1、一举一动满是情,一颦一笑全是爱。 Every move is full of love, every smile is love.

2、一切为了孩子,为了一切孩子。 All for children, all for children.

3、一切为了孩子,为了孩子一切。 All for children, all for children.

4、一次小小的鼓励,往往会给孩子终生的回忆。 A little encouragement often gives the child a lifetime memory.

5、三尺讲台化舞台,舞蝶飞扬梦同在。 Three feet talk about the stage of *, dancing butterflies and flying dreams.

6、不尊重学生,就是不尊重自己。 If you don't respect your students, you don't respect yourself.

7、业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。 The business of diligence is wasted in frolic, the business of thought is destroyed in following.

8、严是爱,宽是害。宽严适度,和诣永远。 Strictness is love, and leniency is harm. Leniency, strictness, moderation, and attainment forever.

9、为师者当高风亮节,动之以情,付之以爱。 He who is a teacher should have good manners, love and love.

10、从教一天,敬业一天,奉献一天,育人一天。 From teaching one day, dedication one day, education one day.

11、以欣赏的眼光看待每一个孩子。 Look at every child with appreciation.

12、你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。 A day of love may bring a lifetime of gratitude.

13、做平凡的教师,创不平凡的事业。 To be an ordinary teacher and create an extraordinary career.

14、千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人。 Thousands of teachers teach people to be true, thousands of students learn to be real people.

15、千教万教,教人求真;千学万学,学做真人。 Thousands of teaching, thousands of teaching, thousands of learning, learning to be a real person.

16、博学、耐心、宽容,是教师最基本的素质。 Erudition, patience and tolerance are the basic qualities of teachers.

17、善于鼓励学生,是教育中最宝贵的经验。 Being good at encouraging students is the most valuable experience in education.

18、外国语是人生战斗的一件武器。 Foreign language is a weapon in the battle of life.

19、太阳每天是新的,孩子们每天也是新的。 The sun is new every day, so are the children.

20、学春蚕,无私奉献,似蜡烛照亮别人。 Learning spring silkworm, selfless dedication, like candles to illuminate others.

21、学生是台上的演员,教师是导演和评委。 Students are actors on the stage, teachers are directors and judges.

22、师爱比天容万物,师德为地育群芳。 Teacher's love is more than heaven's capacity for all things, and teacher's virtue is to cultivate all kinds of fragrance for the earth.

23、循循善诱,诲人不倦的是老师。 It is the teacher who follows the rules and teaches the others tirelessly.

24、心灵塑造的最佳工程师。 The best engineer in mind building.

25、把一切知识教给一切人。 Teach all knowledge to all people.

26、教学是发现,是分享,是成长,是兴奋和爱。 Teaching is discovery, sharing, growth, excitement and love.

27、教师与画家不同的是他要创造真善美的活人。 The difference between a teacher and a painter is that he wants to create a living man of truth, goodness and beauty.

28、教师也要有不断尝试未知的勇气。 Teachers should also have the courage to keep trying the unknown.

29、教师总是希望学生将来超过自己。 Teachers always hope that students will surpass themselves in the future.

30、教师的成功是创造出值得自己崇拜的人。 The success of teachers is to create people worthy of their own worship.

31、教师面对的孩子都是最终要独立的成人。 Teachers face children who are ultimately independent adults.

32、教着,感受着;走着,快乐着! Teaching, feeling; walking, happy!

33、教育不在于灌输,而在于点燃火焰。 Education is not about indoctrination, it's about lighting the fire.

34、教育加赞赏等于教育的平方。 Education plus appreciation is equal to the square of education.

35、昂扬振奋的精神,豁达开朗的心胸。 High spirited, open-minded and open-minded.

36、春蚕到死丝方尽,烛炬成灰泪始干。 Spring silkworms to the end of the silk, candle torch into gray tears began to dry.

37、晓之以理,动之以情,乃培优辅差之大策也。 It is also a great policy to cultivate the best and assist the poor.

38、桃李满园竞芳菲,碧血丹心写未来! Peaches and plums compete with each other to write about the future!

39、*代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。 Talented people came out of the country for hundreds of years.

40、浪费时间是一桩大罪过,学习要从现在开始。 It's a big sin to waste time. Learn from now on.

41、热爱孩子是教师生活中最主要的东西。 Loving children is the most important thing in a teacher's life.

42、爱和尊重是教育转化问题学生的前提。 Love and respect are the premise of education transformation.

43、独物之教风,以尽匹夫之责。 The teaching style of the single thing is to fulfill the duty of the equal.

44、生以求知为乐,师以从教为荣。 Students are happy to seek knowledge, and teachers are proud to follow teaching.

45、生命的活力在于不断地学习、学习、再学习。 The vitality of life lies in continuous learning, learning and relearning.

46、用一颗宽容的心,看待身边的一切。 With a tolerant heart, look at everything around you.

47、用心关注孩子,用心接纳孩子,用心体会孩子。 Pay attention to the children, accept the children and experience the children.

48、用我们的辛勤劳动托起明天的希望。 Use our hard work to hold up the hope of tomorrow.

49、笑迎,笑送,笑迎送;真诚,真心,真诚心。 Smile, smile, smile, sincerely, sincerely.

50、纳百川,容学问,立德行,善人品。 Absorbing all rivers, learning, virtue and good character.

51、给学生一个世界,给老师一片天空。 Give students a world, give teachers a sky.

52、耕耘在绿草地,此生无怨无悔。 Ploughing in the green grass, no regrets in this life.

53、良好的个性胜于卓越的才智。 A good personality is better than an excellent intellect.

54、表扬和鼓励是激发学生潜能的最佳途径。 Praise and encouragement are the best ways to stimulate students' potential.

55、要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友。 If you want to be a teacher, you should be a friend.

56、言而有信为人,脚踏实地做事。 Be trustworthy and do things on the ground.

57、评价不是为了排队,而是为了促进发展。 The purpose of evaluation is not to line up, but to promote development.

58、路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world.

59、蹲下来讲话,抱起来交流,牵着手教育! Squatting down to speak, holding up to communicate, holding hands to educate!

60、重要的不是思想,而是思想的深度。 What matters is not thought, but the depth of thought.