1、一切皆可以变,唯有我们的理想不能变;一切都可以长,唯有我们的傲气不可以长;一切都可以老,唯有我们年轻的心不能老;一切都可以退,唯有我们前进的脚步不能退。 Everything can be changed, only our ideals can't be changed; everything can be long, only our pride can't be long; everything can be old, only our young heart can't be old; everything can go back, only our forward steps can't go back.

2、不怕路远,就怕志短;不怕缓慢,就怕常站;不怕贫穷,就怕惰懒;不怕对手悍,就怕自己颤。 If you are not afraid of the long way, you are afraid of the short ambition; if you are not afraid of the slow, you are afraid of standing often; if you are not afraid of the poverty, you are afraid of the laziness; if you are not afraid of the fierce opponent, you are afraid of your trembling.

3、人生中最大的乐趣是奉献;思维中最美的花朵是智慧之花;前进中最快的脚步是继续;朋友中最好的记忆是笑声! The greatest joy in life is dedication; the most beautiful flower in thinking is the flower of wisdom; the fastest step forward is to continue; the best memory in friends is laughter!

4、人生好似调味盘,酸得是惆怅,苦的是锻炼,辣的是过程,甜的是成功。 Life is like a seasoning plate. It's so sour that it's melancholy. What's bitter is exercise. What's hot is process. What's sweet is success.

5、你热爱生命吗?那么别浪费时间,因为时间是构成生命的材料生命短暂,切不可猬琐偏狭。 Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material of life. Life is short, and you can't be narrow.

6、偶然一抬头,我见到了一幅迷人的景象:密密的枝叶遮盖了天空,光影在叶缝里跳跃,左边是一丛别致的竹林,在风中飒飒作响。 When I looked up, I saw a charming scene: dense branches and leaves covered the sky, light and shadow jumped in the leaves' seams, and on the left was a unique bamboo forest, rustling in the wind.

7、在人生征途中有许多弯路、小路、险路、暗路,只有意志坚定且永不停步的人,才有希望到达胜利的远方。 There are many detours, paths, dangerous roads and dark roads in the journey of life. Only those who are firm-minded and never stop can hope to reach the distance of victory.

8、在人生道路上,走上坡路要昂首阔步,走下坡路要谨小慎微,走阳关道要目视前方,走羊肠路要俯视脚下。 On the road of life, we should keep our heads high when we go uphill, be cautious when we go downhill, look ahead when we go down the Yangguan Road, and look down at our feet when we go down the Yangchang road.

9、在经受了失败和挫折后,我学会了坚韧;在遭受到误解和委屈时,我学会了宽容;在经历了失落和离别后,我懂得了珍惜。 After experiencing failure and setback, I learned perseverance; when suffering misunderstanding and grievance, I learned tolerance; after experiencing loss and separation, I learned to cherish.

10、城河边,每隔三五步便有棵红叶榈傲然挺立着。红叶榈的树冠挨挤着,繁密的花儿好似胭脂中掺了雪般美丽。 By the riverside of the city, every three or five steps, a palm tree stands proudly. The crowns of red palm trees are crowded, and the flowers are as beautiful as snow in rouge.

11、夕阳余晖下的白玉兰,因过早的开放而过早的凋零,在其他白玉兰还未开放时,她便已经燃尽了生命,但即使这样,她的美也是那样的动人心弦。 The Magnolia in the setting sun withers prematurely because of its early opening. Before other magnolias are opened, she has burned out her life. But even so, her beauty is so touching.

12、多变的是天上的云,远去的是过往的风。遥望,心存青山人不老,雨落碧湖意尤闲。情来,柳枝栖高雁;爱去,花梗付东流。一切皆如行云流水般,那么的自然。 Changeable is the clouds in the sky, far away is the past wind. Looking from afar, I believe that the green mountain people are not old, and the rain falls on the blue lake, which means that they are free. Love comes, willow branches perch high geese; love goes, flower stalks pay Dongliu. Everything is like flowing water, so natural.

13、夜静静的,星星月亮都去睡觉了。闷热的夏天,蝉时不时地叫两声,仿佛老在提醒星星不要睡得太沉似的。但无论它怎样提醒,万籁还是俱寂了。 The night is quiet, the stars and the moon go to sleep. In the sultry summer, cicadas call twice from time to time, as if they are always reminding the stars not to sleep too hard. But no matter how it reminds me, everything is still quiet.

14、失去的我们不妨让其失去,因为它可让我们少些惆怅;得到的我们不妨少些满足,因为它可让我们多些清醒。 We may as well lose what we lost, because it can let us less melancholy; we may as well get less satisfaction, because it can let us more sober.

15、如果你想快点成名,那么就得慢点睡觉;如果你想快点长智,那么就得慢点骄傲。如果你想慢点老化,那么你就得快点学习;如果你想慢点淘汰,那么就得快点迈步。 If you want to be famous quickly, you have to go to bed slowly; if you want to grow wisdom quickly, you have to be proud slowly. If you want to slow down aging, you have to study faster; if you want to slow down elimination, you have to move faster.

16、它可能是一座山,让你感受巍峨,它可能是一片海,让你体会壮阔,它可能是一首交响乐,让你领略激越,它可能是一座石雕,让你明白雄健。 It may be a mountain, let you feel lofty, it may be a sea, let you feel magnificent, it may be a symphony, let you appreciate the exciting, it may be a stone sculpture, let you understand the vigorous.

17、它脱下破旧的外衣,又开始新的生活;它贪婪地吮吸着春天那清新、甜润的露珠儿,慢慢地长出逗人喜爱的嫩枝绿叶。 It took off its old coat and began a new life; it greedily sucked the fresh and sweet dew of spring, and slowly grew lovely young branches and green leaves.

18、当春带着她特有的新绿,海一样地漫来时,真能让人心醉;当春携着她特有的温煦,潮一样地涌来时,也能让人断魂。春,绝对是一桢浸染着生命之色的画布。 When spring comes with her unique green and sea, it can make people intoxicated; when spring comes with her unique warmth and tide, it can also break people's souls. Spring is definitely a canvas with the color of life.

19、成功不会向我们走来,我们必须走向胜利;智慧不会向我们走来,我们必须勤奋思索;快乐不会向我们走来,我们必须用心体验。 Success will not come to us, we must go to victory; wisdom will not come to us, we must think hard; happiness will not come to us, we must experience with heart.

20、我们感动,我们的感动是灵动的右手;我们学会感动,我们学会感动的过程是理性的左手。当左手右手相遇,合适地交融,生命便真正的被激活了。 We are moved, our moving is the right hand; we learn to move, we learn to move the process is rational left hand. When the left hand and the right hand meet and blend properly, life will be really activated.

21、我们的学校就像一个大花园,多么美丽,多么可爱,我们在这里茁壮成长。我们走进教室,只见窗口那里不断地滚进浓雾,教室里简直就像一个大蒸笼。 Our school is like a big garden, how beautiful, how lovely, we thrive here. We went into the classroom, only to see the window where the continuous rolling into the thick fog, the classroom is like a big steamer.

22、挥手之间,沉痛的心,为你扬不起沉重的帆,真不知别后何时再相见,或许这样的再见后就再也不见了,心中颤栗起揪心的难舍。 Between the waves, the heart is aching. I can't lift the heavy sail for you. I don't know when I'll see you again. Maybe I'll never see you again after such a goodbye. My heart is trembling and I'm worried.

23、数叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。 A few white sails, like a few snow-white feathers, float and move gently on the golden sea.

24、春天,那太阳暖洋洋的,它伸出漫暖的大手,摩挲得人浑身舒坦。 In spring, when the sun is warm, it stretches out its big warm hand, which makes people feel comfortable.

25、月亮渐渐升高,她身着白色的纱衣,娴静而安详,温柔而大方。她那银盘似的脸,透过柳梢,留下温和的笑容。 The moon rises gradually. She is dressed in white gauze, quiet and serene, gentle and generous. Her silver face, through the willow, left a gentle smile.

26、朋友,记住这美妙的空间吧!并且思考它,认识它,它奖给在迷茫和黑暗中的你带来无限光明和智慧! Friends, remember this wonderful space! And think about it, know it, it awards you infinite light and wisdom in confusion and darkness!

27、未来的东西就是这样:当你墨守成规时,它永远与你的昨天一样;当你积极进取时,就会化作灿烂无比的春光。 The future is like this: when you stick to the rules, it will always be the same as yesterday; when you are aggressive, it will turn into a brilliant spring.

28、梦想是我们行动的起跑线,知识是我们前进的加速器,坚持是我们不停的步伐,智慧是我们成功的法宝。 Dream is the starting line of our actions, knowledge is the accelerator of our progress, persistence is our ceaseless pace, and wisdom is the magic weapon of our success.

29、梦虽虚幻,却是自己的梦想;位虽低微,却是自己的岗位;屋虽简陋,却是自己的家;志虽渺小,却是自己的追求。 Although the dream is illusory, it is one's own dream; though the position is low, it is one's own post; though the house is simple, it is one's own home; though the ambition is small, it is one's own pursuit.

30、母爱是一缕阳光,让你的心灵即便在寒冷的冬天也能感受到温暖如春;母爱是一泓清泉,让你的情感即使蒙上岁月的风尘仍然清澈澄净。 Maternal love is a ray of sunshine, so that your heart can feel warm as spring even in the cold winter; maternal love is a clear spring, so that your emotions are still clear even covered with the wind and dust of the years.

31、没有清醒的头脑,再快的脚步也会走歪;没有谨慎的步伐,再平的道路也会跌倒。 Without a clear mind, the fastest step will go awry; without a prudent step, the even road will fall.

32、没有运动,生活等于昏睡;没有思考,生活等于盲从;没有节制,生活等于毁灭;没有快乐,生活等于凝固。 Without exercise, life equals to lethargy; without thinking, life equals blind obedience; without temperance, life equals destruction; without happiness, life equals solidification.

33、海淀公园的乡村一角也非常怡人,今秋时节,那里长出了金黄的稻谷,像一片金海,沉甸甸的穗子压得稻秸抬不起头。一阵风吹过,掀起起伏的绿海,美丽极了。 Haidian Park's rural corner is also very pleasant. This autumn, there grow golden rice, like a golden sea. The heavy ears are too heavy to bear the straw. A gust of wind blows, setting off the ups and downs of the green sea, which is extremely beautiful.

34、熏衣草那紫色的小花在空调输送的、清爽的凉风中也轻轻地向我摇曳着,好像等着我赶快把它领回家里去。 Lavender that purple flowers in the air conditioning delivery, cool breeze gently swayed to me, as if waiting for me to quickly take it home.

35、爱是一个组合的爱,你知道我的心,心有灵犀,爱是我的生活,改变你的生活幸福的愿望,爱是繁荣的依赖性更强,在支持领域的逆境。 Love is a combination of love, you know my heart, the heart is sharp, love is my life, the desire to change your life happiness, love is more dependent on prosperity, adversity in the field of support.

36、父亲,你对我做的一切,我双手接下。我知道,在你心中,我不懂事,不听话。但是,你放心,我一定用我的心,我的情。如你一般,虽白头,心依存! Father, I'll take everything you've done to me. I know, in your heart, I don't understand and obey. But, you rest assured, I will use my heart, my feelings. Like you, although white, the heart depends on!

37、田野里,稻子一片金黄,在秋风中,翻起了金色的波浪,棉花苞笑裂了嘴,吐出雪白的棉花。白菜绿油油,风儿吹来,摇摇摆摆,好像在跳集体舞。 In the field, the rice is golden. In the autumn wind, the golden waves turn up. The cotton bud laughs and cracks its mouth, and spits out the white cotton. The cabbage is green and the wind is blowing. It seems to be dancing together.

38、真正的幸福正如此,愈深愈无声。天地间每一个角落都传递着幸福的信息,它让我们感悟到:幸福的世界真好! True happiness is just like this, the deeper the more silent. Every corner of the world conveys the message of happiness. It makes us realize that a happy world is so good!

39、秋姑娘慢慢地来到了,把大地打扮得一片金黄。地上的小草黄了,像披上了一条黄地毯,树上的叶子黄了,一阵秋风吹来,一片片叶子像一只只彩蝶在空中翩翩起舞。 Autumn girl came slowly and dressed the earth in gold. The grass on the ground is yellow, like wearing a yellow carpet, the leaves on the tree are yellow, a gust of autumn wind blows, and the leaves are like a butterfly dancing in the air.

40、美丽是平凡的,平凡得让你感觉不到她的存在;美丽是平淡的,平淡得只剩下温馨的记忆;美丽又是平静的,平静的只有你费尽心思才能激起她的涟漪。 Beauty is ordinary, so ordinary that you can't feel her existence; beauty is plain, so plain that only warm memories are left; beauty is calm, so calm that only you spare no effort to arouse her ripples.

41、节制是生活的艺术。如果你能节制烟酒,节制喜悲,节制贪欲,节制冲动,那么,你的生活就会充满阳光。 Abstinence is the art of life. If you can control alcohol and tobacco, joy and sorrow, greed and impulse, your life will be full of sunshine.

42、运动使人充满生机活力,音乐使人充满浪漫快乐,思考使人充满智慧理智。 Sports make people full of vitality, music makes people full of romantic happiness, thinking makes people full of wisdom and reason.

43、雨越下越大,往远处看去,好象一块灰幕遮住了视线,灰蒙蒙一片,树啊,房子啊,什么也看不见。 It rained harder and harder. Looking into the distance, it seemed that a gray curtain covered the sight. It was gray. Trees, houses, nothing could be seen.

44、青春年华里,我曾以为天涯是我永远的温暖,曾不顾一切地抛下思念,抛下守候,带上执着与信念,拨开重重迷雾,披荆斩棘;但,才发现,我早已迷失。 In my youth, I used to think that the end of the earth is my eternal warmth, I left my missing and waiting recklessly, I took persistence and faith with me, I got rid of many mists and cut through thorns, but I found that I had been lost.

45、青春,自豪的年龄;青春,骄傲的年龄;青春,不可思议的年龄。为了我们的青春,喝彩! Youth, proud age; youth, proud age; youth, incredible age. Cheers for our youth!

46、面对着苍茫的群山,面对着无际的原野,面对着清澈的小溪,面对着芳郁的野花,面对着浅浅的草叶,我沉默,我惊叹,我欣喜,我欢乐,我无言。 Facing the vast mountains, the boundless wilderness, the clear stream, the fragrant wild flowers, the shallow grass leaves, I am silent, I am amazed, I am happy, I am happy, I have no words.