1、不是对一句话认真,而是对说话的人。 Not to a word seriously, but to the speaker.
2、不知我苦衷,就别劝我大度。 Don't persuade me to be generous if you don't know my difficulties.
3、也许,伤得彻底,才会放得彻底。 Perhaps, the injury is thorough, will put thoroughly.
4、人可以喜欢很多人,但爱,一次就够了。 People can like many people, but love, once is enough.
5、人生苦短,及时行乐。 Life is short, have fun in time.
6、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 Like this star is not last night, for whom the wind and dew stand at midnight.
7、你吻过我的唇,我却不是你最爱的人。 You kiss my lips, but I'm not your favorite.
8、你回来了,可是我的心却不在了。 You come back, but my heart is gone.
9、你把他太当回事他就会把你不当回事。 If you take him too seriously, he will take you seriously.
10、你的假惺惺,拒绝了我所有的执着。 Your hypocrisy, rejected all my persistence.
11、你的离别已是蓄谋已久,又何必找借口。 Your departure has been planned for a long time, so why make excuses.
12、你笑风好大,没说两句话泪悄然就落下。 You laugh at the wind so big, did not say two words, tears quietly fall.
13、其实在你心里,我并没有那么重要。 In fact, in your heart, I am not so important.
14、再白的王子,没有马也不是白马王子! No matter how white the prince is, no horse is not prince charming!
15、冷安笑看世间,繁华。 Leng an looks at the world with a smile.
16、即便紧紧相拥,依旧是彻骨的孤独。 Even if we hold each other tightly, we are still lonely to the bone.
17、原来一切都是自己自作多情,你不值得。 It turns out that everything is self amorous, you are not worth it.
18、只要不触我底线,你怎么得瑟都行。 As long as you don't touch my bottom line, you can do whatever you want.
19、各退一步,再见已是陌路。 Each step back, goodbye is a stranger.
20、后来我的生活多了一个词,叫无能为力。 Later, I had a word in my life, which was "powerless".
21、因为你太懂事,所以总受委屈。 Because you are too sensible, you are always wronged.
22、天空,藏不住的思念。 The sky, cannot hide the missing.
23、失恋不会死,一年是期限。 Lovelorn will not die, one year is the deadline.
24、如诺不舍放手,又何必逞强让你走。 If you don't want to let go, why try to be brave and let you go.
25、山和山无法相会,我与你总会重逢。 Mountain and mountain can't meet, I will meet you again.
26、当你说我变了的时候,我有多痛。 When you say I've changed, how painful I am.
27、忘了,有时候是最坦诚,最勇敢的答案。 Sometimes the most honest answer is the bravest.
28、愿孤独过后,你活成自己喜欢的模样。 May you live as you like after loneliness.
29、我什么都愿意,就是不会愿意爱你。 I would love anything, but I would not love you.
30、我们不是一个世界的,所以没有结局。 We are not in the same world, so there is no ending.
31、我们有太多凑巧,却唯独缺一个正好。 We have too many chances, but only one is missing.
32、我们永远也逃不出感情的羁绊。 We can never escape the shackles of emotion.
33、我怕别人喜欢上你,更怕你喜欢上别人。 I'm afraid that others will like you, and I'm even more afraid that you will like others.
34、我累了,再也没有力气去追究谁对谁错。 I'm tired and I don't have the strength to find out who's right and who's wrong.
35、晚是世界的晚,安是给你的安。 Night is the night of the world, and ANN is for you.
36、最深的孤独是,感觉找谁都是种打扰。 The deepest loneliness is that it is a kind of disturbance to find anyone.
37、有趣的单身,胜过,将就的爱情。 Interesting singleness is better than easy love.
38、灯笼若要闪亮,需要你去点亮。 If the * wants to shine, you need to light it.
39、爱到尽头,覆水难收。 When love comes to an end, it's hard to stop.
40、神经质的我常常会认为你也喜欢我。 Neurotic I often think you like me, too.
41、窗外的天气,就像是,你多变的表情。 The weather outside the window is like your changeable expression.
42、讨厌你的不在乎,讨厌你对我忽冷忽热。 Hate you don't care, hate you to me hot and cold.
43、让你患得患失的人,最终一定会离开。 Those who let you worry about gain and loss will leave in the end.
44、记忆的拼图,拼凑一个完美的你。 The puzzle of memory, a perfect you.
45、谁可以给我一个拥抱,让我可以依靠? Who can give me a hug, so that I can rely on?
46、谁都会有那么一两个令自己心碎的秘密。 Everyone has one or two secrets that break their hearts.
47、过程不重要,重要的是结果的好坏。 The process is not important, what matters is the result.
48、透明的玻璃,冰冷的心。 Transparent glass, cold heart.
49、遇到了是运气,没遇到,也是运气。 Met is luck, not met, is also luck.
50、骗人好简单,骗自己。好难。 It's easy to cheat others, but it's easy to cheat yourself. It's hard.