.its just like the difference between living in a dormitory and living in your own house.no one who lives in a dorm takes very good care of it,especially the public areas.but once you own a home,you make it beautiful and keep it clean because it has greater value to you.this is pride of ownership,and what is owned is cherished.what is cherished endures.

  As much as chinese students appreciate their foreign teachers,they should not forget that responsibility for learning comes from within,not from without.the teacher cannot give someone english.no one can get english from a teacher or from a book like one can get a cold.responsibility for learning can only come from the learner,when he or she freely chooses to own the quality of his or her learning eperience,versus relying on borrowed knowledge from eperts.

  责任英语作文 篇17


  Prince Charles once said:"there are many things you have to do in the world,and this is responsibility."."


  Responsibility is not a sweet word,it is only as cold as rock.When a person holds an adult ceremony and truly becomes a member of the society,the responsibility has been unconsciously unloaded on his back as an adult gift.Responsibility is a flower you have to give all the time to water,and it gives,often just the soul and physical pain,such a spiritual cross,why should we bear it? Because taking responsibility is not only the moral character that a person should have,but also improves your personality -- responsibility makes people beautiful.


  At the beginning of the 20th century,an American and Italian immigrant named Frank wrote a brilliant stroke for the history of human spirit.After hard savings,Frank opened a small bank,but once the bank was robbed,resulting in the destruction of property and loss of savings to all depositors.When he started from scratch with his wife and four children,he decided to repay the astronomical deposit.All the people advised him:& quot; why do you do this? You are not responsible for this.&But he replied,& quot; yes,I may not be legally responsible,but morally,I am responsible,and I should pay back the money."


  Thirty years of hardship,thirty years of success,when Frank sent out his last & quot; Debt & quot;,he sighed,& quot; now I am finally debt free and light.&He completed his responsibility with his life's hard work and sweat,and left a real wealth to the world,and made him the most beautiful person.


  I think of Mathilde in the necklace,a beautiful woman who is poor and beautiful.Facing the loss of her good friend diamond,she decided to spend her whole life to repay the debt instead of escaping or cheating.She paid off the wrong gem in the most beautiful years; At that moment,Mathilde became the most beautiful woman in the world.


  The existence of responsibility is a test left to the world by God.Many people can not pass this test and escape.Many people took it and put on the crown of thorns.The fugitives passed away over time,leaving no trace in the world.The bearers will also disappear,but they are still alive,dead and alive.The spirit makes them immortal and makes them the most beautiful people in the world.


  We still don't forget the child who refused to go home after dark and stood on the side of the road crying.Because he wanted to stand guard,other children had already left,but he would rather stand and cry in order to stick to his post,because it was his responsibility -- a silly,lovely and beautiful child.


  Responsibility is not only the quality we should have as human beings,but also the level of responsibility to improve people and make people beautiful.

  责任英语作文 篇18

  Remember the famous Russian writer gorky said: “responsible, is one of the most basic quality.If we give up the responsibility also is equal to give up the whole world.”

  Is ah! As long as we pay attention to, in every corner of the life it is the responsibility of the embodiment.When you are in the classroom clean, you clean responsible for class; When you put cans into the bin, you are in the responsibility for the society; When you will own pocket money to the environmental defense fund, you are a responsible for the entire earth.What we do every thing, seem to be all the responsibility.Therefore, be an upright person should have the sense of responsibility.

  A successful person in the world but also has a high sense of responsibility.Chinese ancient famous doctor li shizhen in order to understand the effects of the “red fruits”, actually oneself ate three times, nearly die, he was holding the responsibility of medical research work.Chemist after David found seven kinds of chemical elements, in line with the sense of responsibility for academic research, and repeatedly studied for two years, will be published.Lu xun, a high sense of responsibility, holding the revolution under the white terror custody, transfer the manuscripts for *s...These are not all goes to show how important responsibility of a person is?

  However, if a person has no sense of responsibility, will bring social and personal misfortune.Just because some irresponsible, make a beautiful rainbow bridge instantly turned into a heap of rubbish; Just because some irresponsible, make zhanjiang customs smuggling “paradise”, resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars to the country.How terrible thing it is irresponsible!

  Famous educationist Mr CAI yuanpei said: “a person, must first.” The people of the 21st century, let us take their own responsibility! So tomorrow will be better!






  责任英语作文 篇19

  Early in the morning,I opened my computer and read the news.

  There was the news about a driver had the heart disease attack when he was driving the bus,there were more than 40 people in the bus.

  The driver stopped the bus off the road and then stopped his breath.

  I was so touched by the driver,in the emergency situation,he considered the passengers’ lives in the first place.

  It is his sense of responsibility that makes him to do it.The driver sets the good example to the public,he shows the importance of responsibility.

  No matter what we do,we should not forget about taking our responsibility.If people don’t take their own responsibility,then things will be out of order,the world will be in the mess.Responsibility always comes first.




  责任英语作文 篇20

  Concretely speaking,being a current university man/college man,we have the duty to ourselves,to our families,as well as to the society and our country.

  The sense of responsibility for nowaday students has been raising clearly.

  Though they have the higher standard on the development of self-design,self-realization,self-worth.There are still some problems.Such as unconscious of responsibility for family,love,marriage,work,collectivity,cooperation and other.

  In one word,the sense of responsibility is being exalted,but the sense of social duty should be enhanced.

  Below is the reason for the students lacking in responsibility:

  First,the direct communication between the students and the society is less and less.

  Second,the tache of communication between the students and society are not smoothly.

  They can not understand the society well through the limited social activities they can get about.Therefore,they can not have the high sense of responsibility to the society.

  Third,the sub-culture prevails on the campus.The multicultures and internet cultures are also coming into their own,many of them are literature and movieish production with dark color of individualism and latitudinarianism.Being into contact with them for long,you may get extreme ideology,for example,thinking too much of idio-success and idio-failure,individual recept,so as to ignore the collective advantage.

  Being a current university man,you have already been and had to be the responsibility main body.Because you’ve had attainder and civic consciousness,you must have the duty consciousness and know the relation between the right and the duty.

  Being a current university man,you must know what’s success and what’s happiness.

  What’s happiness? It’s not concerned how much money you have earned,now it’s not strange that a millionaire suicides.It’s a real happiness for people who has a peaceful and simpatico heart.

  And what is success? It’s not becoming a president or a famous star,those are in the minority.where the shoe pinches is that you have a sound constitution ,a fine personality and also a career which you are falling over yourself for.The students must have an idea to develop a fine personality.Of course,there must be many difficulties and problems when you are trying.You need a profound consciousness and strong willpower to face and deal with these problems ,difficulties and venture.

  责任英语作文 篇21

  A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do not.

  A wise man once said that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.So,as a police officer,I have some urgent things to say to good people.

  Day after day my men and I struggle to hold back a tidal wave of crime.Something has gone terribly wrong with our once-proud American way of life.It has happened in the area of values.A key ingredient is disappearing,and I think I know what it is:accountability.

  My job as a police pfficer is to impose accountability on people who refuse,or have never learned,to impose it on themselves.But as every policeman knows,external control on peoples behavior is far less effective than internal restraints such as guilt,shame and embarrassment.

  Fortunately there are still communities smaller towns,usually where schools maintain discipline and where parents hold up standards that proclaim:

  In this family certain things are not tolerated they simply are not done!

  Yet more and more,especially in our large cities and suburbs,these inner restraints are loosening.Your typical robber has none.He considers your property his property; he takes what he wants,including your life if you enrage him.

  The main cause of this break-down is a radical shift in attitudes.Thirty years ago,if a crime was committed,society was considered the victim.Now,in a shocking reversal,its the criminal who is considered victimized:by his underprivileged upbringing,by the school that didnt teach him to read,by the church that failed to reach him with moral guidance,by the parents who didnt provide a stable home.