1、1st Sergeants;

2、The police; 

3、Your mama.   别对四种人顶嘴:

4、Your teacher;


6、老妈。   Do not try to cut your own hair.   不要自行理髮。   Dream, but don`t quit your day job.   你可作白日梦, 但也要做白日工。   Do not suck your thumb-or anybody else`s, for that matter.   别吸你的大姆指-当然, 也别去吸别人的。   Wen you are born under the wrong star, it will shine upon your butt forever-even you are seated.   要是你生来凶星来犯, 即使坐下的时候, 也能看到那颗星在你屁股上一闪一闪亮晶晶。   Forget "Don`t get mad-get even." If you`re really mad, go ahead and stomp that sucker flat!   别信「君子报仇, 十年不晚」那套, 若是有人真的惹毛了你, 二话不说就去打他个稀巴烂!   If you got to pee, do not talk about it. Just do it. Might not be time later.   想尿尿时别光说不练, 否则待会就来不及了。   Do not park in a space that says "Reserved for Sheriff`s Deputies."   别在写着「警长专用」的空位停车!   Do not put stock in newspapers; you can find out more just by lookin` around at what is goin` on.   不必花钱买报纸, 你只要在周围四处看看, 就知天下事了。   Life is like a rubber band; harder you go forward, harder you snap back.   So do not make slip-ups.   人生就像条橡皮圈;你往前冲得愈勐, 反弹时的力道也就愈大, 所以说, 小心别弹出去了!   When you feel there is an unfair burden on your shoulders, that`s just the   way it is sometimes.   每当你觉得要你负责是不公平的, 你最好还是认了吧!   Always try to do the right thing, unless your conscience tells you otherwise.   务必做该做的事, 除非你的良心叫你别做。   To save energy, do not go out lookin` for trouble; chances are, it will find you soon enough.   省省力气, 不必出去找麻烦, 因为通常麻烦很快会自己找上们来。   A beggar is no different than you or me, `cept he ain`t got no   money.Always keep some spare change to give a beggar.   乞丐和你我都没有什么两样, 不同的只是他没有钱, 记得留些零钱在身上, 好施捨给乞丐。   Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in prblic places or otherwise call   attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.   在公共场所不要骂三字经、大声喧哗、随地便溺或呕吐, 否则你就要小心, 你很可能因会惹上麻烦。   Two rules: do not neverr paint houses orr move furniture.   两条守则:一、不要油漆房子;二、不要移动傢俱。   Whenever you can, take the train-providin` you ain`t got to be nowhere   on time.   尽可能以火车为交通工具-如困你不赶时间的话。   Always say "thank you," even if you don`t mean it.   即使不是真心的, 也要随时说声「谢谢!」   Do not make excuses unless you have to.   除非逼不得已, 不要乱找籍口。   You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar, but you can also catch more flies with garbage than either of them other two- assumin` you are into catchin` flies.   用蜂蜜比用醋更好捉苍蝇, 但其实用垃圾比这两样都有效-如困你真的'对捉苍蝇有兴趣的话。   Do not play the piano with jelly on your fingers. Also, do not play the saxophone with jelly in your mouth.   手指上有果冻不要去弹钢琴, 嘴巴里有果不要吹萨克斯风。   Always be nice to your mama.   务必要善待老妈   Most People don`t look dumb till they start talkin`.   大多数的人看起来不笨, 但一开口就洩底了。   Remember this: peace of mind over piece of ass.   记住:心安理得比啥屁事都重要。   Be very supicious if somebody says they want to make a movie of your life story.   如果有人跟你说, 要把你的一生拍成电影, 你一定要怀疑, 这是真的吗?   Do not eat anything you do not know what it is.   不明究理的东西不要乱吃。   You got to cry, do it by yourself, and be quick about it.   你一定得哭的时候就自己来, 而且动作要快!   Be prepared to take some shit in life; just do not take more than a mouthful at a time.   随时要有吃苦的心理准备, 但别一次吃太多。   Beware of people that put numbers after their names.   要多加提防在背后评长论短的人。



9、阿甘励志名言   《阿甘正传》电影经典励志语录   必有一句会触动你的心。   Let me say this: bein` an idiot is no box of chocolates.   让我直说了吧:当一个智障者可不像一盒巧克力那么甜蜜。   Nobody ever got into trouble by keepin` his mouth shut.   紧闭你的嘴, 就不会惹祸上身。   People not to talk back to:
