1、一个人不孤单,想一个人才孤单。 A person is not alone, want a talent alone.

2、不要那么傻的爱,只要你在就好。 Don't be so silly love, as long as you are there.

3、世态人情,可作书读,可当戏看。 It can be read as a book or seen as a play.

4、久病才知道谁爱你,深醉便知你爱谁。 When you are ill, you will know who you love. If you are drunk, you will know who you love.

5、亲爱的,我不会再打扰你了。 Honey, I won't disturb you any more.

6、人的生活中总会有一些不顺心。 There is always something wrong in people's life.

7、你们都会有一个幸福的结局。 You will all have a happy ending.

8、你住在光里,带着星和月的气息。 You live in the light, with the smell of stars and the moon.

9、你将来会成大器的,好好努力吧。 You will be a great success in the future. Try hard.

10、你的眼睛真好看,里面只适合装我。 Your eyes are so beautiful. It's just for me.

11、你给的那个方向,却让我永远迷了路。 You give that direction, but let me always lost the way.

12、你衣上的花样,我都还记得。 I remember all the patterns on your clothes.

13、你说你会哭,不是因为在乎。 You say you cry, not because you care.

14、借箭十万,戒不了对你的思念。 With a hundred thousand arrows, I can't stop missing you.

15、做一个渣女,开最野的车,泡最帅的崽。 Be a scum girl, drive the wildest car, and bubble the most handsome cub.

16、关于爱你这件事,就到此为止吧。 Let's call it a day about loving you.

17、听说最美的不是你,是你的名字。 It is said that the most beautiful is not you, but your name.

18、好久不见,你还是,我喜欢的样子。 Long time no see. You still look like I like.

19、如果爱你是错的,我宁愿错一辈子。 If it's wrong to love you, I'd rather be wrong for a lifetime.

20、就像电影那么美,但主角不是我。 It's like a movie, but it's not me.

21、弦,思华年。那些年华,恍然如梦。 String, the year of Sihua. Those years, suddenly like a dream.

22、思秋水,念伊人,咫尺天涯媲鸳鸯。 Miss autumn water, read Yi people, close to the end of the world, like mandarin duck.

23、愿天上的每一个流星,都为你闪耀天际。 May every meteor in the sky shine for you.

24、愿山有木兮卿之意,昨日星辰恰似你。 May the mountain have the meaning of wood Xi Qing, yesterday's stars just like you.

25、我不是温柔人,却为你做尽了温柔事。 I'm not a gentle person, but I've done something gentle for you.

26、我们在一起,你负责宠我,我负责可爱。 We are together, you are responsible for spoiling me, I am responsible for lovely.

27、我假装坚强,掩饰心底的伤。 I pretended to be strong to cover up the hurt in my heart.

28、我听过秋水泠泠,却不及你呢喃。 I've heard of the cool autumn water, but not as you whisper.

29、我在这头念你,你我永远都不要分离。 I miss you at this end, you and I will never be separated.

30、我对自己也很嘲笑,能说到却做不到。 I also laugh at myself, can say but can't do.

31、我想大声告诉你,你一直在我世界里。 I want to tell you out loud that you have always been in my world.

32、我想抓紧你的手再也不分开。 I want to hold on to your hand and never separate again.

33、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to the ancient rare.

34、我没什么特别的,就是特别喜欢你。 I'm nothing special, just like you very much.

35、我爱你的心永远不变,直到海枯石烂! I love your heart forever, until the sea is dry and the stone is rotten!

36、我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 My world, I can understand it by myself.

37、我的心在树上,你喜欢的话可以摘。 My heart is in the tree, you can pick it if you like.

38、我的新式浪漫,就是一个人望着蓝天。 My new romance is looking at the blue sky alone.

39、所有的秒回,都是期盼已久的等待。 All the seconds back are waiting for a long time.

40、据说因为太想念,才会在梦里相见。 It is said that because I miss you too much, I will meet in my dream.

41、无论怎样,你的眼里只有她。 Anyway, you only have her in your eyes.

42、早请示晚汇报,老婆随叫随到。 Ask for instructions early and report late. Your wife is on call.

43、明明你就站在我面前,却如同隔世。 Clearly you stand in front of me, but like the next generation.

44、曾经发了疯的想,如今拼了命的忘。 Once a crazy thought, now desperate forget.

45、曾经的海誓山盟,如今那破碎的我。 Once the oath, now the broken me.

46、未有得你的允许,我都会爱下去。 Without your permission, I will love.

47、比起天黑和鬼,我更担心你伤心皱眉。 I'm more worried about your frown than darkness and ghosts.

48、毕业了,也就少了份快乐的日子。 After graduation, there will be less happy days.

49、爱你的人,舍不得你太吃苦。 Those who love you are reluctant to bear your hardships.

50、爱情不再纯粹,倒数记时不如结束。 When love is no longer pure, it is better to end by counting down the time.

51、白首壮心驯大海,青春浩气走千山。 Bai Shou is determined to tame the sea and walk thousands of mountains in his youth.

52、相守相望的是眼,知冷知热的是心。 It is the eyes that keep each other and the heart knows the cold and the heat.

53、行千山,涉万水,相思路上泪两行。 Line Qianshan, involving Wanshui, Acacia road tears two lines.

54、记忆的拼图,拼凑一个完美的你。 The jigsaw of memory, piece together a perfect you.

55、走私货的爱情我想触碰但又怕受伤。 I want to touch the love of smuggled goods, but I'm afraid of being hurt.

56、过往的青春,诉写白纸般的纯真。 The past youth, write white paper like innocence.

57、遇见你之后,我才知道过去都孤独。 After I met you, I knew I was lonely.

58、那些,还用的着再强调吗?多勉强。 Those, still use to emphasize again? How reluctant.

59、除了我之外,你不可以有别的神。 You can't have another God except me.

60、风月如我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。 The wind and moon is like my Acacia Bureau. How can I miss each other.