1、一个人的忍耐是有限的,悲伤请适可而止。 A person's patience is limited, please stop grief.

2、一个人难过的时候,是记性最好的时候。 When a person is sad, he has the best memory.

3、一个男生不需要太好,肯把游戏退掉听你说就算好。 A boy doesn't need to be too good. He will return the game and listen to you.

4、一场游戏一种规则、玩的起的继续玩不起的出局。 A game of a rule, play can afford to continue to play out.

5、不经意的某一天,你不经意间成为我全部的心事。 Inadvertently one day, you inadvertently become all my heart.

6、亲爱的自己,不要哭,不要想,忘记他,好好过自己的生活。 Dear self, don't cry, don't think, forget him, live your life well.

7、人心太拥挤,心动必心痛。 If the heart is too crowded, the heart will ache.

8、今时灰熠深影,珏砾堆砌地,往昔寥寥只荒。 At present, the gray and deep shadow, Jue gravel piled ground, in the past few only desolate.

9、他在学生会我也报名参加了,理由那一栏写满了他的名字。 He was in the student union, I also signed up to participate, the reason column is full of his name.

10、你不仅毁了我的人,我的心,还有那份忠贞的情。 You not only destroyed my people, my heart, but also the loyalty.

11、你把我看的轻如鸿毛,就别指望自己还是我心中的泰山。 You look at me as light as a feather, don't expect yourself to be the Mount Tai in my heart.

12、你是我患得患失的梦,我是你可有可无的人。 You are my dream of worrying about gain and loss. I am your dispensable person.

13、你是我的他城,你是我的他生。 You are my other city, you are my son.

14、你许我一世烟火,却只留下那熄灭的黯然。 You allow me a lifetime of fireworks, but only leave that out of the dark.

15、你说的每一句,俄都愿意相信,为了爱情失了聪明。 You said every word, Russia is willing to believe, for love lost smart.

16、你走走停停,却成了我生命中最美好的风景。 You stop and go, but become the most beautiful scenery in my life.

17、别人过得那叫生活,自己过得是历险记。 Others live that is called life, their own is an adventure.

18、即使想你想到哭,我也不打扰你,这是我的原则。 Even if I want you to cry, I will not disturb you. This is my principle.

19、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望罢了。 No one likes loneliness, but doesn't like disappointment.

20、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是受够了失望。 There are people who like loneliness, but they are fed up with disappointment.

21、喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,要你的未来。 Those who like you want your present; those who love you want your future.

22、回忆再美好,又怎么样,能重来一次么? No matter how beautiful the memory is, can you do it again?

23、在还不人疼你的时候,你必需活得像个爷们。 You have to live like a man when no one loves you.

24、如果有一天,我彻底的在你的世界里消失,你会不会想我? If one day, I completely disappear in your world, will you miss me?

25、开端很美,进程很累,终局很悲,苏醒很难。 The beginning is beautiful, the process is very tired, the end is very sad, it is difficult to wake up.

26、当你在等以后,就已经失去了永远。 When you wait, you have lost forever.

27、总是握住了左手的幸福,却遗忘了右手的孤独。 Always hold the happiness of the left hand, but forget the loneliness of the right hand.

28、想要忘记,却不停记起。你的远离,让我泪水决堤。 Want to forget, but keep remembering. Your far away, let me burst into tears.

29、感谢我不能住进你的眼睛,所以才能拥抱你的背影。 Thank you I can't live in your eyes, so I can embrace your back.

30、我从不指望任何人心疼我,没关系,天塌下来,我自己扛。 I never expect anyone to love me, it doesn't matter, the sky falls down, I carry it myself.

31、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。 We have been looking for, looking for, that we all have the end.

32、我会好好的生活,不为别的,就为这些年我亏欠自己的。 I will live a good life, not for others, just for these years I owe myself.

33、我喜欢你,喜欢到想象这样轻轻一闭眼,就能过完一辈子。 I like you, like to imagine, so gently close your eyes, you can live a lifetime.

34、我在等一个人,等一个不可能的人。 I'm waiting for someone, for an impossible person.

35、我坚信,没有什么能够阻挡得了爱情。 I firmly believe that nothing can stop love.

36、我早已当过无数人的路人,多你一个也没有关系。 I've been a passer-by for a long time. It doesn't matter if you are more than one.

37、我脸上有多少笑容,背后就有多少故事。 I have as many stories as I have smiles on my face.

38、我过得还可以,不好不坏,不惊不喜,一切只是还可以。 I'm ok, not good or bad, not surprised or happy, everything is just OK.

39、挤不进去的世界,就不要挤了,碍了别人的眼累了自己的心。 If you can't squeeze into the world, don't squeeze it. It's getting in the way of other people's eyes and tired of your own heart.

40、撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。 The retention of heart and lung is nothing but the expression of reluctance of the heart.

41、月佬的红线,我们一人一半,最终被我们:拉扯至断。 Moon Man's red line, we one person half, finally by us: pull to break.

42、有些事情当你认为难以忘怀,但是记忆力却嘲笑你自以为是。 There are some things that you think will be unforgettable, but memory laughs at your conceit.

43、有些人,莪们明知道是爱的,也要去放弃,因为没结局。 Some people, we know is love, also want to give up, because there is no end.

44、有些话我宁愿放在心里埋起来,再痛也不说出来。 Some words I would rather put in the heart buried, no pain out.

45、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看得太重要。 Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that you take the other person too seriously.

46、有时候,最痛苦的不是失去,而是得到以后不快乐。 Sometimes, the most painful thing is not to lose, but to be unhappy after getting it.

47、每个人都会有一个死角,自己走不出去,别人闯不进来。 Everyone will have a dead end, they can not go out, others can not break in.

48、每个人都在等待,也在简单的习惯着一个人的生活。 Everyone is waiting, but also in the simple habit of a person's life.

49、海底明月捞不起,凡间星辰不可及。 The moon on the bottom of the sea can't be picked up, and the stars are out of reach.

50、爱了伤了,痛了懂了,想悔改了可人走茶凉了。 Love hurt, pain, understand, want to repent, but leave tea cool.

51、盼什么没什么,怕什么来什么。 Nothing to hope for, nothing to fear.

52、真的很想你,也是真的不想再受委屈。 I really miss you, and I really don't want to be wronged again.

53、繁华已尽,我们的故事叙写到此。 This is the end of prosperity. Here is our story.

54、该来的总是姗姗来迟,想走的总是迫不及待。 Those who should come are always late and those who want to go are always eager to go.

55、说自我失去勇气,是为了等待一个人给自我力量。 To say that self loses courage is to wait for a person to give self strength.

56、邂逅的瞬间,我站在你的面前,只是个陌生人。 Encounter the moment, I stand in front of you, just a stranger.

57、那些伤太美,使我不肯放下,以至于微笑也那么疼! Those injuries are so beautiful that I don't want to put them down, so that the smile is so painful!

58、错过那班车,留下是岁月的忧伤。 Miss that bus, leaving is the sadness of the years.

59、除了死亡,任何离开都叫,背叛。 Except death, any departure is called betrayal.

60、难过了,不要告诉别人,因为没有人会在乎。 Sad, do not tell others, because no one will care.