1、万物更新,旧疾当愈,长安常安。 All things are renewed, old diseases are healed, and Chang'an is safe.
2、不念过去,不畏将来,珍惜现在。 Do not read the past, do not fear the future, cherish the present.
3、两个人叫跨年,一个人叫熬夜。 Two are called cross new year, one is staying up late.
4、今年你有我,明年我有你。 This year you have me, next year I have you.
5、今年布置的作业估计要做到明年了! This year's assignment is expected to be next year!
6、他说陪我跨年,却转身去玩游戏。 He said to accompany me across the new year, but turned to play games.
7、别跟我炫耀压岁钱,除非你请客。 Don't show me lucky money unless it's on your treat.
8、别跨年了,来跨我吧。 Don't cross the new year, cross me.
9、前路浩浩荡荡,万事尽可期待。 The road ahead is vast and everything can be expected.
10、去年陪你跨年的人现在还在吗? Is the person who accompanied you last year still here?
11、唯愿如同梁上燕,岁岁年年常相见。 Just like Liang Shangyan, we often meet each other every year.
12、孤独和美酒陪我一起跨年。 Loneliness and wine accompany me across the new year.
13、对于单身汉来说,跨年就是平凡日。 For single people, new year is an ordinary day.
14、屏幕前的宝贝们,我陪你们跨年。 The babies in front of the screen, I will accompany you for the new year.
15、岁岁常欢愉,年年皆胜意。 Every year is happy, every year is happy.
16、希望每一年都奔走自己的热爱里。 Hope every year to run their own love.
17、年年岁岁,你的身边都只能是我。 Every year, you can only be around me.
18、年年有我,岁岁有你。 Every year has me, every year has you.
19、年年皆胜意,岁岁都欢愉。 Every year is happy.
20、恭喜在座的各位又老了一岁。 Congratulations to all of you who are one year old.
21、愿新年,胜旧年。 May the New Year be better than the old.
22、我不想跨年了,我想你抱我过去。 I don't want to cross the new year. I want you to hold me.
23、我先睡了,你们有对象的去跨年吧。 I'll go to bed first. If you have a partner, go to new year.
24、我希望这个年一跨就是奔进你怀里。 I hope this year's leap is to run into your arms.
25、我带你跨年,你请我吃火锅。 I'll take you across the new year. You treat me to hot pot.
26、我想对你做春天对樱桃树做的事。 I want to do to you what spring does to cherry trees.
27、我是可爱的女孩子,你是可爱。 I am a lovely girl, you are lovely.
28、我爱的人爱我的人、新年快乐。 I love my people, happy new year.
29、或许人生就是这样,又见一个轮回。 Perhaps life is like this, and see a reincarnation.
30、提前祝你:跨年节快乐! Wish you a happy New Year!
31、新年快乐,招财进你。 Happy new year, bring in money.
32、新年愿望:大吉大利,有钱有你。 New year's wish: good luck, you have money.
33、新年新气象,我做你女朋友怎么样。 How about being your girlfriend in the new year.
34、时光终要翻过,未来岁月值得期待。 Time will pass, and the years to come are worth looking forward to.
35、最好的跨年礼物就是见你一面。 The best New Year gift is to meet you.
36、有对象才叫跨年,没对象那叫熬夜。 Only when you have an object can you cross the new year. If you don't have an object, it's called staying up late.
37、有对象是跨年,没对象是熬夜。 There are objects to cross the year, no objects to stay up late.
38、有对象的叫跨年,没对象的叫熬夜。 Those with objects are called cross new year, those without objects are called staying up late.
39、有钱没钱,回家过年。 Money without money, go home for the new year.
40、每天早上看到阳光就想见到你。 I want to see you every morning when I see the sunshine.
41、比昨天聪明,比去年*。 Smarter than yesterday, freer than last year.
42、熬夜等人陪我跨年。 Stay up late and wait for me to cross the new year.
43、珍惜、享受、体味独处的时间。 Cherish, enjoy and appreciate the time alone.
44、生活温暖顺心其他别无他求。 There's nothing else you can do for a warm life.
45、真好,离退休又近了一年。 It's good. It's nearly a year to retire.
46、第一次见到你,我就知道我栽了。 The first time I saw you, I knew I had fallen.
47、经历了风和雨最后还是你真好。 It's nice of you to experience the wind and rain in the end.
48、腿长的叫跨年,腿短的叫蹦年。 The long leg is called the Spring Festival, and the short leg is called the Spring Festival.
49、让我们举杯同庆实现全面小康。 Let's raise our glasses to celebrate the realization of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
50、请保持热爱,奔赴下一场山海。 Please keep loving and go to the next mountain and sea.
51、谢谢你喜欢我像我喜欢你那样。 Thank you for liking me as much as I like you.
52、越长大过年就感觉越不热闹。 The more you grow up, the less exciting it will be.
53、跨年一个人熬夜的祝你们新年快乐。 I wish you a happy new year.
54、跨年一起跨,暴富我自己来。 Cross the new year, I'll be rich myself.
55、跨年没人陪的私密我。我陪你跨年。 No one to accompany me in the new year. I will accompany you across the new year.
56、跨年?不就是过了一天么。 Over the years? It's just a day.
57、辞旧迎新,爱之所爱。 Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new.
58、过年秀红包,年后秀脂肪。 New year's show red envelopes, after the show fat.
59、这个年腿长的人先跨为敬了。 This year's long legged people first stride for respect.
60、郑重其事地告别,小心翼翼地抵达。 Say goodbye solemnly and arrive carefully.