1、不要简单地向后进学生说不。 Don't simply say no to the underachievers.

2、不要随便给一个人定性。 Don't judge a person casually.

3、严师出高徒。 A strict teacher makes a good apprentice.

4、严是爱,松是害。 Strict is love, loose is harm.

5、严格才是真正的爱护。 Strict is the real love.

6、人类灵魂的工程师。 The engineer of the human soul.

7、伟大的教师就是激励你的人。 A great teacher is the one who inspires you.

8、兢兢业业教书,踏踏实育人。 We should teach conscientiously and educate people step by step.

9、内存一份爱,外显一个笑。 Memory of a love, showing a smile.

10、出身不重要,器度才重要。 Birth is not important, but skill is important.

11、只要行动,就有收获。 As long as you act, you will gain.

12、命运之绳定会握在自己手中。 The rope of destiny will be in your own hands.

13、坚持启发式,避免注入式。 Adhere to heuristic, avoid injection.

14、多鼓励,少批评。 Encourage more and criticize less.

15、好孩子是夸出来的。 Good children are boastful.

16、好笋出好竹,好师出好徒。 A good bamboo shoots a good bamboo, and a good teacher makes a good apprentice.

17、嫩枝易直也易弯。 Twigs are easy to bend and straight.

18、子入大庙,每事问。 When I enter the temple, I ask everything.

19、学者有四失,教者必知之。 If a scholar has four faults, he who teaches must know it.

20、学而时习之,不亦说乎? Isn't it true that we should learn from time to time?

21、学高为师,身正为范。 Learning high as a teacher, integrity as a model.

22、尊重式管理,平等存于心。 Respect management, equality in mind.

23、小成靠个人,大成靠集体。 Small success depends on individual, big success depends on collective.

24、当教师的人,应当讲究修养。 Teachers should pay attention to self-cultivation.

25、德无常师,主善为师。 Virtue has no ordinary teacher, but good teacher.

26、德者业治本,业者德之着。 Virtue is the root cause of business, and industry is the work of virtue.

27、扬黄牛精神,做平凡工作。 Raise the spirit of cattle and do ordinary work.

28、把一切知识教给一切人。 Teach all knowledge to everyone.

29、把爱带给每位学生。 Bring love to every student.

30、拥有宽容将一生收获笑容。 With tolerance, you will gain a smile all your life.

31、教师就是要敬业爱生。 Teachers should be dedicated and love students.

32、教师是学生的镜子。 Teachers are the mirror of students.

33、教师的人格是教育的基石。 Teachers' personality is the cornerstone of education.

34、教师的天职在勇于探索教育。 Teachers' bounden duty is to explore education bravely.

35、教师的春风,日日沐我心。 The teacher's spring breeze bathes my heart day by day.

36、教育是一种感动。 Education is a kind of moving.

37、教育是慢功夫,千万急不得。 Education is slow work, and we must not be anxious.

38、教育,我的至爱! Education, my love!

39、文明其精神,野蛮其体魄。 Civilization has its spirit and barbarism its body.

40、无限相信书籍的力量。 Unlimited faith in the power of books.

41、权不在大,唯公则灵。 Power is not great, only the public is the spirit.

42、每一个学生都是好学生。 Every student is a good student.

43、水滴石穿,不能乱滴。 Water drips through the stone, not randomly.

44、没有真爱,就没有真教育。 Without true love, there is no true education.

45、温故而知新,可以为师矣。 He who by reviewing the old can gain knowledge of the new and is fit to be a teacher.

46、爱声如爱己出,育人为己任。 The voice of love is like loving oneself, and educating people is our duty.

47、爱心无限,润雨无声。 Love is infinite, moisten the rain soundlessly.

48、爱满天下,乐育英才。 Love all over the world, happy to cultivate talents.

49、片言之赐,皆我师也。 The gift of words is my teacher.

50、甘为学生进步的阶梯。 Willing to be the ladder of students' progress.

51、生命短暂,切不可猬琐偏狭。 Life is too short to be too narrow.

52、用心聆听孩子们的心声。 Listen to the children.

53、用爱打开学生心灵的窗户。 Open the window of students' mind with love.

54、真心待人,踏实工作。 Treat people sincerely and work steadfastly.

55、知其心,然后能救其失也。 Know its heart, and then can save its loss.

56、自信是潜能的放大镜。 Confidence is a magnifying glass of potential.

57、虚心下问,集思广义。 Ask with an open mind and think in a broad sense.

58、蜡烛选择其物固能光芒四射。 The candle chooses its object to be able to shine brightly.

59、要不断地向命运挑战。 We should constantly challenge our destiny.

60、要力争做学生喜欢的老师。 Try to be a teacher that students like.

61、让主体选择,感受选择。 Let the subject choose and feel the choice.

62、身为世范,为人师表。 As a model of the world, a teacher.

63、身教重于言传。 Example is more important than speech.

64、辛苦着并快乐着。 Hard working and happy.